Mile Morale rides on the side of a plane for hours

>Mile Morale rides on the side of a plane for hours

Wouldn't he freeze?

Why not just use his stealth and invisibility to hide inside the bay? This seems rather uncomfortable.


I can understand not being able to pay for the airplane travel but the fucking trains? Jeez, I thought they were trying to stop writing characters as stereotypes?


Because the visual is funny. Man you guys are funless nitpickers.

Yeah, no. That shits stupid.

There's plenty of reasons why that wouldn't be possible for even Spiderman

>Below freezing temperatures.
>Unbreathable, high altitude air.
>300km+ winds would cause damage.

Magical space spider powers he can breath in a vacuum and survive freezing temperatures.

Does Bendis even remember that Miles can turn invisible (in shadows)?

Yeah, that really doesn't make much sense.

Remember how Miles can turn invisible? The only writer who cares about him doesn't.

Because Bendis characters are all invincible with zero personality and loved by everyone.

He just used the venom blast on the cold so it couldn't hurt him anymore.

Marvel isn't fun, you fucking liar.

That is probably because of his suit that was created by shield.

Through it could be his spider-DNA that help him heal and fight the cold.

Superheroes hitch rides all the time. In fact USM Peter was smart enough to stow away inside the plane.

>black "hero" flat out steals rides
Ultimate gib.

i didn't know train hopping was a black sterotype.

maybe you should stop reaching so far to see the racism in everything user.

Still beats flying coach

That shit actually looks fun.

Wouldn't he suffocate from lack of oxygen if he was t already freezing to death, besides that's hours up there man

Spiderforce, man, ain't gotta explain shit.

you know how some people never pay for movies or tv and pirate everything even if they have a job? capes are like that but with transportation

They don't think it be like it is, but it do.

>go to japan
>don't know japanese
Good thing everyone speaks english

That's just ridiculous

Miles probably got peter parker translator.

And wouldn't he be creating a significant amount of drag? They ground flights for getting ice buildup on the hull for that exact reason.

With absolutely no knowledge in any subject even remotely related to your question I'd say that more because of buildup on the wings not the fuselage.
Or fears something might break off in flight and harm the engines.