>Australia landmass: 7.692 million km2
How can manlets even compete?
>Australia landmass: 7.692 million km2
How can manlets even compete?
Other urls found in this thread:
You guys don't even live on half of your continent.
>7.692 million km2
lmao 9.985 million km2 masterrace coming through
I'll show you BIG
What's the point of having so much clay if not even a third of it is livable?
Half of your shitty country is a a desolate wasteland filled with money-people. Atleast the manlet countries have some cool shit in them
Very nice leaf, I'm proud of you, my shitposting bro.
We can make it viable if we want to you nigger.
>china's quarry
WOW, with all that land and resource they must be the most advanced civilization on earth!
Then why don't you do it desu
>We can make it viable if we want to you nigger.
Why aren't you?
Housing prices are outrageous there, it seems like a logical thing to do. Most of the land is already useful for cattle grazing, I'd imagine some other things can be done there as well.
Wow, looks to me like you have room for mass immigration.
Nice I've been thinking about immigrating, DEFINITELY going to come since you guys seem to have a ton of space.
Isnt most of that shit sand tho? Thats like bigging up canada russia and greenland evem though they have shittons of ice (that is melting).
Theres resources under that wasteland, Juan. Straya's mining industry is up there
You forgot Alaska abbo-fucker
We will in the future when Australia becomes a world superpower
Right now we got bigger things to worry about m8
You left out Alaska.
Alaska alone is like 1/3 the size of Australia
Where's Alaska in your comparison pic?
You will never EVER be a superpower if you don't have a huge population
FACT: united states is the most biggest country on the planet
Bigger things like shitposting online? Go dig a well and start building a house in the middle of the dessert right now aussie.
Its actually more like this
Leafs are welcome..in Melbourne. You guys aren't too bad desu.
Manlet detected.
You're right I forget your platform shoes! M A N L E T
Canacuck pls. Half of that shit is ice and Kekbec wants to leave.
When weather change inevitably occurs the inner Australia will be lush as fuck
Go long on the Simpson Desert
We're bigger
The middle part is the abo containment area
>picture of the earth shows the United States
Not without your platform shoes (ALASKA)
Haha suck shit manlet!!
Theres oil under that ice field. We have yet to get a PM willing to invest in getting it because it wouldnt become profitable within their own reign
at least we use that shit for getting oil the fuck you gonna do with abbo grease and sand?
our version of the outback is habitable.
What about private companies?
I dare you to come here, hire a car, and drive towards the middle without looking into it at all. I fucking dare you.
>not posting the real map of Australia
Get #rekt leaf
we even have more ice then you.
you failed to include alaska, faggot vegemite eating manlet.
BBC: Big Bad Canada.
>south america
dude weed lmao
We let privates go to town on the resources. The common people get very little. A couple of wealthy families develop and the rest of the benefit goes to countries buying our resources. 3rd world economy at it's finest.
>you failed to include my platform shoes
holy shit this manlet desperation
we could have also included the AAN as well you manlet.
stay cucked amerishart hahaha
Fucking NEET that is Coontown not Spicville
are you retarded?
>mfw Emus aren't the only flightless bird aussies have to worry about
That's rich coming from you, Brazil
>Big Black Continent
Except those lands can be easily settled,they're abundant in resources.
>but muh amazon
>muh trees
>burger geography
>Mfw Russian's havent posted yet and are probably lurking
Rate my meme.
HMMM sure is a lot of room for refugees, guess you werent full after all.
yes four
Yes, it is truly massive, but what have you done with it? It's like having a gigantic house with a cot next to the bathroom as the only piece of furniture.
what a waste.
Australia would be an awesome place to go roam around and shoot guns at shit and try not to get killed by all the dangerous animals. Basically it's like being in an Arizona the size of the continental US.
But you guys cucked yourselves after 1 mass shooting and haven't looked back. We have shootings like that 10-20 times a year and can still own almost any gun we want. What gives?
>Look look
>We got parts of Antarctica
>We big in the down unders!
Eat some emu shit peasant.
What use is that landmass if most of it is full of wasteland and spiders that cause your balls to drop off?
The middle of Australia is a desert. No one wants to live in a desert mate.
nice faked moon landing mart sharter
>those red dots in the middle
What's so special that a ton of people live there?
Fuck off faggot, the desert is comfy as fuck.
t. Southern Arizona
Australians have chosen to flee to the frigid continent to avoid their eventual extinction by their Emu overlords.
whoa i didnt know that :)
thankyou for alerting my history
>hire a car
its a popular thing to hire cars while on holiday, basement burger
the maps are not correct. the southern hemisphere is smaller scale on maps they are bigger irl
no mountains, bunch of shitty land, not much water
shit-tier continent
if you ignore Sup Forums shitposting for a second africa is fucking huge.
shit-tier continent
you mean rent a car?
you hire a person, not a vehicle.
or is that criminal slang?
You're a big guy.
Your autism is showing, 60%
tell me more about australia
4 u
The blue area looks pretty roomy.
Go for a swim, friend.
If you go out into the country there's gun everywhere. Roaming around aimlessly shooting shit is a common hobby.
It fucking sucks though because pretty much everything remotely fun is banned. Hope you like plinking with manual repeaters and nothing else.
still fuller then your mom
724 make more PA memes, they're the best
Texas is bigger than that shit m8.
oh fuck aussies get btfo
lol this
I think The Inbetweeners 2 redpilled the world on this
>Please Neil
>You're right I forget your platform shoes! M A N L E T
Alaska here. We want nothing to do with stupid lower 48 fucks.
>largest country on Earth thread
>posts moon
OP this thread belongs in Sup Forums, you're boardsliding Sup Forums related threads
>American writes "desert" as "dessert"
the jokes write themselves
>not knowing about shale oil
when the tech hits we have more oil flow ready to go than Saudi Arabia