Who else regrets supporting him in 2012?
Who else regrets supporting him in 2012?
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Literally who?
Ughhh, I do. Where was all the sperging 4 years ago? My theory is that he regrets selling out with Bill Weld and is trying to tank the campaign.
Was watching a few videos today and one of them was of the 2012 Republican debate when he was still there and he sounded rational compared to now.
What the hell happened to him in four years?
Al Leppo
>yfw Gary Johnson can't get that sweet sweet 5%
Nope. Fuck Mitt Romney
Why didnt u faggits vote ron paul in 2012?
I'm just embarrassed for the party that Trump comes around and puts forward more Libertarian policies than anyone in their party had, other than lmao weed.
I've said for some time political libertarians are a joke. Reduce back to a controllable republic, then bust out of the system
Haunts me every day
Yep. I was protest voting against Mitt Romney. I should have just wrote Ron Paul in.
Anyone who is stupid enough to support the Libertarian party is too stupid to have regrets.
"Yes, we support TPP and we loved the war in Iraq. We're the Libertarian party! We're totally libertarian and not just a bunch of absolute retards who are willing to endorse any policy position on Earth as long as it can help us get weed legalized."
hahaha, no
Because he got up to >10% support then had it all come crashing down. He thought he actually had a chance at the presidency. lol
he's self destructing in his failure
This is what happens when you smoke too much weed. I don't have one friend that smokes daily for 5+ years that doesn't have these episodes.
lol are you fucking high? Trump hasn't said a single libertarian thing his entire campaign
Not me.
But I don't know why the fuck those retards nominated him again. Libertarians pls.
>should have wrote
Where do you live, I'll fight you in real life
Deeply regret it although I never supported him, just voted out of protest since Ron Paul lost
>I voted for Obama in 2012
I'm not proud of it, I was an edgy liberal back then, life complete turned around in 2013 due to me turning my life around.
no. its time for you to stop posting. newfriend
He seems like he honestly doesnt support half the things he advocates
School vouchers and mandatory term limits have been on the party agenda forever.
Shows you know nothing in two cases.