So that's it huh, we're sum kinda x-force
Drew Goddard To Direct, Write ‘X-Force’ With Deadpool Leading Black Ops Force At Fox
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OH BOY! I can't wait for 2 hours of Deadpool shitting on all the other characters and how they aren't as popular as him!
Cable, Deadpool, Domino and who else? Gambit?
they couldn't lure Jackman out of retirement with a dump truck full of money?
The Deadpool spinoffs begin.
>Fox has set Drew Goddard to write and direct X-Force, the X-Men spinoff film that revolves around Deadpool and Cable leading a Black Ops force of down and dirty mutant warriors who are far more ruthless than their X-Men counterparts. Kinberg, Ryan Reynolds and Lauren Shuler Donner are producing. Goddard is next directing for Fox Bad Times at the El Royale with Chris Hemsworth and Jeff Bridges, but he has already cracked the script and will roll right into X-Force when he is finished.
>Reynolds’ Deadpool will for sure be the centerpiece of X-Force, and when Kinberg discussed the property publicly, he added Cable as a major component. Josh Brolin is playing the character in Deadpool 2.
>Getting Goddard is a coup for the studio. He has been destined to spearhead a superhero franchise for a long time. Aside from launching the Daredevil series for Netflix, Goddard wrote to direct The Martian, but stepped aside for Ridley Scott to instead direct his script for the Spider-Man villain spinoff The Sinister Six, until that film was scrapped for the new iteration of the webslinger. Now Goddard has his franchise.
Sony must be fuming right now
Wow, it took absolutely nothing for Fox to fold completely to Reynolds.
I'm glad for him Deadpool panned out after everything, but now it feels like an empty victory. Fox could have used it as a learning experience and stepped up their game with the rest of their properties, instead they're just doing another Jackmanverine and handing over the steering wheel to whoever's already successful.
What gets to me is...what if Deadpool 2 is a letdown? People are already overhyping the sequel, and let's be honest, a good majority of sequels to comedic properties tend to fall flat. The original director already left the set, and they got a stunt woman killed. I would not be surprised if Deadpool 2 is Reynolds letting the fame get to his head and he just goes "People want more sex and violence, and that's what we'll give them!"
Disney is NEVER going to get the X-Men and I'm glad since Fox is actually embracing the characters in a way Disney never would.