Is he the best black actor alive?

Is he the best black actor alive?

If not, who's better?

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Denzel has more range.

I like the guy from Boogie Nights

Idris Elba

Stop calling him a Black man, just call him Morgan and he can call you user.


> I'm not a black
> I'm OJ


Not while Cosby is still alive.

Came here to post it. Love Morgan Freeman but Denzel is a more talented actor.

Samuel L mother fucking Jackson

His performances are boring af.

Nelson Mandela was a politician, not an actor.

Nah. Apartheid was kino.

>Glory, Philadelphia, Flight, Malcolm X, Training Day, Hurricane, Man on Fire, Fences
>boring performances
Nah. He's got plenty more that can be used to counter that too. None of those are boring and he always hits the right heights with his performances. The greatest criticism I can say of his career is that it's bullshit he won over Russell Crowe as JFN in the year they also gave it to Halle Berry and Sidney Poitier. Otherwise, he's had a spectacular career.

tv niggas be hatin' on him, but Jamie Foxx is the best one
>Collateral - kino
>Miami Vice - kino
>Ali - black jew kino
>Ray - goofy, but his impression of Ray in on point
>In Living Color

But he's an honorary White man.
Would allow into my Ethnostate.

He's not even an actor.
Literally every character he's ever played has had the same characterization, speech pattern (slow and articulated), appearance ect.

He may appear in movies and deliver lines, but let's not pretend he acts.

He speaks.

He's a speaker.

Denzel Washington>Djimon Hounsou>Lawrence Fishburne>James Earl Jones>Don Cheadle>Jamie Foxx>Samuel L. Jackson>a bunch of other blacktors

Michael Kenneth Williams is better so is Jeffery Wright

To skip Morgan Freeman like this is pretty dishonest. Also Sam Jackson and Foxx are way too low.

craig david

even has a better voice

That`s not a bad list actually

Give one actual Morgan Freeman performance where he played anybody other than Morgan Freeman.

The only real argument for freeman is to slot him above either Cheadle or Foxx, and I disagree on both counts. Aside from Street Smart, he plays the same character in the majority of his roles. Reasonable arguments could be made to place Foxx over Cheadle though.


Freeman plays the same character in every movie

no love for Forest Whitaker around here

came here to say that.
Still Mogan is better in funny roles

And voiceovers. titty sprinkles.

I love Samuel L. Motherfucking Jackson

james earl jones when he actually tries

My current top tier in no order

Denzel Washington
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Laurence Fishburne
Don Cheadle
Idris Elba
Jeffrey Wright
Forest Whitaker

This to me is the current top tier. While other guys below them are entertaining as fuck at times like Jackson or have the Legacy like Freeman they just don't show enough range or layers in their performance consistently.

Don't forget Eli and Equalizer

Robert Downey Jr.

Anthony Mackie was pretty good in Hurt Locker and Pain&Gain

Terrence Howard is black, right?
he's great. heard he's batshit insane and hard to work with but still

Jeffery Wright tho