You have ten seconds to explain why you don't love this man for time and time again exposing the Jews for the evil they are.
Mel Gibson: BTFOing Kikes Since 1956
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying I don't
I've been surreptitiously posting on Times of Israel's Facebook post's with "Mel Gibson has been right all along" and never get banned, yet get many likes by those who understand the meaning of my message. He is a great man, and doesn't put up with the kikes or the niggers, either. He doesn't like wild packs of them.
Like he famously said, "Jews are responsible for all the problems in the world."
Watching The Patriot rn. He is a true one.
I believe he is related to me actually. My uncle looks just like him. Jaw line, eyes, hairline, etc.
I am Czech and German. What is his background?
I duno, I think the 1 billion Papists moaning about da Joooos century after century are the real enablers.
Makes you how he was Hollywoods biggest star for a time when he's very anti-Semitic. Either he hid it well or hr made them tons of dough
He came up with the term "oven dodger" which is pretty hilarious.
Already bought my ticket for hacksaw ridge
No argument from me burger man. My love for Melvin has no limits.
Slightly disappointed that he had to suck up to hollywood kikes to get work again, but i understand the man has to get paid somehow. God Bless that lovely aussie
Every one of his movies is a redpill
>Apocalypto reminds us of all the degeneracy the white man eradicated from the American continents
>Passion of the Christ enlightens the Christians of America to wake up and realize the Jews have been playing us like a damn fiddle ever since
>Braveheart tells the story of a hero who was great not because he won the war, but for how he fought the battle - history is written by the victors and it's easy to forget the importance of figures like William Wallace and how they inspired greatness
>The Man Without A Face kinda lost me but shit was real
Even the movie where he lost his daughter to the large corporation that murdered her with nuclear waste.
I forgot the name, but he was a Boston PD detective.
Movie was a redpill.
Excited to see Hacksaw Ridge
The Edge of Darkness I think its called. The company was part of the military industrial complex.
They say his latest movie is so good even the echobergs praised it.
Still one of the greatest things I've ever heard.
That faggot Jew from game chumps apperantly doesn't like him
I'm a misanthrope, I don't love anyone really. Jews, Christians, whites, blacks, they are all scum to me.
I want to get as far away from all of you, as possible.
I doubt he's red pilled though. he just grew up being told to hate a certain group so thats just what he does, without any thought or research put into it
Don't think he was in that one, but he was in the movie Conspiracy Theory, which has shit like black helicopters, MKULTRA, and LSD interrogation.
It'll pass when you realize this place is a prison and we're all we've got.
lel, you know you crave some sort of human contact and Sup Forums works for you. Now go post something less faggoty in another thread.
>TFW we watched the Patriot in AP American History in Canadian Highschool
>without any thought or research put into it
The irony
He seems to kill a lot of English in his movies
Its hard gong back to being a normie when you've swallowed the true redpill.
Irony indeed.
I met him once. Hes not a midget like other Hollywood actors
Hes anti gun ownership
You forgot Signs
>(illegal) aliens invade America
If only we could be so lucky to get this handsome devil after Trump! Mel Kikes on Spikes Gibson
kinda...he was born in the States but grew up in Australia. Part of a pretty hard-core Catholic sect that doesn't recognise the second Vatican conference where the Pope decided to forgive the Jews for killing JC.
I really want to watch Gibson's new movie NOW
Hacksaw Ridge
holy shit
wtf my waifu is a jewess?
He's a good man
>tfw almost born on the same day as my man Mel
no one can stand up to his catalogue of sucess. even after he pissed of the jews he financed his own movies and made like a billion dollars. the man is amazing. the mel tape are fucking hillarious and you can tell his wife or ex wife is the biggest laziest cunt in the world and she fucking hot. my favorite is the oppie and ant and patrice commenting on the tapes. this man has single handedly stood up to the jews in hollywood
>korean man
>sees another great man
>we almost have the same star sign
You are superstitious and stupid peaple, no wonder the evangelicals made a meal out of you...
I love Mad Mel.
One of two Mel movies I didn't like, but that was Roland Emmerich's fault.
>Jews are responsible for all the problems in the world.
Mel's been known to exaggerate. Jews are 'only' responsible for about 98% of the world's problems.
Btw, Mel is about 10 times the actor Stallone or Schwarzy is, who raise money for shitsrael's murdering hordes.
You know who made that, right?