Will this faggot cost Trump the election?
Will this faggot cost Trump the election?
whatever happens we need to dump on mormons as much as possible when the election is over. dont let their transgressions be forgotten
Nobody actually votes for third party candidates, they just do it in polling to make a statement. People would only vote for that guy to not let Trump in, if they don't want Trump why wouldn't they just vote for Hillary? That bald cuck isn't even going to come close to winning Utah.
Fucking this.
Romney, Glenn Beck, McMullin, Rick Wilson, etc. Mormons are basically white Jews and cucks.
post em
literally who?
>tfw too intelligent to vote for either trump, clinton, johnson or stein
Remember it was legal to KILL mormons in many states up until 1976.
Probably gonna leave the church after this.
I don't want to, but this bullshit was unacceptable, unforgivable, and hypocritical.
for me, it is the mcmuffin, the best presidential candidate
Nah senpai stay in the Church until you marry a Mormon QT. Mormon girls are top-tier.
I don't think you understand your own church's doctrine, family
It's not about him getting votes.
The concern is that, if Trump and Hillary tie, congress will choose him.
Gary Johnson
Who is this
Oooooo I member
Amazing how some CIA agent can sweep in out of nowhere and nab a significant portion of the Mormon vote.
Mormons are too stupid to be jews.
How can we meme this guy out of existence? Aren't his parents left-wing lesbians? Shouldn't Mormon's hate that?
I thought about that too.
I know this 10/10 redhead that is a virgin, and I have a fantasy of marrying her, and then fucking her in the ass before I take her pussy virginity.
Might have to hold out until that happens Aussy-kun
Good job on not just stopping, but banning the boats entirely.
The jewish media has elevated him in polls, anyone so indistinctive looking never wins shit but he might steal votes from Trump.
Like I said, he isn't getting Utah. Show me a reasonable electoral college where Trump and Hillary tie otherwise.
>mormons are more oppressed than blacks, women and muslims
Why aren't libs complaining about this?
Remember, Remember, the first of November...
because Mormons heavily campaigned for Prop 8 in CA
Who is this guy?
I thought it was Hillary v Trump v Stein v A Leppo?
Because liberals hate Christians, and Mormons are the most Ultra-Christian Christians--also Christians hate us too. Everyone hates Mormons, even Jews.
Trump being a fucking retard will cost Trump the election
Mormons are just annoying people in general.
Knocking on my fucking door peddling their stupid religion even though my "no solicitors or peddlers" sticker is eye level on the fucking storm door.
Worse that Jehovas witness fags, honestly.
He's only on the ballot in a couple states, people were worried he might win Utah or take enough votes from Trump to let hillary win Utah, but it will never happen.
Is he secretly Shane?
Rick Wilson is Mormon? That explains so much.