>he STILL hasn't been #MeeToo'd
He STILL hasn't been #MeeToo'd
try again
you couldn't tell even if he raped you
Everyone knows Fire Walk With Me was just an excuse for Lynch to fuck Sheryl’s sweet ass for a few weeks. Same with Season 3
He has all the bitches on the leash
Lynch has the "sweet guy" type of autism
>hasn't seen his list of offscreen crimes
Lynch is one sick motherfucker.
Wait is that Kyle on the top right
what did he mean by this?
Where’s the “Lynch is a fucking devil” poster when you need him
>You'll never have comfy dm banters with the spergiest Lynchfu
My life is a joke
> #MeeTooRapedMyDaughter
>tfw your father tells you you shouldn't have children
God damn, that must have hurt.
someone post that pic of his hair
Um can you read, he's saying that he didn't do anything?
How about that one GoFundMe by Sherilynn Fenn a few weeks ago?
Probably seeing a doctor for his fucked up bones
>young Lynch wearing a bomber jacket
I think that's his brother. His brother also played a corpse in season 2.
If anyone is going to do it it'll be Charlyne Yi China man, she has already accused like 4 people of harassment.
david lunch lol
I mean if his literal who brother was involved then Kyle certainly was, how deep does that rabbit hole go??
Meant for
All of his films post-Dune are about how fucked up sexual relations are in Hollywood anyway.
>ywn exchange bantz with David
fuck my life
>you're accusing me of rape? Well, missy, I have news for you. I've already accused YOU of rape.
>on the topic of his place in the recent wave of sexual misconduct allegations in Hollywood, Lynch added, “Stay tuned.”
How can one man be so based
He wont get #meetoo cause actresses love to work with him. Also this "daughter rape" is bullshit and it was denounced by his daughter on instagram.
Just like Laura Palmer protected her father. I’m onto you Lynch
Hello David!
You just KNOW
I've been fully expecting her to accuse either Lynch or the actors that lift her from the booth in her scene any day now.
Her or Laura Dern are the two I’d most suspected to be harrassed by Lynch since he’s obsessed with them but I doubt either would accuse him
>horny mommy begging for his dick
>go away mommy I just want to meditate
naomi watts looks atrocious now
Is this a talentless hacks thread?
L Y N C H E D ! ! ! J E L O U S !!!!!! F A G G O T !!!! How u fell that David Lynch made it again after 10 years break? He BTFO everyone and confirmed that he is easily the best living director.
nah, this is Based, Uncompromising, Unique, Anti-Hollywood, Anti-SJW, Anti-Feminist Director thread.
You introduced yourself nicely :-)
>that definition of hack
>he's never watched The Straight Story
>he's never watched the Elephant Man
>the old reddit switcharoo xd
How can one man be so based??? Lynch is honest fimmaking at peak.
>Mike Patton
This is how wars get started.
>Lou Reed
HAHAHAHA BTFO!!!! How can this Anti-Lynch faggot even recover right now?
For some reason I found her hotter in the Return than I ever did when she was young
Are Lynchfags autistic?
Maybe, but Anti-Lynch fags are even more autistic, because they are clueless
And he wont be. Everyone who worked with him praises him for how well he treated them. I just don't think he's an abusive person.
Those bitches wouldn't dare because of... the implication.
Fenn just raised $10k for a MeToo lawsuit, it’s over for Lynch
Kafka ??? Well I guess you can call him a hack but not talent less
Hi I'm Mike Cernovich and I'm here to talk to you about soy.
Illiterate retard or Peterson parrot
Derrida is a talentless hack though.
>everything iz bad lmao
the state of fucking Sup Forums
Stunning and Brave and Original.
It still amazes me how many newfags this triggers when this image is years old
>ywn smack around a drugged out 90s Sheryl Lee
Let me die in my sleep
Fenn is crazy bitch
That’s what happens to women who bank on their good looks to carry them when they age. Fenn was never a particularly good actress, just a pretty face
How do u know it is against Lynch?