Other urls found in this thread:


>8 years

why are we still here just to suffer


fuck, really?


hiro's Sup Forums is so unmemelike

terrible, no soul, no drama


>I'm still here

Why aren't things like these happening anymore anyways. PUDDI or the Rock is cooking etc. last I remember was pol harbor

>i posted this on my facebook timeline

>8 years ago
One day we will escape from this website

pusi pusi

don't worry, we're here forever

Streambro, PrepareYourAnus, LOST

Those were the days.

remember when Sup Forums was good?


Yeah, when it was filled with anime
I remember when advice dog was first posted

I can see myself leaving only in one case and that's if Sup Forums gets shut down for good.

As long as it stays relatively the same I agree.

There are several things I have invested a gigantic amount of time into, so much that ill never really give it up until it dies. This stupid site is one of them.

Fuck, how much of my life have I wasted here?

This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave Sup Forums. Do anything else.

Fuck man, puddi puddi and BABBY being edited into Sup Forums are some of my earliest Sup Forums memories that i can place and I'm pretty sure I had already been browsing for months or a year by that point. Eight fucking years ago. I was in middle school. Jesus christ.

>make and post reaction image in 2010
>randomly bump into it today
>will likely be outlived and outremembered by a reaction image


excuse me

I made over $100K by listening to /biz/ shitposting though

I know that feeling
>incidentally created a copypasta of sorts on another board back in like 2010
>it quickly became one of the handful of mainstays
>ive watched it go through the cycle of everyone getting the joke and playing along, to new people not recognizing the joke and calling it out, back to it being recognized about every year

ive given up hope that theres anything more than this anywhere else

On a hard drive somewhere I have screenshots I took in 2007, trolling Miley Cyruses hacked myspace page.
People were posting dicks and swastikas and EFG


What the fuck is this soyboy cuck shit?

We used to have fun on this website until people like you decided to make the internet serious business

back to t_d you go

That shit wasn't fun at all.
t. 2007


Fuck off leftypol, Sup Forums has and always will be a Sup Forums board

I think this is the first 'meme' I witnessed being born after discovering Sup Forums. This thing helps me count the time I've spent here.
>8 years

>putting ketchup in the fridge

I remember seeing this on Sup Forums back then and I distinctly remember feeling like the quality of Sup Forums was going downhill and while I appreciated the puddi puddi sticky and music, I just felt like Sup Forums was losing steam.

I'm still here after 13 miserable years.

Puddi puddi is okay for a nostalgia fix

>I just felt like Sup Forums was losing steam.

Sup Forums was, with the chanology cancer and such


I remember when it was more than just a porn board. It was never "good" though.

correct answer, there were good moments though

Fuck off soyboy

Sup Forums did an important job of keeping out newfags who heard came here after hearing about any raid or similar, nowadays Sup Forums is the most frequented board and theyve welcomed these retards eith open arms and by now its too probably too late