Will you let your children get The Mark of the Beast Sup Forums?
Will you let your children get The Mark of the Beast Sup Forums?
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Why not?
Reminder: Apple was set up to usher in the mark of the beast. They sold the first Apple computer for $666.66. Dont believe me? Look it up.
Their logo is an apple with a bite mark. Forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate that would open their eyes.
But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 6And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. 7And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
i remember people talking about this back in 2006 as if it was gonna happen soon. now 10 years later people are still talking as if this is gonna happen soon.
i'm one of jehovahs witnesses & i think you're a blithering idiot.
apple isn't the antichrist buddy but a microchip is a bad idea for a variety of reasons. wozniac was an atheist, liked repeating digits, & it was an almost exact one third markup on $500.
don't you have flat earth calculations to factor in with ancient mayan writings or something
2006? Its been prophesied for YEARS. Technology is rapidly increasing. You can see it coming.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Not happening that soon
Smartphones are the biggest incremental step they have taken towards it
It will be an internet connection 24/7
Without it you will have no ID and you can't buy or sell
"Forced" is semantics. People will want/crave/need the Mark to survive.
I don't have children, so no.
No. I will live in the woods by that point in time. I have already got my own spot of land and cabin when SHTF.
i want you to explain exactly why that sounded like a valid response to someone who just told you they're christian.
i believe in god & that you're an idiot. prove me wrong.
Why would they need to put it in your skin if it weren't obvious they wanted complete and total control over you? What's worse is why would you be welcoming of it? There is nothing to be gained by the chip that a handheld medical device, cell phone, or debit card cannot accomplish. I will sooner die than get the mark.
shitty op doesn't even link
pick one moron.
>jevovahs witness
Come on user arianism got destroyed in the 2nd century. Open a history book. Don't let those kingdom hall clowns fool you
i would accept it once they stop coming out with better versions every 2 months. you would have to be retarded to get implant v1.0
as far as i'm concerned it is smartphones
the technology is in smartphones, but thats not the mark. The mark is IN your hand or your forehead.
If you're a jw then why are you on pol?
stop being stupid and taking things that literal otherwise you'll miss what's right in front of your face like you're doing right now
invest in crypto goyim:^)
If you have a smartphone you are already a cyborg.
i follow christ. as one of jehovahs witnesses. what's your point here?
shut up man i don't bring up the fact that you haven't really enjoyed anything in years & aren't quite sure if this is what life is supposed to be, so don't pick fights about fiddly religious details when that's not even the point of the conversation.
not doing excellently right now. i'll kick the habit of this place eventually & get back to giving it my all soon. or so i tell myself. ama if you want, i guess.
The choice is their own. My oldest is like 4 yrs right now, but I don't give a shit what they do in the future as long as they work all day and save their money well. Surely I'll tell them how I feel (while telling them that it's just a personal opinion) but I'm not going to not love them unless they marry a nigger or something. That's how you get written out of my fucking will, unless you DONT have a kid and devorce before I die
That's gay as fuck. I mean yeah apple is shit but surely you can do better than that
"Derp, mark of the beast is smartphones"
You obviously don't know the New Testament was translated from Greek. Let me educate your dumbass.
stamp, mark.
From the same as charax; a scratch or etching, i.e. Stamp (as a badge of servitude), or scupltured figure (statue) -- graven, mark.
thats not remotely how upc scan codes work...god damn "but i'm woke" people
thats not what it is
as to its specific use I couldnt say but this is where it comes from and what its about
Why would a chip in your hand make you go to hell , i really dont understand this part , the chip does not control you , the chip does not make you sin , call me when a 7 headed beast comes out of the sea then we talk about chips
You are a fucking retard if you think Apple is going to kill cash. Typical of apple to claim they are going to kill cash when cash has already been killed fucking retards. No one uses cash for shit. its safer to carry plastic around
Finally a good reason to wear my tinfoil hat.
The mark of the beast is going to be connecting yourself to the singularity through virtual reality. It's transhumanism via connecting your consciousness with the great machine aka the antichrist
Please take the mark, moron. Do us all a favor.
Oh wow some kind of future science fiction tech, if someone gives me the mark when i dont want to , its still hell time , great plan god
you faggots have been talking about this ever since the fucking bar code trash. What next? Chips? No ones going to get fucking chips until nano technology allows humans super human abilities. Thats not going to happen in our life time shithead.
all the rows equal 111 and the total is 666
quite a coincidence
>i'll kick the habit of this place eventually
Look at my flag and know eve I got stuck here for years
How about permanent neurological/psychological affects of extended daily screen time? Perhaps the amount of vile symbolism pumped into our brains through said screens?
Would you consider those marks to fit the biblical definition?
its been going on for years and guess what just hit the market
chipped pills
the pills have dissolvable chips in them and you tape a reader to your stomach
from what i think i know isnt the mark of the beat everywhere know. i think the mark of the beast is the fact that 80 percent of the population has to do with calcified pineal gland. most of us use our pineal gland to do everything on a spiritual level. because of flouride in the water our diet and calcium accumilation most of the population has a none working pineal gland thus not connected to your higher self and a dick of human being.so you have no conpassion for your fellow human and the world that we have today
I'll be fine. Just need to collect some knives since I lost all my guns in a tragic boating accident.
Straight up retards. Enjoy or Politically Correct, mark of the beast system. Fucking sheep.
>just hit the market
dude you're dense as fuck
the Beast is a metaphor for the (((banks))) and the Jews' shekel based system. because like a beast, it consumes everything in its path.
its about that magic square thing
I dont know what it does but thats where it comes from
I promise
this is primitive tech already/
>it's another "Christian says something is true because he said it is and backs it up with vague bible references
what the fuck is your problem
>accepts application
i got jws coming to my door once every week, telling me some jesus stuff
question is, are they expecting me to eventually convert or come to their parties or something like that? I don't mind talking to strangers but im not going to buy anything. Are they after my soul or my money? Both?
holy fucking shit you are dumb
I've been a christian longer than you have I've went on fucking many missions trips my grandma was extremely religious and so is everyone in my family. I've been indoctrinated into that shit for many many years. On many occasions I was subjected to many movies and church preachers discussing this shit. You keep finding bullshit so you can squeeze in your little mark of the beast bullshit into fucking anything that fits it. Go fuck yourself.
OOOH IS ME! Jebus is coming back and you'll either get the mark or you'll get your fucking head chopped off for not accepting the fucking anti-christ. Go kill yourself that way you can be closer to him.
August 1, 2012
is this the kind of quality research I can expect from all your posts?
What's this? SSImeme chip?
Do you not understand what "hit the market" means
literally what the fuck is wrong with you two
Just realized you fucking just referenced a damn movie. Glad you get all your information from kike movies
>Posts video that has no proof to back up his claims
>Channel name is WhitePeopleAre Edomites
The number of the beast is 616, fucktards.
I'll hold out for the second gen to let them test the bugs first
Its called predictive programming. The same jews that push for white people to get blacked.
Wake up retard.
"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
>They sold the first Apple computer for $666.66.
so the mark is the pc and no the chip?
are we all fucked up?
Do they still leave holes for decades, or did they fix the stasis?
Are you retarded? This shit about injecting chips has been around for fucking YEARS! Rumors about in the Evangelical groups have been swirling down the shittier for years i would hear and discuss this shit OH NO THEY ARE PUTTING THE CHIPS INTO DOGS NEXT THING YOU KNOW THEY'LL PUT IT IN INMATES THEN NEXT THING THEY'LL PUT IT IN FUCKING KIDS AND THE NEXT THING WILL ALL BE IMPLANTED!
Its been like this for years its fucking nothing new at all and when alex jones talked about it wasnt fucking new then either. Shits old as fuck and it'll never fucking happen people are to aware of it and scared of it for it to have any practical use outside of people opting to have there medical records on them at all times.
read the article idiot
Repent now and all shall be forgiven!
, having kids.
Shit taste, should be focusing on your own longevity instead of raising ingrate bloodsuckers.
and thats just what I fucking said
I made two points
stop fucking talking to me idiot
Wow, surprised how many good goys are on Sup Forums now willing and ready to get chipped for their masters
this sites really gone to shit
Where in that video does it mention the chip being the mark of the beast?
It's obvious you have a double digit IQ.
no you
>Sep 14, 2015
>If approved by the FDA
its like pulling teeth with you two
>synagogue of Satan.
i swear to fuck take your crazy ass /x/ tier garbage somewhere else.
you made no points retard
you cant redpill all of em, at least people can say they tried
>you made no points retard
yeah I did faggot
>no one will get chips
thats what you said but they've been doing it for years with all kinds of stuff even for pets
Do you not see what the world is turning into? a PC, Godless, cashless(soon), one world currency(soon).
Are you fucking blind? Stop jerking off to anime and eating hot pockets. Do some fucking research.
greetings ctr
>tfw super excited for the nano machine future
>tfw my religion says it'll send me to hell
yes because not wanting /x/ tier garbage to slide other threads make me ctr?
You're a fucking idiot. What does any of that have to do with this chip being the mark of the beast?
And don't give me a vague bible verse or link me another bullshit video that doesn't back up your claim.
ok never mind I was wrong but in my defense they gets calls everyday
At least twice a day, a parent calls BrickHouse Security, a Midtown salon of surveillance, with the same question: Is it possible to implant a tracking microchip in their kids? “If we don’t get a call a day,” the company’s CEO Todd Morris told the Observer with a chuckle, “I’ll probably think our phone system’s broken.”
As Mr. Morris explained, it is not currently possible to microchip kids as if they were puppies. The chips behind dogs’ ears are merely barcodes, so they can be identified if they turn up at the pound
Sup Forums has been /x/ for a long while now, you're not going to change this.
And to be honest with how 2016 is turning out it was justified too.
yeah if they're coming regularly then they think you're interested in the religion. they won't ask for money, they will try to talk about the bible for more time when they visit. the idea is that yeah, you join.
if you want them to stop coming, just say. if you want them to NEVER EVER come back, say that too. they won't get offended. although it'll probably do you some good to listen & learn, you filthy barbarian.
Foul beast, this is the true mark your children should have.
Its amazing the kind of crowd Sup Forums has attracted. All of the world's paranoid racist uncles & grandpas came here instead of making incomprehensible posts on Facebook
>im one of jehovahs witnesses
then you are aware you could get disfellowshipped for even posting on a politically active message board such as this.
leave you fucking bot
signed, an apostate who ain't having none of your snarky apologist shit
What is truly amazing that kikebook prefers to post about newest shitty trends while ignoring stuff that can change the course of history
Go change your filter to show your support for paris faggot
>Back up your claims
>Derp, don't use the bible though.
You're pants on head retarded.
>stamp, mark.
and that magic square thing is actually called The Magic Square Talisman of the Sun Demon
people, I don't know who, wore it or could wear it I dunno but as I recall a talisman is something you can wear if you want.
>Everything in the bible is a fact
Let me guess, you would've given me a verse talking about it being on the forehead or wrist, when the video you just used to back up your claim shows it on the back of the hand.
Do you also believe aliens are all demons?
>Do you also believe aliens are all demons?
my fucking JW mom unironically believes this.
and the best part; the thing that brought her to this conclusion was after watching "the Fourth Kind"
I do have it already. I am sure about that.
I don't give a shit whether it's real or not, I will die on my feet for what I believe in
that movie was astonishingly awful
Threadly Reminder: The idea that the Mark of the Beast is an RFID chip is literally fan fiction dreamed up by Christians eager for the world to end, and several relevant parts of scripture.
>Technology is validating the Bible in front of our eyes.....you cannot use ignorance as an excuse on judgment day...you have been warned many times...you will not be saved if you take the mark of the beast...this is the last test of your faith in God and Christ.
Left out a very important word there.
>IGNORES several parts of relevant scripture.