Is she going to be the next big actress? Decent actress, expressive face and willing to go nude unlike prude Stone and Watson
Decent TV show > decent movie with some A listers > nothing for a few years = didn't put out when Harv came knocking
She's done, forget about her, screencap my post
looks like a mtf
even a tranny has a more feminine face than her
weird face
>Decent actress
yea no.
imagine being this gay
Her face was made for facial abuse porn videos.
Sad she's getting CHINKED right now.
She has tourettes. That's why they don't want to have her on talk shows too often, which hurts her exposure.
No, she can't act and has the same dead eyed expression in every role she gets.
Does she randomly shout out the word "nigger" like some of those tourettes kids. That would be hilarious you go on some talk show and shout nigger at everyone.