I'd be willing to bet money on this electoral map
What's actually wrong with this?
Maine might be red. Florida is more of a swing. other than that it looks good.
Very accurate with the exception of IL and MI. They will go red I guarantee it.
PA will not be red. It will be blue.
Election over. 279 Clinton/253 Trump.
If they don't, can I fuck your mom in the ass while you film it?
I can't wait to see you faggots gone in 10 days
I'm willing to wait a bit more to see some newer batch of PA polls, if it's looking anything like how they're currently looking then Trump is RIP in PIP
I've been on Sup Forums since 2006, so you won't see me going anywhere any time soon.
PA and FL give reason to doubt.
I also don't think the utahns won't fuck it up.
>what's actually wrong with this?
The whole, Trump actually winning thing.
>don't think utahns will* fuck it up
Alaska most based state
This map is more fun.
Nice meme CTR shill
>mentions all of those states before PA
am I being baited?
NH is still a tossup
i think he's lost NV by this point
i don't believe for a second that he'll win PA, "muh yard signs" is not any evidence
i think he'll get the one vote out of maine
now onto the aesthetics
OR, WI, CT, DE, WA, CA should all be a shade darker blue, let's not kid outselves
MN should be two shades darker blue
IN, GA, SC, MO should also be a shade darker red
FL should be a shade lighter red
also, does the mormon faggot in utah actually have any chance?
Give PA to Clinton, but MI and UT to Trump, and that's what I think it'll look like.
all anyone needs to know is that whatever ND is voting for, vote for that
Trump wins FL, OH, PA, AND MI
screenshot me
How will Vermont go red but not NH or Maine?
How will Wisconsin go red before Michigan or Penn?
Rest I agree with. Not having a go at you just curious how you worked it out
Hopefully. Shit is getting weird here lately.
realclear just changed PA from lightly dem favored to a toss up
>Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect
NC and PA are hard. Possible, but fucking hard.
Illinois is too corrupt. Chicago is the home of Clinton, Alinsky, Obama, Creamer, etc.
t. Far west suburbs
Vermont will suffer a split vote due to bernouts writing in Sanders, handing Trump a win. I doubt the bernouts will be as damaging in NH or Maine but I could be wrong
Wisconsin and Michigan are basically tossups, but I doubt both will go red. I don't think Pennsylvania can go red
Utah is gray because egg mcmuffin
I could be wrong about all of this, though, its just my 2 cents
It's odd how CT has always been a blue state, and is declared Clintons, but all I see around here is Trump signs and bumper stickers.
You'll lose money faggot because Michigan FOR SURE is going red.
The red PA meme. Philly is a shitskin bulwark. Always has been. Always will be.
North Carolina is red
Michigan fag here.. I second this.
Havin' a rough couple days there bud?
Texas and Cali are not locked in this season they should be lighter shades
Trump up +4 in early voting there.
Illinois is always blue. Even if there weren't millions of spics and niggers in Chicago voting for dems without thinking, you can bet that hundreds of thousands of dead people and other illegal votes would tip the scales. I live in Chicago and I voted for the first time ever in the primaries for Trump and despite it being my first time, they never even asked for my voted registration card. People in this city don't just tolerate voter fraud, they enable it by refusing to check even the most basic of facts to sift out fraud, because they know it would hurt their rotten party. No ID checks, not even making sure that you have a voter registration card; they theoretically look you up in a database and that's it.
why is Utah so undecided
I thought for sure all the mormons were pro-Trump
I say this is the most likely.
>tfw no sleep on election night because we all stay up for the alaska results
NY will be red.
How is Nebraska not a solid red state?
Not even close. Most young and old Mormons are pro-Trump but middle aged people are mostly #cruzmissiles.
t. inactive Mormon
Fucked up the map, this is what i think.
what's actually going there? are the Alaskan people republican or democrats? I know it's a based red state, but the polls show otherwise...
>why is Utah so undecided
>I thought for sure all the mormons were pro-Trump
Independent candidate Evan McMullin is splitting the vote and is leading in the state according to some polls. He's from Utah and is a Mormon.
Mormons are pretty conservative but don't actually like Trump. The state went to Cruz pretty heavily in the primaries despite being fairly late in the primary cycle when a Trump nomination was near inevitable.
They and Maine have a law that winner doesn't take all, unlike other 48 states. It's winner of congressional district gets 1 electoral vote + 2 for overall winner
I live in PA and literally travel across the state everywhere for my job and I see nothing but Trump signs.
There are even anti-hillary billboards along the Pennsylvania turnpike. Legit huge billboards that are owned by the farmers who own the land they are on. The last one I saw had Hillary with a Pinocchio nose sticking out. Also one had Hillary as a Witch for Halloween. A lot of giant Trump signs on farmland too.
No Hillary signs in sight.
The farmers love Trump, the businesses I talk to love Trump, and all the small dead coaltowns are pissed off too.
I literally won't believe that PA will honestly go blue. If it does, the votes are rigged and this is quite a shared sentiment here.
Also we'll burn down Philadelphia.
IL won't, but MI might. The polls over there are so screwy because (((pollsters))) give too much value to niggers from Detoilet that might not even have a high turnout.
She's up by 5 points in the polls. Source below. A lot people make the same mistake thinking that if they see a lot of a candidates ad signs and very little of the other candidates signs, that means the one with the most signs is winning.
That's one good thing about living here. We don't have to stay up late to see election results. After the whole new FBI e-mail thing, I'm sure those numbers will swing back quite a bit, but I'm fucking shocked that we're close to being a blue state. I'd want to fucking die.
We've been red for a long time, but there's a real chance that we might go blue. Fucking retarded.
PA and NC are going blue.
When I went to vote during the Primaries, there were more people in line than I had ever seen in even a General election. I guarantee they weren't there to vote for Hillary.
This, those are not going to trump. Ohio and Florida will definitely be going to trump though
I think that Nevada could go to Trump, but not that it matters. It's too late for Trump to get to 270, even with this whole email controversy.
Yea, he's been polling pretty low for awhile now. Trump has to keep all of Romney's states and win every single swing state. Trump could of won, but he made too many mistakes and too many slip ups. Oh well, Shillary will be beat in 2020 anyway, the country will implode under her.
Pennsylvania is a big prize. Any accurate data about It?
>could of
>I live in X
>And all I see are Trump signs
Every thread.
She's up by a modest amount. If he does something crazy and shillary does something really dumb, he could win it.
I just don't think he's going to win.
nice source CTR
MI could very well go red but IL is the least likely state in the nation to go red.
I haven't even read this thread title or ANY replies, but 'could of' really pisses me off. 'Could of' implies a fundamental lack of understanding of what you are saying. You might as well be writing words out in phonetics.
Polls don't support a strong FL. At the moment it's a tossup/light blue.
PA is not light red, it's a light blue to strong blue.
OH, NC are both toss ups but they lean blue in thepolls. AZ is not strong red it's light blue right now.
Blue Nevada is a stale meme hombre
I think AZ has gone back to light red in recent days. Trump will probably hold AZ, but he'll still lose the election quite convincingly.
A fool and his money are easily parted
You do know real clear politics is right leaning, right? And it doesn't even matter that it is, all they do is collect other polls and report what they say. Thats it, none of the polls are run by them.
Yea Florida could go either way, but i think its going Trump.
Record corrected.
>neocuck leaning
really fires my neurons
imo ctr and groups like it will still exist after the election, they are propoganda plain and simple, ministry of truth, it needs to be outlawed
Trump better hopes it goes red because if he doesn't win it he's toast no matter what happens.
Did you know the Republican party is "right leaning"? That didn't stop them for attempting a coup.
I was in Alaska for two weeks a few months ago, in Juno at least everyone was going blue because they hated Palin, she kind of ruined the republican party up there as much as an individual could without being Hillary levels of bad
>willing to bet money
Well this is your chance. I bet $200
Using the referral link gives you 100% matching on your first bet, instead of 50%
so, a $50 bet on Trump, would count as a $100 bet on Trump, which at the moment is 2-1 odds (a few days ago it was 4-1 odds)
$50 bet gets you $200 if you use the link, $150 without.
in a few days odds will drop again to below 2-1
Philadelphia is going to fuck us all.
Im not sure what you are trying to say?
Even if he does win Florida, theres a really good chance he'll still lose. He needs a fuck ton more than Florida. The map i made shows he can win Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and Georgia, and he still fucking loses.
WI has started allowing people to change their votes, and supposedly many are flocking to do so.
WI will be red.
A lot of people make the mistake of listening to polls whose likely voter model is based on the previous election when Republicans stayed home.
It's not totally red this year?
Florida is reliably red at this point. The old hag never had a chance.
re: neocon what he's saying is that he thinks rcp is aligned with the never-trump wing of the GOP. I.e. the conservatives who are for globalization.
re: florida, yes that was my point. Any victory for Trump must include Florida but without it he's got no path.
>he doesn't know
Sup Forums is ending bro.
This is it.
It's weird knowing Alaska and Texas are even up for debate.
From il here, can confirm they wont. far far to many illegal mexicans here similar to nm voting for shillary as well as the niggers. Also alot of the bernouts are voting ind or shillary as well
How exactly do you believe illegals vote without a social security number?
They don't. And you need more than a social to do that. Illegals don't vote.
Wasn't that just Japanese moot lying to get more money?
The entire state of maine won't go red, but a couple of districts might.
Add 1+ to the map because I know at least one district will.
Who knows?
...buy some more Sup Forums passes!