is this what the bwc does to asian girls?
Is this what the bwc does to asian girls?
lets not objectify the female trump supporters. they are noble women that deserve respect.
Asian women are gross though. A very small amount of them look good without plastic surgery.
sorry chinks they're our girls now
>Asian women are gross though.
only the super flat faced ones and even then some of those are ok
Big white checks are too powerful, indeed.
Stop posting ugly asian girls. God damn white guys have shit taste.
white cock only
make america great again
Out of all the Asians I only like Chinks.
i love america so much. my dream is to one day find a nice american man and settle down and have beautiful hapa children. sorry asian boys
trump has the asian american female vote
our girls
every asian girls dream is a big white cock
Asian women are amazing gtfooh
asian girls are s smart
Why are those houses so close to one another?
white suburbia
every asian girls dream
CAFT is based as fuck, Michigan branch bought a digital billboard on my way home from work! I love CAFT, they make the best spring rolls!
I only feel sorry for the half breed.
mini cocks are mad
ugly? how fucking autistic are you
This is a kike shill slide thread intended to make whites betray their race.