btw, this doesn't factor in blue collar dems that are voting for Trump, nor does it factor in his lead with independents.
Fucking Detroit?!
This was the polling trends in Michigan before the email scandal on Friday. Now this.
I fucking told you Michigan was in play this election boys.
It's beautiful
>those jumps
Is that normal? I've never paid close attention to an election before this, but I keep seeing huge +10 jumps within days in these polls. That must reflect badly on their accuracy right?
Trump said internals are up for Michigan.
See image
>H-heh... Republicans are losing in percent returned... nothing to see here goy
Oh boy is it over. There are more Republicans voting in Michigan ffs.
I would like to believe, im sure it will be close, but obama won the state by 10% so I have more hope for say Wisconsin
Friendly reminder the Obongo-care premiums are released tomorrow.
Is it unusual for R's to win the early vote in Michigan? If so, really good news for Trump
only the final week/ day polls count for their accuracy
so they'll try to make sure those are as accurate as possible; failure means becoming a meme or extinction in the future
this also means they're free to sell narratives until then
No it's not normal at all, just like the ABC poll where Clinton went from +12 to +2 in a fucking week with no news. Their oversampling Dems and women and minorities isn't working and they're fucking panicking. Clinton's numbers depend on how much she pays them.
Michigan user here. Voting trump. First time voter. Havent been polled, dont show up in any of the analytics. MONSTER VOTE INCOMING
Michigander here. I would walk over broken glass and risk Zika to get to the polls and vote for Trump.
would you vote for trump during an alien invasion?
I see what you did there, leaf.
And yes, even if it was just a holographic mirage invasion, I would be at my precinct.
t. Ohio
He's still struggling with early voting in Florida. Don't get your hopes up yet. If he loses Florida, he's fucked.
I dont get it
Obama winning by 10% factors in the huge black turnout in MI though - Factor in Trump's protectionist appeal and black's liking Trump more than they liked Romney, with how completely unenthusiastic people are for Hillary and the state is probably less likely than places like PA and NH, but it's got to be close
What do you mean by this? I know in Arizona they've had a huge spike and the place is now almost guaranteed to be going red?
He's up in early voting in Florida, and every county that hasn't begun early voting yet went to Romney in 2012, some of them by extreme margins. It's not over in Florida, but he's looking shockingly good there.
>before the email scandal
oh shit. she's fucking toast.
Bernie primary supproter voting trump this general election. Why? Because I hate Washington insiders, their corruption, and globalism. Make America great by putting American interest first.
It's very unusual. I was just looking at the results of 2012's early voting numbers. Trump's lead against Hillary is higher than Obama's lead against Romney.
I was surprised that Romney won early voting in PA though.
Official premium % numbers drops on Monday.
>lol the white vote doesn't matter
what did they mean by this?
MAGA friend
Yes, it's complete and utter nonsense. When you factor in the fact that Whites vote percentages are so much higher than other races as well. Seriously, we are like 75% of potential voters. They are just your typical SJW Marxist, muh minorities, dumb cunts.