They say the best cinematic universe is the one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree...

They say the best cinematic universe is the one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the cinematic universe you only have to fire once. That’s how Feige did it. That’s how Disney does it. And... it’s worked out pretty well so far. For your consideration: the MCU.

Bumperino for kino

Is it really?

>so short he has to use the height pallets sitting down

Your right, it should be kinomatic

I just want an Iron Man 4. I don't care for the rest of the MCU.

>2 and 3 are absolute dogshit
>gimme a 4th!

I'm not the user you're replying.
I enjoyed Iron Man 2. The first Iron Man is better.

3 is a pleb filter

>unironically not included the only decent character that actually died

the patrician take


objective ranking

Just want for the return of the dead, like they always do.

>actually died
I was going to dispute this but then I realized you weren't wrong.
Give Agents of Shield a try, it's got more Clark Gregg than you can handle and once it gets past it's Winter Soldier tie in it goes from good to great.

>Agents of Shield

Top fucking kek. Nice try, let that garbage stay right where it is. Out of the mouth and memory of most.

Bumperino for kino

>not 2

Yes. If you liked it, you're a pleb.

Honestly how did they manage to make so many films that no one remembers?

said Lord Plebington-Commonish, the pleb king

strange isn't it?



>good to great
More like shit to decent. The second-half of season two is when it becomes good. And it doesn't really become great until Skye changes her name to Daisy.

AOS is one of those rare shows that mostly increases in quality with each season. Right now it's the best thing in the MCU.

>he needed three crates just to get on top of the stage

I liked the AoS season where they saved the freaking world from Satan while the superheroes were punching each other in an airport.

The McDonald's Fast-Food Universe - brought to you by Disney.

pretty sure most normies remember them just fine. nice try tho

Only Sup Forumstard hate MCU. Everybody loves it and Feige is based.