
So is this another stupid fucking duck video / some loosely connected kike saying nigger a couple times?

Or is this actually the video of Hillary saying pavement monkey to a google's face?

I swear that last duck video was too cringy to watch. I'm tired of this all this buildup and hype only to see nothing in return.

>inb4 ctr

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If it's that fucking Foval faggot or even Bob Creamer talking shit about niggers, O'Keefe should probably kill himself.


literally just going to be some bottom level aides/people literally no one knows about insulting jigaboos. who gives a fuck. o'keefe had zero impact on the election and it's up to the fbi/comey to give clinton what she deserves

OKeefe is a Clinton plant. He overhyped Clinton scandals and released fucking bullshit. Now everyone of the scandals as "Eh it was nothing anyway". He needs to be hanged

everyone thinks of*

When he says "obtained" there, does that mean someone leaked it to him? That doesn't sound like it came out of their undercover investigation.

>implying not Clinton
i knew this would turn out to be a white lie

It will be, otherwise, he wouldnt say "them"


It's nothing. It has to be Hillary. Why don't people get this? Not Weiner, not Human, not Donald Duck, not Podesta. I WANT HILLARY


He says "them" which I take to mean the same dude's he's already taken down.

I want to believe but ever since "Part II" or whatever it was, it just seems like he's dragging it out now.

We want Hillary, but this sort of stuff negatively effects Hillary's chances with undecided normies. O'Keefe's videos aren't for us because we all already know about this shit. His videos are showing the general public the horrible truth that they refuse to hear from us.

>He overhyped Clinton scandals
No, faggots here did. He literally quotes his earlier tweet in this new one. People here just went on spamming "HE HAS TAPE OF HILLARY GOING FULL MOON MAN," which itself was just shitposting in preparation of later shitposting of "NO HILLARY SAYING NIGGER IT'S FUCKING NOTHING."

Most of his recent videos, in my opinion, were not very persuasive. The FEC case he and his lawyers are putting together might be pretty good, but the videos aren't persuading normies. The first one, though, about the violence, that was a big scoop. Vastly underrated, and I say that despite it being brought up at the second debate. Foval and Creamer should both be in jail right now, with an active investigation into who else knew and was involved in this systematic orchestration of political violence.

You're a fool if you believe that a political animal like Hillary would ever allow herself to be filmed using racial slurs.

if its not hillary clinton saying nigger, with both audio and visual, then its nothing.

Doesn't that stupid faggot realize that people are early voting? He should release this shit now.

say all you want about creamer, but foval gave me "the gift" and for that I will always be greatful

Correction: It was brought up at the third debate, and this was also a rare moment of Hillary having no retort. She normally pushes back against accusations of corruption, but when Trump discussed that first video, she shit her pants.

>calls niggas superpredators
>laughs after defending guilty rapist successfully

either you're correcting my record or i dont think you understand how vitriolic this bitch is to the core

So it's agreed... O'Queef's new video is gonna be nothing... Let's not even bother with him any more.

So there is actually no video of Hillary being racist anywhere? Who started that rumor in the first place?

It's going to be some tertiary people joking about black communities/black voters. No one is going to use the word "nigger".

You can't get her. She only speaks in highly controlled environments and has people around her take the heat or kill themselves with barbells.

She's been doing this a long time. Everyone around her and working for her is proven to be corrupt and immoral. Yet they want us to believe she has nothing to do with any of it.

Give me a fucking break. She knows exactly what is going on all the way down to low level goons.

Stop this meme. Blatant video evidence of HRC's campaign and/or the Democratic party discussing how they give zero shits about blacks but use them for political gain would be amazing for wrestling away their control of the black vote. Between that, the Erica Garner / Podesta thing, and the liberals laughing at and assaulting the homeless black woman in LA, there has never been a better time to redpill some of our basketball-playing brethren.

Yeah, it's still helpful even though it will be extremely disappointing. It will prove unequivocally that Hillary supports "racist" political organizing groups since Creamer and Foval get money directly from the Hillary campaign.

It will probably be most effective for NeverTrump cucks.

lol fucking Hilltron

>So there is actually no video of Hillary being racist anywhere? Who started that rumor in the first place?
Either shitposters on here or attention-seekers on Twitter (0hour, Cernovich, etc.).

What's great about this year compared to the past for HRC is in the past, people have very slowly dropped around her, just here and there. Right now cards are dropping left and right. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Foval, Creamer. What happens when Huma, Kaine, and Brazile go down? She can't walk on air forever, and right now she is at serious risk of the ground below her collapsing faster than she can have her people replace it.

actually O'Keefes last four videos were surprisingly good. Of course they did not directly implicate Hillary but thats not what they needed to do. If they piss of republican voters and encourage them to vote thats good enough.

This new video is allegedly of 'someone' disparaging Black voters. He already said it wasn't Hillary. I'm acutally expecting less impact from this.

>It's just going to be Scott Foval talking about his BBC rape fantasies

>a black man could literally fuck my mother in front of the governor and nothing would happen to him

>Of course they did not directly implicate Hillary
They did actually. Donald Duck costumes were her shitty idea. And that spic protester that claimed she shut down the Chicago rally is on the DNC payroll. Creamer goes to the White House every week. Hillary knows what's going on.

>Hillary knows what's going on.
And if she doesn't she is negligent as fuck. Creamer speaks to her campaign every single morning. I know Hillary is comatose most of the time, but surely she keeps vaguely in the loop.

>this coming week


Yeah, proof that the Hillary campaign purposely tried to instigate violence killed the "Trump causes violence" meme. Okeefe's videos weren't necessarily nukes like he claimed, however they were useful. It's not like image attached

>killed the "Trump causes violence" meme
This is true, though I have to say: I am disappointed it never took off that the DNC and media orgs colluding with Hillary framed "Bernie Bros" for a lot of that. It was a two-birds-with-one-stone scenario.

The Chicago protest where HRC-paid actors ended up getting multiple people, including police, hurt:
>How Bernie Sanders supporters shut down a Donald Trump rally in Chicago
You can look this up in other sources, too. This was covered everywhere as specifically Sanders supporters.

>I swear that last duck video was too cringy to watch
Nice try shill. My psychologist warned me about people like you!

If it's Kaine saying google it's over. GG Hillary. Your team official sucks.