Wow... how can other countries even compete?
Wow... how can other countries even compete?
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I envy you.
you're still a chinese colony
Thanks for the bump Sanchez.
in all seriousness all the people that go there are lazy poor fishermen
good job Aussie
still the nation with the most whites in the world. anyway, i've always wondered why australia is supposedly white yet has nigger tier iqs? weird shit, bro. it's almost like you're subhumans
And all of a sudden I like turnbull
Im so fucking mad right now.
Why is australia always so sick?
Will America ever be this awesome?
As someone on the boat person side of things, why do so many cunts come here on boats?
why's is so hard for these fucknoses to understand immigration
Mostly white. No.
Way to go Straya!
>mfw a rare I haven't seen before
That map you are referring too was the IQs of indigenous populations. Aboriginals have an average IQ of 62 according to various studies. White Australians weren't included in that map
Let us know when it passes chung hoi
Good idea but I'd rather see something like pic related
>American flag
Every time.
You guys are the worst kind of sycophants.
Do you also order pints of kangaroo jizz at the bar, you bootlicking faggot? Jesus, have some dignity.
That picture is very accurate.
>Something happens in Europe
>You Yuro pussies need to start fighting back this wouldn't happen in America
>Something happens in America
>I live in an all white community i have to travel 10 miles before i see a nigger they can have the rest of the country so long as my house is safe
every time
Wow, Australia, the most red-pilled country.
World's greatest shitposter and saviours of the white race.
I love you basedtralia.
>boat people
Absolutely nothing in place to stop people flying in and outstaying their visas.
We're not even close to 'based'.
Malcom is still a faggot though and will be kicked out by march
screencap this post
You're a fucking genius, who else apart from literally everybody else in the country knows this, you smart little cookie you..
He's actually trying to double down and out-tone Based Tones.
Mal(dont)com Turn(the boats back)bull.
My favourite brother
>the little nigglet with the crown
How the fuck is Sri Lanka rare?
There's only one Sri Lanka. Pretty rare.
Alright Melbourne, we get it, no need to brag.
Because we keep turning that Tamil scum back, they're pretty rare here.
>saviours of the white race
Not at all. We're trying to establish some middle ground between "overrun by 80 IQ Somalis" and "pariah ethnostate that goes the way of Rhodesia". That middle ground is high immigration, but of skilled workers with no criminal record, so hopefully America's idiot government doesn't come and "free" us.
The ban on refugees via boat means they have to come via plane. That means that A) we have complete identification for all refugees and B) all the refugees we get are still allowed to fly, i.e. they aren't known members of ISIS.
I buy sydney house use internet. boat not needed
Yeah but are they allowed to come any other way? IE: does the government still allow asylum seekers period?
They let in tens of thousands legally every year.
Melbourne has been over-run by criminal niggers from Sudan and Somalia.
>tfw we'll be the butt of percentage jokes when he census results are out
Based malc
cucks on suicide watch, thanks based pauline
We could have had this too but then Germany decided to exist near us.
Is he pro gun rights?
>Malcuck Prepbull
>We could have had this too but then Germany decided to exist near us.
We can still be friends, though! No hard feelings, eh? :^)
I like our government's policy on immigration but I don't like how fucking far they take corporate dick down their throats.
I actually threw caution to the wind and voted Greens in my locals after voting Liberal in the federal because fuck I hate these career pollies that sick dick for money.
I've been so fucking proud of my country all day for this.
My Facebook feed blew up from this. People are claiming Australia is circumventing the refugee convention and how the poor refugees will stay in the camps forever.
Why is the average Australian millennial so fucked?
>you guys
>has an american flag
you have to go back
Hi there!
You are a rare flag! Could you please contribute to my collection? I'd LOVE to have your flag.
All you need to do is to post your passport/currency/any product from your country along with a valid timestamp.
This applies to anyone else willing to do so. Thank you!
fuck you
Your vagina has no power here.
m8 i have a dick
Nah, abbos with 50-65 IQs bring us down. And our women are dumb as bricks
>m8 i have a dick
Good for your bf.
based davo
God bless you cunts, keep up the great work
Based tea merchant.
If you all come over here then who the fuck is going to pick my delicious dilmah tea
Best not to think where the unwashed hands picking your tea have been.
Hint: they wipe their arses with them.
I liked how you called them boatpeople
And you wipe your ass with your feet or what?
With a cloth
mad jelly desu
Good to see Turnbull get tough. Cucks will go apoplectic.
Still getting sold out to gooks. Still must vote Pauline or else you're not Australian and you may as well become a male faggot prostitute.
>become a male faggot prostitute.
No-one would pay to be with me m8.
You know, the Australian government will fly them home any time they want for free. They just won't fucking leave.
>they can have the rest of the country so long as my house is safe
not even close until we slow down immigration illegals only make a very small percentage of people coming here
>Australian news
>"Trump is a racist against muslims, fuck trump, alahuackbar" - channel 10
>"Abos' at it again, black lives matter" -ABC
>"不要醒来 ! 不要醒来 不要醒来 不要醒来 "= SBS
Corrected the record famerino
In some ways it's fun. Every time they think they have found a crack in the facade, the hammer comes down harder. Their position has been discredited over and over and thu keep going from defeat to defeat.
Too fucking accurate.
If they were poor refugees they wouldn't be able to afford people smugglers
>Newcastle Knights winning a game
I'm largely not concerned with whether they are refugees or not, we can't have a porous northern border to a continent of 2.5 billion people living in relative poverty. Refugees will have to go through he regular processes or not at all.
>I don't like politicians
>so I voted for the only idiots in the country worse than them
come on man
>Wow, Australia, the most red-pilled country.
Not really. It's just misdirection. The party that plays the "STOP THE BOATS" line the hardest is the one that's also importing tons of cheap foreign labour.
No hes a faggot, this is all pressure from Based Pauline Hanson our fiery Queen
EU should do this as well
Brexit, then this. Goddamn, maybe we should focus on slapping some sense into Canada next.
It's really funny how hard the commercial stations suck Hillary's dick while the government stations (ABC/SBS) are much more neutral and yet it's them that get accused of being "too liberally biased".
Boat people are statistically insignificant. We need to stop legal non-white immigration to this country otherwise we're finished.
John Howard did EXACTLY the same trick in the early 2000s to cockblock Pauline Hanson's support, yet he sold half the country out to the chinks.
Holy shit it really is this bad.
This, but cracking down on boat people is a start, we just have to make sure it doesn't end here. Next we go after the corrupt fucks in immigration who've been smuggling people by plane.
>abc neutral on trump
Oi! Oi! Oi!
Oi! Oi! Oi!
>inb4 m-muh boat lifes matter post
Good job Australia, keep it up.
ship=surface vessel
whats the situation on hover crafts and hydrofoils?
I wish it wasnt to late for us but it already is.
The thing is every cunt just wants money
there are private schools taking in every single Arab and African refugee they can because the government pays their way.
My brother was sent to my highschool this year and 3 terms in he was pulled out because in 8 years it went from a catholic school to a catholic school with more Muslims than catholics.
it got so bad that school doesnt even recognise Muslim misbehaviour.
a group of muslims posted a "people we want to kill list" on facebook including teachers and students. When some of the students went wtf cunt at them a fight started and the school expelled all the white kids for going upto the muslims. the schools comment on it was "they should have known it was a joke"
Australia is just as fucked as EU and NA, as time goes on more and more of them get in, they vote and let more in.
I can only hope the Chinese take us first
I think we're making a mistake by including "people" in that term. It lends too much humanity to them.
The worst thing in Australian's TV history is the fucking lamb commercials.
>Whats the best thing about multicuntralism?
Fuckin Kerry Packer just rolled over in his grave
Ayy I went to CBC East St. Kilda.
It was a pretty god-tier school, we had swimming, running, and general sport as three seperate subjects, and we had at least five of these lessons a week.
oh dear god, its the whole chain...
The Christian Brothers schools are all under some Irish cunt called Edmund rice.
the school i was talking about also falls in the same group of schools run by the same people.