Today Moldavia is electing a new president. Will it be pro-Russia communist scum or pro-Europe cuck. Choose the lesser evil, please!
Moldavia is Romanian, I'm sorry we're still apart, brothers. We are going to be reunited.
Today Moldavia is electing a new president. Will it be pro-Russia communist scum or pro-Europe cuck. Choose the lesser evil, please!
Moldavia is Romanian, I'm sorry we're still apart, brothers. We are going to be reunited.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tanc inseamna "caine" in Moldova
How can we unite with them when they have a different language?
Speak up, Moldavians, does it really look like the Dodon Russian puppet will win?
> Moldavia
What kind of pokeman is that?
>Gypsies deciding which gypsy will lead the wagon.
Please post real news only in Sup Forums
Moldova should really elect a pro-EU cuck to help them get EUbux for development issues. It should be a necessary evil for them.
I want them to be pro Russian but the gypsy town rapist will fuck it up somehow and elect a woman
Is there any realistic chance of reuniting Moldova and Romania?
Why would Romanians want this anyway? Isn't Moldova just a poor shithole that would negatively impact the economy of Romania if reunification occurred?
if it's me I would vote for russia but then again I don't have a single clue about your nation's politics.
>negatively impact the economy of Romania
Considering most Romanians don't even own a toilet, I doubt it is physically possible to get any worse.
Well, let's put it nicely. Its one of the few countries on earth, that even belgium can give shit to.
Does the town rapist runs for presidency?
I know, but Moldova literally has the lowest wages and GDP in Europe. It doesn't seem like a good idea.
I believe Romania is in better economic shape now and it could sustain reunification.
And Moldavians, albeit poor now, are not at all lazy. They're poor because of political circumstances and the region would develop quickly given the chance.
>>Gypsies deciding which gypsy will lead the wagon.
Not even gypsies would elect Trudeau, only Canadians.
>Moldova literally has the lowest wages and GDP in Europe. It doesn't seem like a good idea.
Money should not be the only criteria in life.
France, Germany and UK have more money than Romanians but when they walk on their streets they see googles and mudshits. Their women are being threatened and raped, their kids are taking beatings.
They might have more money but they don't have their own country anymore.
Fair enough. Believe me or not, but my parents are both Romanian emigrants which is why I asked this question.
They taught me some of the Romanian language, but unfortunately, I am no where near that of a native speaker.
What's the question you stupid immigrant
No one cares about your puny, insignificant country.
le bruger
>No one cares about your puny, insignificant country.
That would be great, but it's not really like that. Big countries like to use puny countries for proxy wars.
Advantages of Romania uniting with Moldova:
No, I mean nobody here cares. Delete your thread.
Isn't that a country from Tintin?
>Advantages of Romania uniting with Moldova:
It's better to be a bigger country than a smaller country.
Or maybe you'd be fine with Transilvania being a separate country too, would you?
>Moldavia is Romanian
Then take it back cuck. No way is Romania's army that weak.
Yes it is.
They still use old russian AKs and their vehicles are shitty.
Besides that, the romanian armed forces are really corrupted, and a corrupted army cannot function properly.
Fair enough. I am corrected!
It would make a better looking map though
We are together
Rest of the world hates us anyway.
Would you accept an arrangement in which Romania gets Moldova and Hungary gets the Hungarian-majority parts of Erdély?
>being interessted in a non country
Are the elections for town rapist concurrent with the ones for President?
Romanians were shipped to Siberia and killed,Moldova today is slav rapebaby
I do, we're doing geo political, defense and war simulation in my classroom, and this year the topic is moldova and transnistry
>Considering most Romanians don't even own a toilet,
Homes with no toilet inside them =/= don't own a toilet
Of course the indian immigrant to leafland that's butthurt about the poo in loo meme wouldn't understand the difference since he hasn't seen a toilet in his life anyways, outside or inside a house.
>They still use old russian AKs
What's wrong with that? And no, it's not russian AKs, we produce our own.
> and their vehicles are shitty.
Maybe not up to date, but I wouldn't call them "shitty". We're using 1970's tech essentially, and you wouldn't even need that to conquer Moldavia including Transnistria. Have you even checked how many soldiers are in Moldavia? Hint: barely any even if you include Russian forces, it'd be a roflstomp even if our entire army was still using Mosin-Nagants and stolen RPGs
>Besides that, the romanian armed forces are really corrupted, and a corrupted army cannot function properly.
This is the more relevant complaint.
No it isn't. Romania was a mistake. Federalisation when? Having Romanian Moldova in the country is bad enough as it is, but Basarabia also? Fuck that.
Rămâneți în cocina voastră Moldotonți futuți în cur de ruși ce sunteți. Muie moldovenilor!
Vote for Russia unless you want fag marriage
>Why would Romanians want this anyway?
We don't want this. It's a super fringe movement. Moldavians are very different from Romanians. A lot more different than Germans and Austrians are to each other, for example. The union would never work. It would be a nightmare. The Romanian region of Moldova is bad enough as is.
> but when they walk on their streets
Your bucharest are literally smells like shit.
Nu mă, modlovenii sunt săraci pentru că sunt futuți la cap. Tot Regatul e o groapă și tu vrei să o faci și mai mare? Să o fut pe mă-ta de futut în cap ce ești!
>you'd be fine with Transilvania being a separate country
Da. inb4
>would you willingly fuck yourself in the ass
No way. Fuck off.
> Hungarian-majority parts of Erdély
There's only a few (Big)cities in transilvania that actually have a hungarian majority the part connecting romania to hungary doesn't.
In all honestly if you want an exclave of harghita and covasna , i'd actually agree to it if you'd help us take Odessa and the rest of basarabia
>tfw moldavian gf
>Romania would you willingly give up parts of your country to us for free?
kek last time I cheked, we didnt need your aproval to get R.Moldova
>t. ion vladimir din chisinau
>I believe Romania is in better economic shape now and it could sustain reunification.
i believe ca esti un mare prost
Oh dear i forgot they exist.
I do remember they make good prostitutes though.
t. (((Transilvăneanul)))
Du-te și votează cu UDMR-ul dacă crei că Regatul e o groapă. Să vedem ce faceți când nu vă mai îndopați cu Bucureștimonis
If your faggot politicians wanted to unify moldova with romania, they would have started the long term process 10-20 years ago. Its just talks now and very difficult to achieve.
Basescu has some good ideas about this but they will never happen because one man can't do shit.
What to do:
>Talk to Russia and give them Transnistria;
>Start a huge economic cooperation program where goods flow both ways so that moldavian economy will grow a bit;
>Start connecting the roads better;
>Start connecting energy outlets to moldova;
>COMPLETE THE FUCKING GAS PIPELINE but don't give them delusions that it will be all ok because Romanian gas is unreliable and in short amounts, don't fool the moldavians to disconnect from Russia - this combination will make gas cheaper and more affordable;
>Start using the external intelligence agency to place friendlies in key positions (by any means necessary);
>Profit after 20-30 years;
>Dau la buget 900 de milioane de lei
>Primesc inapoi 100
>Sunt orasul din ante-penultimul loc la primit bani
>Sunt in primele 10 orase la contributie
Ghiceste orasul/judetul.
Bucurestiul inghite sume imense pentru rahaturi de proiecte pe care oricum le fac prost, dupa care comenteaza de altii ca sunt saraci. Bucurestiul e un cancer al tarii, mananca resurse si nu face nimic bun.
>Ghiceste orasul/judetul.
Enlighten me, fiindcă după statisticile care le-am văzut eu pe locul întâi la cel mai puțini bani primiți înapoi raportat la contribuție este Bucureștiul urmat de Constanța
Try harder Sibiu/Cluj shill.
Măcar știu că tu chiar ai vota cu UDMR-ul la cât le mănânci propaganda.
salut bozgore
Este exact invers.Taxele Bucureștenilor merg în restul țării, pentru că în București este produs cea mare parte din PIB-ul.
Iar motivul nu este nici Ceaușescu (care a industrializat toată țara, nu doar Bucureștiul), nici guvernele de după '89 (care oricum nu au investit mai nimic), ci faptul majoritatea investițiilor străine au fost în București.
De exemplu, anul trecut, 59% din investițiile străine directe au fost în regiunea București-Ilfov. Iar din asta, rezultatul este că aproape jumătate din fondul total de salarii la nivel național este primit de bucureșteni.
singurele regiuni care primesc mai multi bani decat dau sunt Bucovina si Maramures (adica judetele Suceava si Maramures). Moldova si Oltenia nu contribuie mult dar totusi, luate per total, dau mai multi bani decat primesc
Muntenia, fara Bucuresti+Ilfov, contribuie destul de mult. Nu reiese clar din harta dar, cand te uiti la cifre, descoperi ca Arges+Prahova acopera lejer Teleorman+Baragan
regiunea istorica care subventioneaza cel mai mult restul tarii, and it's not even remotely close, e Dobrogea
Uite am și o poză.
it never made any sense to me why Moldova and Romania are separate countries
Încă o poză.
Mă fut în Transilvania, dacă bozgorii o vor înapoi cel mai ușor o iau lăsându-vă să fiți în continuare ardeleni. Sunteți atât de dobitoci încât aproape că v-aș da înapoi cu totul numai să scăpăm de "DAE Mitici e hoț și proști XDDDD DAE Transilvania cea mai bogată DAE Transilvania cea mai vestică DAE Transilvania suportă poponari DAE Regatul e o groapă"
Și apoi îmi amintesc că voi l-ați votat pe Cuckhannis.
Mă fut în Transilvania, dacă nu ar fi pământ strămoșesc românesc și de n-ar mai fi prin mediul rural unii care nu-s atât de bătuți în cap atunci aș fi cu totul în favoarea să vă dăm dracului afară. Vă credeți mari și tari în timp ce Regatul se străduia să se modernizeze și să se impună în mod internațional voi sugeați ba pula ungurilor ba a austriecilor sperând că o să vă dea drepturi dacă faceți WE WUZ LATIN N SHEEIT.
Deci nu pot să pun în cuvinte cât de tare am ajuns să urăsc ardelenii din anumite privințe. Încep să înțeleg de ce Codreanu accepta să dăm Transilvania de Nord.
Bucureștiul e un parasit enorm băi pulă. De fapt din multe puncte de vedere Regatul e așa de înapoitat pentru că gaura de cur numită București sifonează tot în loc să dea afară ca un bun sfincter. E un eșec total și din punct de vedere cultural orașul ăla. Am făcut greșeala să îmi fac facultatea acolo: never again! Un oraș prea mare plin cu prea mulți țărănoi și cretini.
wtf is the point of independent moldova?
why is it not romania yet?
romania, love you you are my best neighbour
Sti cum arata un streang, fa-o pe ma-ta mandra si spanzura-te, avorton jegos.
>Impartirea a parte a bugetului - poza aia
>Dupa impartire vin investitile de milioane de euro ale ministerelor (care primesc bani tot de la buget) iar majoritatea se fac in Bucuresti
>Bucurestiul are investitii publice facute atat de primarii cat si de guvern
As ma ivrea sa adaug ceva:
>In bucuresti sunt sediile firmelor intre timp activitatea se desfasoara in alte judete ale tarii si de aia aveti asa o contributie considerabila la bugetul tarii
Toti predica descentralizarea dar fac tot posibilul sa centralizeze cat mai mult la bucuresti unde e mai usor de controlat ca e mai aproape.
Exemplu: Carpatica - ICCJ a dar ordin sa fie oprit procesul de intrare in faliment - ASF a ignorat ordinele si a continuat procesul fara nicio problema.
Nu ai mai mult de 18 ani, se vede.
Only cool and relevant thing related to Moldova besides potato farms
Uită-te pe propria hartă nătărăule. Ardealul subvenționează regatul. Excepția fiind numa Maramu'. În rest, județ după județ din regat care primește mai mult decât dă la buget. Sau nu cumva tu nu ești în stare să-ți citești propriile surse? Cu cât e județul mai verde închis cu atât e mai sugativă. Bej sunt județele de mijloc, și verde deschis sunt județele ce primesc cei mai puțini bani înapoi.
Ești tufă.
>Toti predica descentralizarea dar fac tot posibilul sa centralizeze cat mai mult la bucuresti unde e mai usor de controlat ca e mai aproape.
Cretinule,parlamentarii fac centralizarea, nu "Bucurestiul", si parlamentarii sunt din toata tara.
Nu am facut referire la Bucuresti acolo, era doar o paranteza.
Asa-i ca nici tu nu ai mai mult de 20 de ani? Poate primul an de facultate? Te simti putin mai inteligent ca ai intrat la buget?
>Nu am facut referire la Bucuresti acolo
>fac tot posibilul sa centralizeze cat mai mult la bucuresti
esti cam prost de felul tau, nu?
No, the Ukraine has surpassed them in all areas to become the poorest country in Europe
Deci sa inteleg ca nu ai nici macar peste 18 ani. Ok.
Doar sa iti fac pe plac: Parlamentarii si cei care se afla in pozitii de putere, isi desfasoara activitatea in principal in Bucuresti. Ca sa detina mai mult control, centralizeaza toate societatile si servicile publice la Bucuresti.
Ai inteles acum? Era doar o paranteza iar tu ai ignorat tot ce am zis inaintea ei si te-ai agitat aiurea ca un sifon autist.
Acum fa-o si tu pe ma-ta mandra si bea niste inalbitor.
Bafta moldovenilor, dar sunteți cam retardați dacă credeți într-o unire în mai puțin de 15 ani. Mai mari șanse sunt să ajungă războiul acolo decât unirea.
Și spun asta ca un moldovean.
N-ai adus nici-un argument înafară de ardelenismele clasice.
>sedii meme
Sediile nu sunt doar în București, și nu reprezintă majoritatea contribuțiilor Bucureștiului.
>Nu ai mai mult de 18 ani, se vede.
"Nu am niciun argument și trebuie să mă reduc doar la atacuri la persoană: the post"
Uite hartă consolidată pe regiuni. Valahia excluzând Bucureștiul. Cine subvenționează pe cine, pui de bovină?
There's no point to independent Moldova, but you know some commies have interests there and don't want the union.
First of all Moldova is not Romania so gtfo with Unirea. Only around 20% of people according to latest polls support it.
Second, the socialist Igor Dodon which claims to be pro-Moldoavian (pro-russian really) is leading according to polls but he may not have enough to win it straight from the 1st attempt, because there is still another left candidate Dmitrii Ciubasenco from "Partidul Nostru" which will most likely take a part of socialists votes.
The second candidate with most chances is Maia Sandu from "Actiune si Solidaritate", which stands for EU integration, but still behind Igor Dodon.
So most likely there will be a second round after 2 weeks, but you may never know, because risk of falsifications is really high and both candidates acuse each other of Mr.Plahotniuc (oligarch, which de facto controls RM) standing behind them.
> Ca sa detina mai mult control, centralizeaza toate societatile si servicile publice la Bucuresti
Este irelevant acest subiect aici,Bucurestiul face numai mult sau mai putin decat ce face orice capitala.Ai spus ca Bucurestiul fura din bani, si ca Clujul ia inapoi de 9 ori mai putin de cat da, si ti-ai primit peste nas ca nu e asa.Acum ce pl mea tot o dai pe ocolite?
Ai inteles acum?
Most of romanians own latrines, I have romanian relatives I visited personally, in the zone of Botoşani
It's R.Moldova/Bessarabia not Moldova.Most of historical Moldavia is already in Romania,you are just the leftovers that russians annexed for the grains.I could never understand one thing about you people, after russians forcefully annex you, deport hundreds of thousands of romanians from there and import hohols, force you to learn russian,threat you like cumrags, why are you still pro-russia?
Adică pe scurt toți Transilvănenii ca tine sunt cucks care nu sunt în stare să aibă politicieni care îi reprezintă.
Vă meritați soarta atunci.
First of all personally i am not pro-Russia. Second, we have hostorically strong ties with Russia for the last 200 years and population here was assimilated and reeducated a lot.
I wouldnt agree with the way you percept history, it might be with the way they teach it to you at school, and the way it was tought here too of course. Many people are nostalgic to the times Moldova (or Moldavia, or RM, doesnt matter) was in USSR, because even by looking at photos it was much more organised and wealthy republic, compared to what it has become in last 25 years.
And as you said the ethnical diversity is really widespread here, so it shouldnt be a surprise for you, why not all people are pro-Romanian here.
Also add some some propoganda from news-channels on top of tthat and you'll get it.
>Second, we have hostorically strong ties with Russia for the last 200 years
Yes, you being cumrags.And with the romanians, your relationship is from the before the creation of Moldavia.
>population here was assimilated and reeducated a lot.
yea, imported hohols and deported romanians to Siberia.
> it was much more organised and wealthy republic
Of course it was, forcefully taking your resources, killing your intelectuals,forcefully teaching you russian etc was it worth it?
Well, moldavian commi arent really pro-Russian because they dont recognize Transistria. So fuck them, EU scrub is better to stop Russia-Moldavia cooperation.
>Yes, you being cumrags.And with the romanians, your relationship is from the before the creation of Moldavia.
Check your facts. 1812 - Bessarabia ripped from Kingdom of Moldova and attached to Russian Empire. 1859 - Modern Romania created. People from Bessarabia were never asked if they want to be part of Romania so gtfo
> yea, imported hohols and deported romanians to Siberia.
Noone justifies deportations, it's a sad part of our history, which had place at most of the soviet republics at the times of Joseph Stalin.
>Of course it was, forcefully taking your resources, killing your intelectuals,forcefully teaching you russian etc was it worth it?
Yes, it was, in fact. 99% of Moldova's modern-day heritage was built either during Russian Empire or Soviet Union. In tle late 80's we had life standarts much higher than in Romania. It's a pity how it turned after that, and that we're going to shit the last 25 years.
>Sediile nu sunt doar în București, și nu reprezintă majoritatea contribuțiilor Bucureștiului.
Defapt, majoritatea sediilor sunt in bucuresti. Sau ma rog, majoritatea sediilor companiilor cu un capital foarte mare.
>"Nu am niciun argument și trebuie să mă reduc doar la atacuri la persoană: the post"
Chiar esti underage deci, ce argument vroiai sa iti dau la un comentariu in care iti exprimi frustrarile ca un copil lovit de hormoni?
>Bucurestiul face numai mult sau mai putin decat ce face orice capitala
De obicei capitalele nu atrag sedii si servicii publice mai ales cum face bucurestiul, prin decrete de ministru si OUG.
>Adică pe scurt toți Transilvănenii ca tine sunt cucks care nu sunt în stare să aibă politicieni care îi reprezintă.
Mai ales cand se impune de de la sediul central al partidului.
Defapt sunt din sibiu si fi atent cum e aici: avem moldovence la PNL pentru ca asa a fost detasata de la Bucuresti, la PSD .. e irelevant aici pentr uca nu ii mai place nimeni ... PMP e ok doar ca oamenii inca traiesc din propaganda aia ca e partidul lui basescu si ca a taiat pensii si salarii (well meme'd) iar la USR, lider e un Sibian get beget ................... Venit acum 2 ani in sibiu de la bucuresti.
Copile serios, lasa internetul ca te-a futut de tot, si vei intra in statistica aia de oameni care nu isi iau bacul.
>Yes, you being cumrags.And with the romanians, your relationship is from the before the creation of Moldavia.
Moldova exista de dinaintea Romaniei.
>yea, imported hohols and deported romanians to Siberia.
Well meme'd
>Of course it was, forcefully taking your resources, killing your intelectuals,forcefully teaching you russian etc was it worth it?
Vai ... de ... pula ... ta.
Just please, lift visa requirements for countries who don't need visa to go to EU. Moldova and Belarus are the only European countries who ask tourist visa for Brazilians.
>Mai ales cand se impune de de la sediul central al partidului.
Și a cui e vina că se acceptă această impunere? Nu a membrilor locali de partid? Tot la aceeași concluzie ajungi.
>Defapt sunt din sibiu si fi atent cum e aici: avem moldovence la PNL pentru ca asa a fost detasata de la Bucuresti,
Și voi ați acceptat-o ca niște cucks în loc să faceți scandal
>PMP e ok doar ca oamenii inca traiesc din propaganda aia ca e partidul lui basescu
Partea cu "e partidul lui băsescu" nu e propagandă, e în mare parte anturajul lui și el însuși, indiferent ce crezi de el sau de acest anturaj și de ce ar fi făcut.
> iar la USR, lider e un Sibian get beget ................... Venit acum 2 ani in sibiu de la bucuresti.
Din nou, cine sunt cuckșii care acceptă asta?
How is relevant when your region was annexed by russians?Did you not exist before that?You are too romanians, since Moldavian Kingdom United with Tara Romaneasca, and called it Romania and people officialy romanians, and later added Transylvania, and officialy called the ardeleans romanians.
>People from Bessarabia were never asked if they want to be part of Romania so gtfo
Thanks to your russian buddies.
>In the late 80's we had life standarts much higher than in Romania.
HAHAHAHA don't make me laugh.You don't even have any natural resources or infrastructure, not even today.You never had anything, you were never meant to be a country.
Your country was created by romanians, and was inhabited only by romanians untill your annexation.You are as romanian as all the regions in Romania.
We were waiting for you leafster
>Defapt, majoritatea sediilor sunt in bucuresti. Sau ma rog, majoritatea sediilor companiilor cu un capital foarte mare.
Si ce?Asa este in majoritatea tarilor, in capitala se platesc taxele.Oricum, voi nu veniti la Bucuresti sa lucrati, ca va deschide filiale la voi in orase.
>De obicei capitalele nu atrag sedii si servicii publice mai ales cum face bucurestiul, prin decrete de ministru si OUG.
Ce servicii publice are Bucurestiul, si n-are Clujul?
>Moldova exista de dinaintea Romaniei.
1.Nu exista Moldova azi, deoarece regatul Moldovei s-a unit cu Tara Romaneasca sa creeze Romania.Tara vecina din N-E se numeste R.Moldova sau Basarabia.
2.Tara Romaneasca a fost prima creata.
3.Moldova istorica a fost creata de romani fugiti din Maramures.
4.Romania este descendenta Tarii Romanesti isorice si al Moldovei istorice,deci Romania exista inca de la formarea Tarii Romanesti.
>Vai ... de ... pula ... ta.
>Well meme'd
daca esti prost mai bine taci.
ar trebui sa avem transilvanie independenta sa ne scapam de dobitocii de olteni si de moldoveni asa nu o sa mai fie nici ungurii fututi in cur.Problem solved
Din cauza dobitocilor de olteni si moldoveni, nu vorbesti tu maghiara azi, nesimtitule.
multimesc ca ati fost carne de tun pentru antatna :^)
Fucking rekt
> How is relevant when your region was annexed by russians?Did you not exist before that?
Here is the problem in your logic. We existed before that, but it was Kingdom of Moldavia.
The fact is that after the "annexion" in 1812 )as it is called by romanian historians or "connexion" as it is called in russian history. There were no UN at the time to clear the dispute ) we didnt have same administration institutes and de facto were a separate countries. The Romanian unification happened only in 1859, so basically we had never been part of Romania. You may call it as the last standing part of Moldavian Kingdom, if you wish, but not Romania.
> Your country was created by romanians, and was inhabited only by romanians untill your annexation.You are as romanian as all the regions in Romania.
I've been a lot of times in Romania. I invite you to come to RM and prove yourself wrong of how different is mentality between people from two sides of Prut.
How is commie guy pro-Russian if he don't recognise Transnistria? For Russia Moldova buy itself is absolutely irrelevant. Transnistria is populated by ethnic Russians and russophones, and 98% of population have Russian pasports.
If Romania annex Moldavia they will get territorial dispute with Russia. And don't forget about Russian troops stationed there.
Just recognise the fucking Transnistria and Moldova will be free to go whenever they want.
>but it was Kingdom of Moldavia.
No.You existed as province of Kingdom of Moldavia and then you became province of Russian Empire.
>You may call it as the last standing part of Moldavian Kingdom
You have no rights over Moldavian Kingdom.You were annexed as a province by russians, even more when Moldavian Kingdom still existed and later decided to unite with Tara Romaneasca.
>I invite you to come to RM and prove yourself wrong of how different is mentality between people from two sides of Prut.
R.Moldova is already over 30% ethnic hohol, with alot of romanians there too mixed.No thanks.
Dude, Russia needs Transnistria only as a tool to have influence on Moldova. Otherwise why you do think Russia, havent yet recognised it as Crimea? There was a referendum on joining Russia too in 2006 and 97% of transnistrians voted yes.
Because in that way, Russia would completely lose Moldova from it's sphere of influence and most-likely get a new shitstorm of sanctions.
Eu vreau transilvanie independentă ca să scap de dobitocii de ardeleni.
Văd deci, că ne înțelegem perfect.
Hey Moldabros. Redpill me on your situation right now. Do you have pro-EU cucks in power like us, or pro-Russia cucks?
Maybe because Transnistria is such a shithole that even Russians don't actually want it? Autistic former commies all acting up like babies is not good and you don't want responsibility for their actions.
>Oltenian Pride
>Moldavian Pride
Literally being proud of being shitholes.
>Bucharest Pride
Literally being proud of being the world's biggest rural town.
Moldova will never become part of Russia again. Its only useful as way to Transnistria - especially with current status of Ukraine. Ideal decision for Russia - absorbation of Moldova by Romania which recoginise Transnistria and provide a way there. But Romania will require higher price for it than Moldova, so Russia keeps status quo.
>Just recognise the fucking Transnistria and Moldova will be free to go whenever they want.
If Moldova is not relevant to Russia, why is Transnistria relevant? It's only a tiny patch of land.
Saying that you're elections mean chosing the lesser evil automatically qualifies your country as a shithole full of cucks who can't get their shit together.
inb4 flag, Spain has been at that point since ever.
>Hey Moldabros
OP here.
There is only one Moldavian in all this thread and he claims he's not pro-Russia, but doesn't want to unite with Romania. Confused dude.
And edgy Romanians debating in Romanian language what Romanian region is more shit tier.
Barely anything on topic, about the elections.
Looks like we're gypsies.