KimDotCom isn't trolling

This isn't a joke guys, he's not doing this for the luls.

Shit is about to get real serious real quick. The possibility of civil war and/or world war is growing by the hour.

The entire government is backed into a corner. The best hope to keep things under control is for the FBI to recommend to selectively persecute only those in the government who do not have ties that lead all the way up, but time is running out. The DOJ is just as corrupt as the rest of the system.

The day of reckoning is upon us. I'm going to go buy an AR and a case of ammo today. I suggest anyone without a combat rifle to do the same. There's limited time before the panic sets in, gun and ammo prices are going to skyrocket this week.

Stay safe, and stay strong Sup Forums. We will get through this. Many will likely die, but the future of the Western society depends on us.

Other urls found in this thread:

I think fake UFO invasion.

>le assault rifle owners vs the government meme


Are we gonna make it brahs?


A good majority of the military will turn to our side as well. Most of our military do care about this country and are patriots, they will stand up, only the weak will remain on the side of the government.

Can confirm. Just got out after 11 years. Was acting 1SG and I told the entire fucking company that they better not be on the wrong side of history. Only some of the dumber blacks will be an issue. Please don't target minorities in the military; most already have a distrust of government anyway.

>tfw mum died before the great happening :(

she may be better off user.

>Have an appointment tomorrow for a chest scan to look for tumors
>tfw might not live to see WW3 and fight with your Sup Forumsbros

I guess it's okay because it's 1 less nigger.

This is still pretty vague...w-what's going on guys? What's gonna happen?

It's probably for the best, mate.

CumDotCuck is archived and has an awesome cancer self cure section. Don't be afraid to check it out user.

Goof luck! MAGA

i'll kill my self, im nogunz

Canada may not seem to bad after all

I can't wait to watch the fireworks from my comfy chair. It'll be like Christmas

>falling for the "call your mom and tell her you love her, no seriously do it now" meme

I'll pray for you!

Go to bed Kim.

What has this fat fuck ever done to prove he is remotely legit or credible?

I'm not shilling/ trolling, just legitimately curious.

This guy seems like one of the other 999 trolls this election who were "ready to drop the hammer on candidate X with leaked info" and never even did.

I honestly welcome a world war or a civil war. I'm a lazy stinky ass turd and being drafted will give me a push, give my life some meaning and some credit. I'll redeem myself by fighting for my country or the side I agree with. I don't care who becomes president, I just want some shit to happen so we can rebuild again.

Non of Sup Forums will live to see WW3. As soon as electricity goes out the frozen pizzas will defrost and Sup Forums will go into a food coma trying to go through them all so the jews won't win.

It's literally too late, the drones are all controlled by the government now. Any oppo will just get killed from the skies.

No! No more dead bulls!

>germanicuck knowing anything about armed rebellion
keep licking the pozzed nigger cum out of your wife and daughter's anuses you spineless faggot

He predicted the comey thing last week

.02 shekels have been deposited into your account

he's been saying this for years and pretty much everything has gone how he said it would. FBI re opened investigation seemingly right as he said he was dropping stuff to Wikileaks

Next world war or not, still a good idea. Never enough time to tell your family you love them.

>predicted the comey thing last week
link to tweet?

Looks like the world isn't gonna go the Mass Effect route.
IRL Fallout should be pretty fun though. I wonder how quickly it will take for animals to mutate.

>implying I'm not living with my parents
Hold on, le me just bang the wall

Make sure it's a plain x-ray or MRI, and not a CT scan.
CT scans instantly give you cancer, 1500x the dose of a regular x-ray (not memeing).

Yeah he he I'm CTR right?

Stop being paranoid you dumb fuck. All I know about this guy is he said he was going to drop the 33k emails and never did.

That and he's also the size of a walrus.

Have proof of the Comey prediction?

I am not finding this tweet in kim dotcom's feed

Methinks a ruse is afoot.

he was also spamming gowdy and chaffetz and fbi to look at the x keyscore records

There are too many attention whores using this election as a way to increase the number of their followers.

He's trash.

> My life is shit
> I hope the world becomes shit so my life will look relatively better.

Is this merica? Is this why you go to world and bomb places all the time? If you keep countries in a constant state of shit, your own shitty country will look less shitty in comparison. You are the fat ugly girl who tries to force pizza and cake into the sexy fit friend to make yourself feel better.

>not memeing
CT scan is just multiple x-rays from different angles, complied by computer

>implying the armies AAA won't take care of it

>more cryptic garbage where I pretend that I have insider information

fuck off fatty

So glad I am not the only one that thought that scene was hilarious. I love the random guy in the crowd nodding and shit.

compiled even

>source- cancer free after multiple CT scans over decades

>Alarmist bullshit

If he has insider information about what could happen, then he should share it. He's the boy who cried wolf, especially because of the bullshit he pulled a few days ago.

Nothing. He's a self-promoter.

look again, it's definitely there.


he's just telling us to call our mothers and tell her that we love her

you fucking autismos

I want to believe

since when does Kim Dotcom know anything? Give me one solid piece of intel he's ever given

>The day of reckoning is upon us. I'm going to go buy an AR and a case of ammo today. I suggest anyone without a combat rifle to do the same. There's limited time before the panic sets in, gun and ammo prices are going to skyrocket this week.

Oh look, another doom prediction for my "pol was full of shit" folder.

Fuck, better eat a pizza tonight

didn't he have some investment fund in the late nineties? I remember a slick website with an obese german and all these lifestyle pics that reeked of ponzi scheme. Was pretty funny.

Depends. How tall are you?

no. my life is just too easy and comfortable. I've acquired no desire to work because everything is done for me. that's just how amazing and easy life is in America. I just sometimes wish something destructive would happen so I can be pushed to actually work. sorry my lack of work ethic makes you so furious that your life isn't so easy that you gain apathy.

you guys need a drone tech snowden


who is the guy on the far-right?

>Many will likely die

Many americans will die.
World will celebrate this.

What can I tell you, karma is a bitch, what goes around, comes around.

DIA will intervene before that happens.

>Civil War starts
>Most of the military defects or goes AWOL
>Drones are sent out to bomb rebel targets
>No mechanics or ordinance officers left when they come back to be refueled and rearmed
>Drones now useless

Yeah indeed. I consider my passed away family lucky too. :'(

Think you don't realize how stupid a lot of military are. They'll follow orders no matter what.

well they finally let you out again... that's nice..

Fuck, off go drown yourself in a pool of vomit, mother is dead and I will never be talk to her again, you fat fucking piece of shit.

Drones cannot hold territory.

If you guys don't have actual combat exp or close to it just don't fucking post this shit. 10 guys innawoods with rifles hitting electric plants and supply lines > drones.

Maybe I'll bother reading his shitposts when he delivers on the 33k emails he promised weeks ago.

Damn Wayne, you're really letting yourself go.

>le 400lb hacker man

Fuck this twitter warrior

What has he don't other than tweet about how he's gonna stop Hillary?

Fucking NOTHING. At least O'queef gave us a few videos, this fat fuck is a waste of time

Sup Forums won't let me link URL

He's not joking.

There is even a short CNN clip where the former assistant director to the FBI says there is a longterm ongoing Clinton Foundation investigation at the FBI that involves several departments.

Literally everything may come crashing down.

CNN Video in this thread:

Can I put a personal request in to the Kremlin? KGB, if you're reading this, please nuke Melbourne. Use one of those big fuckers that can flatten everything for miles around. If I'm going to die I'll at least get the satisfaction of knowing this roach pit was purged from the Earth.

Simply not true.

i hope youre okay senpai, i want you to see the happeding with us.

more like retarddotfaggot

Modern science points to a possibility of this reality not being limited to world as we know it. We very well might exist outside this simulation. Have hope, you might have the chance again.

CT scans are essential in finding certain cancers. Don't be retarded

I know how you feel bro, stay strong

This is why you need generals to defect. The soldiers will receive commands as they are used to, only some will whine about illegitimacy

Nothing. Literally nothing. Every day on this forum is the end of the world according to the people who post on here. This roleplaying faggotry is getting annoying.

They've done internal polling on this. 70% of the military would refuse any order to fire on US civilians, armed or otherwise.

Nigger != black person. Don't worry, you'll live for the happening. Good luck tomorrow.

Calm your tits... generals are in charge and upholding the constitution. Sit back and enjoy your popcorn.

Is trump part of the Clinton foundation net?


God damn it user, do not make me cry.

born just in time for ww3. i voted for her.

France will take over the US have no worries Amerifriends. We will give you freedom, ruin our economy for you then leave.

Denial will not help my friends. Only preparation of the body and mind.

When the power goes out, come to Texas. We will be waiting for you.

Do you happen to live in Cincinnati?

Yes I think we all envy impotent, weak willed hedonism. I at least often walk to the seaside and look to the east as think to myself. "If only I was a non achieving manchild. Needing a world catastrophe in order to gain the resemblance of a spine. Then and only then, my ancestors will look at me with pride".
I wrote a poem for you user:

"Ahh the beautiful ones, what useful mice they were.
I bet they all went to grave with a smile, thinking how shiney I kept my fur"

No, this guy just has a personal beef with Clinton. The only reason he is "for" Trump is because he isn't Clinton and he thinks he'll have a better shot at getting out from under some of his legal troubles than with the 0% chance he'd have with a Clinton administration.

As has been pointed out, he seems to tweet a good bit about his family, so more than likely this was just a general statement and not a "World is ending" thing.

>listening to fat scam artist

Its like pottery

Stop relying on a vague threat of a happening to remind you to call your mom. Fucking call her, you moron. She loves you and you won't know what to do with yourself when she's gone.

Did we already discuss this? If Trump wins, he claims he will run Megaupload 2 as an American company.


Will Trump lead America in becoming saviors of the tech future?

Gotta cry sometime. Better to let it out when you need to than to let it fester. Remember the good times and better yourself and others in her honor. It's okay to miss her. It's okay to be sad. But don't let it consume you. Do good in the world. She would be proud.

I love that post so fucking much

lmao that only a fucking german could be cucked and also autistic enough to think that soldiers wouldn't desert in the event of a full on rebellion against the us government

some will surely decide to start mowing down their fellow americans. most won't. you can take that one to the bank, kraut. the blood bank.

post your last meal