Sup Forums literature thread
Fiction edition
Just finished this for the first time and need more fiction to read
Sup Forums literature thread
Fiction edition
Just finished this for the first time and need more fiction to read
its not fiction anymore my nig
If you're into the Dystopian society shtick, check out '1984' by George Orwell and 'Fahrenheit 451' by Ray Bradbury,
Heart of Darkness
Blood Meridian
This obviously. If Hillary becomes President and the media continues to support her the way they have been doing, you'll be living it.
>Sup Forums literature
>children's book
Seems right
See above.
>Heart of Darkness
You understand that the entire story is about the evils of the white man, right?
>Blood Meridian
More young adult fiction?
You folks are retarded children.
This. THE dystopian future novel. Somehow comes more and more true as the years pass.
>tfw we are all john the savage
Pic related is what 1984 is based on, and by proxy every other modern dystopia. You'd do yourself a large favor by going straight to the source.
"We" is pretty good too.
Though most people have read 1984 in high school
>>Heart of Darkness
>You understand that the entire story is about the evils of the white man, right?
>>Blood Meridian
>More young adult fiction?
Hey wait a second... I think he's just pretending to be retarded, guys!
when cucks attack you for using a meme created by a pair of degenerate trannies, post this image
Was going to post this. If you like dystopian novels this is a must read.
Dune is the ultimate sci-fi redpill
Did you not know that Heart of Darkness is about the evils of colonialism? Or are you debating Blood Meridian being YA fiction?
Not sure. Either way? You're illiterate if you weren't aware of those two facts.
Revolutions are infinite, user.
>Tfw you'll never have an I-330 redpill you to the true nature of reality and the Taylorist govt.
Anyone read Watership Down? Seems like it would fit the bill
Post what you think is good literature, please. I need a laugh.
Post-colonialist fiction, in specific Heart of Darkness is pretty redpilled on black/white relations Desu. Kurtz is a good example of this imo.
>You'll never see them neutralized and you accepted back at your role to be an integral part of society and reach beyond the stars
Futurlogical Congress by Stanisaw Lem. Not sure if it's red pill, just a damn good book. Also We by Yevgeny Zamyatin is a good book (George Orwell completely ripped it off). It's really mediocre to expect art to conform to your little meme cult, though, you should just enjoy things based on their craft, rather than how much they agree with you.
tfw Lem memeid before it was mainstream
>just read bnw for the first time
damn, I wish I was 14 again.
bnw was shit tho
Jean Raspail - The Camp of the Saints (1973)
accurate dystopia
>Integral part of society
I see what you did there. ;D
But I do hope you realize that Sup Forums IS the mephi. Maybe it's naive to lay hope in social upheaval for real progress, but who knows. There is no final number and what remains in store for us is yet to be seen.
Brave New World is way more real than 1984. We live in the media overconsumption hell it laid out.
Well, a Romanian writer called Ion Creanga wrote a story called Povestea lui Harap-Alb (The Story of the White Slave) (Harap meant slave or nigger). The bad guy in the book is Omul Span (Guy with no facial hair) who is supposed to be a stereotypical Jew. We still learn it in school, although you learn the fact that it was supposed to be antisemitic only in old books/ linguistics uni
>tfw your schools teach people that with jews you lose
True, but at the same time you can see bits of 1984 everywhere, like the media shouting things enough times that people accept it as truth.
Superior Huxley.
A touching tale of Libertarian Paradise.
SM Stirling - The Domination [of the Draka]
It's the alternate history tale of a South African superpower whose society makes the Nazis look like a hippie commune.
the trip on the on the river congo is described in the book as a literal jorney through hell filled with savages and people who gave up or are driven mad by the experience.
its a grim picture of africa and its inhabitants and for that portrait it is often critized by progressive intellectuals.
the book is not a story about the evils of white man but rather a story about the struggles of white man in a strange and hostile world which he does not understand, filled with wonders and riches but also with danger and the unknown.
>dystopian fiction
We - Zamyatin |
The New Utopia - Jerome K. Jerome |
The Machine Stops - E. M. Forster |
Player Piano - Vonnegut
Harrison Bergeron - Vonnegut
Also take a look at The Handmaid's Tale and Anthem, for comedy value if nothing else.
beautifully stated, meine deutsche freunde
I wasn't in the class that read 1984 for some reason (AP English; funny enough my regular English teacher said I should've and nominated me to take the AP test and I passed while people who were in the class failed)
Recently got around to reading this and it gave me legitimate chills to how close we actually are to this scenario