Is he, dare I say, the greatest comic strip artist of this generation?

Is he, dare I say, the greatest comic strip artist of this generation?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Literally says he's using the tablet to compensate for not being the best artist

Gonna go with no

God no.

Find me where he says he doesn't believe in global warming


Yep, that's Sup Forums, alright. Screwing up basic expressions while attempting to use big words.

Scott Adams believes that man-made climate change is a thing. He's skeptical of the measurements, though, and I think that's for good reason.

I am skeptical of a person's ability to discern what measurements are credible or not using only their penis.

what hallucination are you under in which you thought that was a clever post

That whole video is him just saying he's too lazy to draw on paper anymore because it takes too long.

Dilbert is good.
You are a shill. Fuck off, nobody here got the money for your shitty pad.
Libtard and sjw are too stupid to deal with SA, please don't post here you fucking babies.


Dilbert is good.
You are a shill. Fuck off, nobody here got the money for your shitty pad.
Libtard and sjw are too stupid to deal with SA, please don't post here you fucking babies.

Sup Forums, please.
You have consumed one cartoonist already; why do you hunger for more?

>He's skeptical of the measurements, though, and I think that's for good reason.

Those hippies are nothing but mindless thralls to Big Pump.

It is clever because it describes exactly how STEM-lords become confident in their claims outside of their fields.

was the flood in that picture caused by a rising sea level?

did your brain break or something?

>using only their penis.

"wAs ThE fLoOd In tHaT PicTuRe cAusEd bY a RiSINg sEa leVel?"

If it wasn't you're disingenuously using unrelated images to push a completely separate issue

>If the recent hurricanes and weather extremes are meaningful in terms of climate change, we really, really, really need to know that. THAT is NEWS. In fact, no news is bigger than that news. Even the risk from North Korea is smaller than the risk of total climate catastrophe. So if the current weather extremes are statistically meaningful, and science confirms, why-the-hell isn’t that the lead story everywhere?

>On the flip side, if climate scientists do NOT believe our current weather extremes are meaningful in terms of climate predictions, I’d say THAT should be the lead story too, simply because so many people believe they are seeing the beginning of the end times, climate-wise.

>So why is the biggest story in the world conspicuously missing from the news? Keep in mind that climate change is still the biggest story even if the hurricanes are NOT telling us something new. The public wants to know how big the threat is. We’re scared!!!

he's right you know

NO he's not. People can't think probabilistically.

>So why is the biggest story in the world conspicuously missing from the news? Keep in mind that climate change is still the biggest story even if the hurricanes are NOT telling us something new. The public wants to know how big the threat is. We’re scared!!!

Because people aren't interested in dry, incremental, constantly ongoing stories that require you to keep abreast of an issue over time.

The wrinkly dumb fuck is being disingenuous and coming up with a question he knows the answer to in order to try and pique people. He is knowingly being a cunt and there would be his blood on the floor if he did it to my face.

umm sweetie...

>My working hypothesis is that science doesn’t know one way or another whether the current weather extremes are predictive of things to come. And if they are not yet sure, they would say as much. And that would be a problem for news organizations dedicated to reporting climate science risks as real and dire. If you think the world is best served by convincing the public that climate risks are real, your most socially responsible play in this case is to ignore climate scientists at the moment and let the public believe (without the benefit of scientific support, at least right now) that current temperature extremes are a clear sign of climate collapse.

I noticed your lack of content and argument.
Now I will trigger you: niggers.

Yes. They're called King Tides and they've gotten progressively worse over the last decade due to sea level rise which is why Miami is spending so much money on flood mitigation.

What percentage of climate change is attributable to human influence?

(mm) on the y-axis?

>Dilbert/Scott Adams thread
>Sup Forums quickly derails it with "Muh climate change is a myth!" BS

You guys are really struggling to stay relevant these days, aren't you? :^)

Nobody knows.
With the developement of co2 sequestering technology, it'll decrease.
Plastic pollution is a much bigger threat.

pls read
and you re probably samefaggin

>Nobody knows.

We actually know quite well.

It doesn't take much.

What unit system is that X axis on?

Don't expect Sup Forums to understand climate change.

btw, Dilbert is either Sup Forums or Sup Forums comic. Not Sup Forums. Stop posting non-capeshit on Sup Forums.

newspaper comics are Sup Forums, user


>Don't expect Sup Forums to understand climate change.
...Which, logically speaking, extends to YOU because you yourself are posting on Sup Forums.

>Don't expect Sup Forums to understand climate change.
I've been frequenting both Sup Forums and Sup Forums and I have to say that Sup Forumstards don't exhibit higher levels of comprehension than Sup Forumsmblr. Whenever there is any bit of info that doesn't fall into Sup Forums-endorsed puzzle and challenges their previous assumptions, Sup Forumstards will inevitably go an extra mile to find a different opinion that is much more to their liking.

He is a barely competent artist but a good writer. His book 'How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big' genuinely changed my life. But I still haven't bought any Dilbert books because they just aren't that interesting for me.
I think Dilbert was a 'right time and place' break out success like Penny Arcade that is now just coasting on brand recognition and habitual readers rather than being outright good.

I don't think I'd say that he's the BEST, but he's definitely earned his success.

Because the media has been run on money since forever. They're not going to run any stories which could attack their shareholders.

Why else do you think that news channels usually blame the decline of America on other forces, like terrorists or immigrants, instead of ourselves?

He is the best kind of competent artist. Someone who does their best every day and grinds out content on a regular and consistent basis.
Proof that being reasonably smart and having a good work ethic is enough to succeed. There is a place for creators like him and Jim Davis.

dude, Dilbert cartoon had some of the best skits about incompetent management and marketing trying to sell that incompetence as the next wave
i tell that because i used to work as an intern for the agriculture department and is the same shit the marketing team pulls off every day

also my father used to work with a Catbert levels of human resources when i was a kid and he used to treat everyone as his bitch until the team changed after the new gov was elected

as for the global warming, i think the former president of Greenpeace addressed that the man made climate changes are a thing, but not that doomsday end times shit that the media keeps preaching, yes the climate will change, but it wont come from man, but the Earth itself, we can't predict with 100% precision the climate changes, because the sun for the next 5 days may become the biggest blizzard since ww2

(((random word betwenn triple parenthesis)))

As for the global warming, the 200 million climate refugees are going to the fucking countryside where you retards live.


Greenpeace is not a reliable source on anything related to climate. They might be right sometimes, but when you lie as much as they do, you're going to say the truth eventually.

I've always wondered how these graphs set the 0 point.

>rants about mistreatement of working class
>hates socialism
Really makes ya ponder...

Non one who isn't a real democrat/liberal/socialist is EVER going to propose anything aimed at the working class that doesn't involve hurting women, gays, non-Whites, foreigners, unions or the environment.

Every single person on the alt-right is using concern-trolling about the neglect of Joe Schmuck and Henry Hardhat in Closed Mill, Wisconshit to push for shit like lower taxes for the rich, no abortions, no environmental regulation or legalization of homophobic discrimination.

And the fucking retards eat it all up because "Muh scary SJWs". I hope the vermin all go get opioid addictions.

>lower taxes for the rich
you say this as if the current tax levels are acceptable, and like rich people saving more because of how percentages work is outrageous

It's becoming a Sup Forums thread


Why spend money on flood mitigation when you can rebrand your city to be the new Venice?

If you've never worked in a true white collar office environment Dilbert won't make much sense to you. Those of us that do, however, see a nightmarish mirror that reflects the reality we see everyday. It's actually managed to stay pretty up to date too, even with all the changes in the tech world.

It's up there, but god no.

The entire topic got brought up because of Sup Forumsmblr though

What's better?

it says on the bottom: W/m^2

People are a resource. If they are valuable then they will be happily accepted, however if they are a net drain then they're treated as waste. People have political value, you can import a population that is dependent on you and thus secure yourself power. On the other hand if you end anything tinged with deriving legitimacy from the people then you can bundle groups of under-performing people and sell them as depressed assets to third parties to be rehabilitated into productive assets and resold back.

Of course politicos don't want that because again, they need dependent populations to maintain their hold on power. High and low against middle. You can see this pattern everywhere throughout history.

I really don't understand why Scott Adams is so frequently misconstrued, even when he explicitly states what he's actually saying.


>btw, Dilbert is either Sup Forums or Sup Forums comic. Not Sup Forums. Stop posting non-capeshit on Sup Forums.
Kill yourself

>Dilbert thread
>Sup Forumsmblr quickly derails it with "FUCK GRAMBL GROMPF" butthurt

Fixed that for you m8.

dilbert is kind of fun thou. not the best sundi funni but I can see why someone would like it.

Reminder that 4 Sup Forums has been completely overrun with shitposting, false flagging and shills. Seriously take a quick look at 8 Sup Forums. Less posters means more concise threads and anything actualy confirmed gets stickied.

>good for the working class

Good joke.

>Dilbert thread
>only one cboyardee reference
>Rest is people crying about Sup Forums because Scot addams is into politics
I'd hate to see a Doonesbury thread


to be fair it looks like he just used those predrawn poses as a reference and he draws over it, which isn't quite as bad. he still drew dogbert from scratch and I've seen other videos where he draws dilbert straight out

Sounds like karma.

>8gag shilling
lol enjoy your dead gay site that leaks user info every few months




Love his work i'm still watching the old show on crackle, almost finished it. It's the only show that Kathy griffins voice didn't make me wanna puke.

Kathy Griffin is the devil.

According to this comic strip, people who hate social justice are willing to deny self-evident objective facts, and will respond to corrections with immediate hostility and threats. A good cartoon.

Getting worse

[current president]

>Albanian guy


After four terms of Obongo even the best president America has ever had will need at least a year to unfuck everything.

they try so hard

>Sup Forumsmblr
Yeah the instant slide into political talk seems really Sup Forumsmblr...

Really makes you think...

No one cares about Doonesbury, because it's crap.

Stop bumping shitty threads, faggot. Are these all the OP? I bet they fucking are.

he is


Funny considering we are STILL trying to unfuck everything the last republican president did.

I am going to bump this thread, just so I can annoy you.

>choose lyfe, son

>dies anyway

The cartoon is the only good official Dilbert thing

what about dilberitos?

As a hero