Is Melbourne lost?
Is Melbourne lost?
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> lost
it wasn't lost at all
it was sold
nope, all according to plan.
The White Exodus will happen again, when one million pre-selected Whites will travel to Antarctica and enter the Hollow Earth just like Hitler did.
And they will be reunited in Paradise.
literally me when in the library at usyd at night. the only anglo in sight. australia is lost
In fact... all of this, EVERYTHING, is merely a feint and a front for the Last White Exodus into Agartha.
Asians and Indians and Russians are being groomed to lead the world while the White Race """""dies out"""" by war, inter-breeding what have you... but really Whites are going to make Exodus into Agartha under the guise of total annihilation.
tfw too inteligence for the games of the """"elite"""""
It's not even the migrants. It's the home of every cuck in the pacific.
Every cuck I know "plans on moving to Melbourne".
And I'm from fucking Sydney.
our metro is the same since mid 2000s
The Muslims have to be cleaned up at the very least.
Apparently Sup Forums thinks Muslim is a race.
As long as the Muslims are exterminated, then no.
THAT'S RIGHT. shill away, shill away.
but i know.
I think it will be quite easy to get rid of the mud once shit hit the fan.
look at this shiet - 1 and 36 seconds apart from each other posting the same thing.
did you not get my memo - i am two inteligence for such paltry child's play.
just your average Melbournian commute
Apparently in leaf thinks his opinion is worth anything
Dear God let this be true, and let me be one of the chosen whites.
"Today it happened. I got on a train carriage in a major Australian city & was the ONLY white person on a crowded carriage (& one of very few on the entire train). What is the difference between modern Australia & Singapore now in demographics?"
And the guy taking the pics isn't even White, he's a JEW
muslim or sandnigger, its the same thing.
why am i even replying to a leaf?
the only shit skins i dont mind seeing is asian women. only because they obviously wanna fuck me
fellow chink friend in australia is urging me to try for aussie immigration because its "so easy"
thought about it for like 2 secs but nahhhh, i rather be in taiwan or china tbqh
>I'd rather be in China
So Australia then.
How the fuck do you guys have the same problem as us? team to fix it?
Guess you never took the Metro in Paris.
>tfw niggers and darkies get to enjoy our major cities more than we do
Aside from Japan and New Zealand, we're the only civilized nation in the entire region full of billions of uncivilized nations.
Of course they will flock here. If you've ever been to even the high end Asian nations like South Korea or Singapore, you'd realize why it's hard to pass up a slice of Western Civilization on your doorstep.
i went there on a business trip last week and it was a fucking shit hole
within five minutes of walking into the city i was hit up for money by a homeless/drunk/drug addict and every other alley smelt like weed.
fucking brown and yellow folk everywhere also
that is what voting green gets you
Out of curiousity, which line?
Paris is way worse.
Not necessarily because it's less white (although it sorta is) but because it's all Africans and Arabs.
Here it's Asians and Poos mostly. It honestly feels nastier and sadder in Paris. The gypsies too. Holy fuck. How do you Euros tolerate that shit. They're like Aboriginals who aren't scared of white people.
Sydney is different?
Looks like a train in london
>all those fucking shitskins and gooks enjoying the true first world meanwhile latin americans only have shitty USA
the victorian faggots deserve it. fuck those cucks.
So beautiful..
Yes mate . Absolutely finished
It legitimately needs to be bombed.*
*This post is satire and I do not intend to defend myself as this goes against the laws of my great country.
I have good working class rellos over your way, and from what I've seen, the only differences between our trains and yours, apart from yours running on time, are that your carriages are smaller, and all the chinks are sandnigger muzzies.
Full of Muslims yes?
Maybe we'd still be first world if a third of all mexicans didn't weigh us down.
Come to Paris for a weekend and you'll thank god for what you have
White people can afford to drive.
I've been to paris too, and it's incredible: in my four (4) days there, I don't think I saw a single Frenchman. On the plus side, this means the concert shooters couldn't have got more than three actual French people.
>The gypsies too. Holy fuck. How do you Euros tolerate that shit. They're like Aboriginals who aren't scared of white people.
They have lived among Euro's long enough to know that they are Beta as fuck.
You can actually smell the asians in fisher sleeping on their keyboards
Danke fur checking mein dubs.
Judging by the train, dandenong or epping
My mum voted to leave the EU because gypsies stole her washing line.
Weren't those lines always full of degenerates and junkies? Them and Broadmeadows.
lol fisher library right?
Wow, the poor immigrants all ride the train. Totally means they've taken over.
>Leaving out Frankston and Cranbourne
Yeah it's probably the dandenong line. That's where the government settles the refugees and Indians
>leaving out the pakenham line.
more like a disease
I call bullshit on that picture being taken in Melbourne - Since when have MET trains been clean without slashed seats?
Public transport is always full of foreign cunts
That's clearly a subway train in Canada
Not laughing now.
Scottish here
The level of butthurt in my work that morning was delicious, the word got around I'd voted leave, the fuckers were almost in tears
god bless you son.
Move north you won't fond that shit here
A lot of shitskins go gay in aussie anyway, chinese 'men' love nordic cock. Trust me fucked a lot of chink aussie ass in perth. Twisted little gooks
It is a Melbourne train.
You got Canada m8. But you're right... America is a terrible place for poor bottom feeders who leech of society... if you have money though you can't beat it.
we tried to put a stop to chinese a long time ago. you people are stupid allowing them into your country unchecked.
Lel it's over. At least they're Asians so we won't get bashed and raped.
I went to a public school where most of the people were dumb cunts, or rather it was cool to not do well at school. So to a large extent we brought it on ourselves.
exactly what i instantly thought
French people are fucking crazy thanks to toxoplasmosis. I had more fun hanging out with brown Parisians than the locals.
Also the women, no matter the age, are massive whores.
It would be a reverse holocaust in a natural oven.
Why do you guys act so smug toward us when we're essentially the same exact countries?
>Former Dominions
>Same queen
>Same language
>Huge empty country
>Unbearable climate for everyone else but ourselves
>Economy down the toilet
>Shit internet
>No one cares about politics
>Toronto and Melbourne
>Vancouver and Perth
>leaders are clowns
And we have some frogs I guess. But you're forced to play online with gooks on the other hand. That's about the only differences I can conjure. So what gives the ''leaf'' meme and obvious inferiority complex spamming it implies?
Because you have a fucking leaf for a flag
Paris is 80% white
How far gone is Perth and the area around it?
And you have another country's flag on yours. Like a cattle stamp or cuck tag.
Only shitskins and poor people use public transportation.
Melbournian here
The city as a whole is lost, yes, but because people tend to self-segregate there are pockets here and there that remain safe. I don't live in one and have the privilege of living in the CBD where the population is easily 80 or even 90% nonwhite
but of course an only partially rotten apple is still a rotten apple
why are there so many faggot new zealanders on this board
Even the ghetto parts of Stockholm aren't that bad.
The funny thing is, most greens voters live in heavily white suburbs
>Be British colony
>People are ethnically British
>Australian culture is subculture that developed from British culture
>Have system of Government and law that was influenced by British
>Country is still part of the British Commonwealth
While the people of Australia remain British, the Queen of the British will be their Queen too
"Cattle stamp" or "Cuck tag" implies that Australians are somehow lesser than the British, rather than the fact that they are just British people who do not live in Britain.
Fuck off leaf
You chose to replace the union jack and your combined shield of different cultures with a red leaf.
We stayed the course of the culture that birthed us ,you wandered off and recreated yourself like a white girl at uni seeing how many cocks she can fit in her mouth.
You denied not only the British heritage that you came from but the French as well, to replace with a fucking maple leaf.
You look like a child's drawing, your fucking ugly arse rag of cloth doesn't even represent anything. It's meaningless and useless as you are.
the sign says caulfield, unless the thing is broken again
I hate that this has happened, but I still love living here
>live just on the outskirts of Melbourne
>commute to work in the city and return to comfy town
people think i'm joking when i say melbourne should be firebombed
i'm never joking
my niece is in a city high school now and she's basically the only non-obese white girl in the entire place
we can't go back completely now without doing what hitler should have done so we're stuck watching our economy slowly fall, our people become weaker and our military become cucked
this is what we deserve, we were lucky enough to be close to the US and we ignored not only their problems, but the words of their founding fathers
>shitskin calling someone else a shitskin
Sunbury confirmed for comfiest outer melb town.
Also say what you want, Melbs not all that bad if you have social skills.
All the hot asian girls are all culture traitors and want a white bf more than anything else.
Literally the same thing over here in Perth.
Could be any major city in Germany, don't worry
>Cranbourne train
No. It's fine. All the white people have cars and haven't been on a bus since they left school. You are either poor or going to uni for a useless degree. Because the other people on the bus are also getting degrees. Which devalues yours. Because they will work for less
>t. Tradie on $150k a year
Oh that's a train. My bad. I haven't seen the inside of one of them for 10 years either. Get a job hippie
No, white people drive in cars and don't use the proletarian express
Poo skins love socialism and pleblic transport, fucking filthy mongrels the lot of them.
Sunbury represent