After spending some time on /pol its obvious to any level headed person that most Sup Forumsacks have at least some type mental illness. No sane person would post the average post on /pol nor waste their lives on meme creation or collecting. This leaves the question just what mental illnesses are most Sup Forumslacks suffering from and how mentally ill are they?
How mentality ill is the average Sup Forumsack?
Sage, yada yada
Ass burgers
Newb posts pepe. Thanks Pepe fags.
You'll find out November 8th
>P-please stop
>They don't feed me anymore down here, I haven't seen a woman in months
Redpill fever
Drumpfism is a mental illness
I took an autism test and "hunting" was spiked all the way, but everything else was normal.
>mental illness
You're on Sup Forums sonny, do you think anyone here DOESN'T have autism?
pro tip: there isn't a single person on earth without at least a mild diagnosis of some sort of "mild illness"
I actually suffer from gender dysphoria. I really want to chop off my tits, attach a dildo between my legs, and become a man.
So progressive and tolerant! Check your neurotypical privilege, shitlord.
I have yellow fever if you know what I mean.
In my experience, Sup Forums is mostly schizophrenic, not autistic.
just depression mixed with an introverted mentality and a loner complex
I'm am catastrophically mentally Hill.
Schizoid for me.
And mild autism, social anxiety and depression.
This board is pretty funny desu. And I like conspiracy theories. It's why I'm here. I'm not even racist (I just don't support globalization and mass immigration).
I kind of like space fascism though.
Bipolar. But is it really a disease or just a justifiable anger at a world where heaps of cunts need to die?
You're sane.
We're all suffering from mild forms of depression, at the least.
So after having wasted a bunch of time on Sup Forums, you decide to post this thread complaining about the ridiculous ways in which we waste our time. Just how low of an IQ do you need to have to display such a striking lack of self-awareness?
trump fans are too fat and dumb to get out of their rascal scooters to do anything