Bojack Season 4 Talkback

Bojack spoilers ahoy.

>Best Moment?
>Funniest Background Gag?
>Strongest episode? Weakest episode?
>Overall impression?

Mr. Peanutbutter is perfect and Diane doesn't deserve him.

>Best Moment?
The ending not being depressioncore
>Strongest episode?
>Weakest scene?
Anything with Todd. Why is he still in the show?
>Overall impression?
Best season so far, nice that Bojack is growing. Everything Todd related is garbagefire bad.

4-5 years seems right. Start of Season 2 to start of Season 3 was at least a year, because of the January Halloween store to the Oscars (in February). It's unlikely they made a movie in less than a year, so probably at least two years. Then Season 3 to the start of Season 4 was a year and a half.

>Weakest episode?

Don't think there'll much debate over this.

Is anyone getting sick of stupid Todd C plots? He was really grating on episode 12 after I wanted to see more of Bojack's conclusion.

I think I'm pretty alone on this, but I quite enjoyed the clown dentist comic relief scenes.

>Everything Todd related is garbagefire bad.
>Is anyone getting sick of stupid Todd C plots?

I get the feeling they're running out of ideas and just do Todd to fill time.

Only if you're Sup Forums.

I don't get the point of Todd. He had a point in earlier seasons but this season he interacted with Bojack about twice, and otherwise did literally nothing. Where is this asexual nonsense going? The clown stuff was funny ONCE yet we got episode after episode of it.

Do people seriously find Todd entertaining?

I can't wait for the immigration episode.

He does bring some great gags (the whole dentist clown ordeals was funny from start to finish) but the fact that it was just Todd instead of Todd and Bojack or Todd and Mr PB, By himself he quickly got annoying.

Mmmm I'm pretty blue and I still thought that episode was way heavyhanded.

Sup Forums favourite franchise

>Only if you're Sup Forums.

I'm not even from the US and have no strong opinions about the topics presented in the Very Special Episodes so far (desu, nobody else in the world really cares about abortions and guns either way). I just think these kind of episodes are pure shit.

It really was. At least the whole election stuff was rather general, so that was fine, and while Ep 5 had its laughs, it was... not subtle at all.

A minor detail I just realised is that Bojack dad didn't lie, his mother did have a diamond shape in her head. Otherwise Holly couldn't have inherited it.

Felt really bad for the fly character

Not Necessarily user. Remember he used the same line on that maid he knocked up.

What I'm getting at is that because of that line, you assume he uses that line just to flirt. but if Holly is his and a humans daughter, that means her diamond must have come from her dad's mother

Todds character is a joke.

He's the straight man in a show about how everyone's screwed up. Including him, but because his screws ups don't effect himself or others around him, he just slides on by going through everyone else's drama.

He notices the bullshit but 98% of the time he's too stupid to say anything.

How does Todd get away with sleeping on rich people's couches and living the high life in one of the coolest cities in the world? I want to do that.

hey, you found it

I know that not much of you agree, but I like Diana story arc. With show that is so much about depression and existential problems, she is needed to counter Bojack in some way. At the end you can track most of his problems in the family, mostly mother issues. He was born broken. Diana on the other had reasonable normal family, has loving husband, okay-ish carrier. And still has similar problems and thoughts as Horseman. You don't need tragic back story to feel incomplete, to feel bad about your life. Of course Bojack character is more interesting and complex, but without Diana it would cheapen out emotions of whole show to "mommy issues".

what did they mean by this?

Think Bojack will fuck Diane or PC?

Anyone else share the opinion that episode 2 was the strongest episodes?
BoJack's problem is that he's aware that he's a shitty person but never takes the steps to improve himself. He keeps trying to find instant gratification. In ep 2, he leaves a lot of his shit behind him. He stopped clinging onto it. We've seen him drink, but at least he's not on drug mixers anymore. And now he cares about actually *maintaining* his relationships. The season started with BoJack escaping his problems, rather than ending with it.

>The end of episode 12
>I never had a brother before"


Episode 7 is so strangely cartoony it feels like it came out of another show.

Mr. Peanutbutter is still alive this season, right?

>to know you more is to love you less
Ah this is the empathetic catharsis I needed to push me over the edge

>The gun commentary

Jesus fucking Christ, nearly ruined the season for me.

That the writers have even a cursory knowledge of history. Adolf was just reactionary. Kikes shot first


Just finished Episode 7. So Zach Braff is dead and the rest of them went through an apocalyptic nightmare, but they're just gonna ignore all of that unpleasantness to focus on REAL drama? I hate it how arbitrary what is and isn't taken seriously in this show is.

Reminds me of that Childish Gambino music video.

Yes. Still going.

Only Mr PB technically lived through any real trauma and he's not the type to dwell on something life-threatening.

The ones that lived through the worst of it didn't really matter.

Just watched the first 5 episodes. It's certainly not quite as hardcore as the last 3 seasons just yet.

>Weakest episode?
The fucking underground episode. So much shit in 26 minutes, jesus christ

Episodes 6, 9 and 11 hit me especially hard. They are pretty heavy.

is there a torrent yet?

i have a fetish for anthro ants so i'm biased

>Best Moment?
Can't say just yet, probably need another rewatch.
>Funniest Background Gag?
Either I wasn't paying too much attention but I didn't find a lot of funny background gags this season. Maybe they're running out of ideas.
>Strongest episode? Weakest episode?
Strongest are clearly the last two episodes followed by the weakest probably being the first one and anything with Todd. Although most of the clown bits was pretty good. Honourable mention to Underground with Bojack getting drunk with Diane and PC negotiating with those bugpeople.
>Overall impression?
Pretty good, probably going to have to rewatch it again. Slighty better than 3 IMO minus any SJW they sneaked in but bonus points for that hitler comment.

Everything hits after 5. Give it a break maybe today and start again tomorrow.

on TPB

Honestly it's hard to tell at this point but from where we're heading I think things will be over for PB and Diane pretty soon. Maybe sleeping with Bojack will the the final nail between PB and Diane's marriage.

I've also got money on Bojack fucking both of them and fucking it all up spectacularly once more.

In which episode Diane hatefucks Mr PB?

Ep. 4

I liked it. Group of people going batshit insane because of isolation Is one of my favorite tropes.


Can't you just go there and search it? We shouldn't have to spoonfeed you this much.

I really don't see how it's Bojack fault that Hollyhock got sick. She's 17 and chose to drink coffee prepared by a woman suffering severe dementia. A woman who cannot even recognise her own son. He had been very clear about not trusting Beatrice from the beginning but was shut down repeatedly. I cannot even fault him for not picking up on her odd behaviour or eating habits when Hollyhock's introduction is her chloroforming people and they already had an argument over his perception of her weight. Bojack did nothing wrong.

i'm really glad that bojack didnt fuck holly in the show but i really want porn of them fucking

I think you didn't get it. It wasn't his fault, and neither Holley's. She didn't know she was being given slim powder in her coffee. She even says it in the last episode, that she was being drugged without her knowing it.

I think that the subtext behind Ralph and PC's break up was that PC desperately wanted to have a baby the natural way in order to prove that she wasn't a failure as a woman (no-one goes through five miscarriages without considering other options otherwise) while Ralph had made it clear that a big part of why he loved PC so much was because their relationship was "easy". So PC broke up with Ralph because she wanted to do things the hard way and she thought that he wouldn't accept that.

Patience young padawan.
The season hasn't been out for more than 12 hours yet.
Give it time.
I'd say another 12 hours should do the trick.

Yet user, Yet. He might do it next season.

There's not really much r34 of this show. I dunno what you're expecting.

I wouldn't know. I don't have fucked up fetishes like the rest.

The Clown Dentist arc was PRIME Todd.
Everything else about Season 4 todd, I'll concede.
Best moment
Funniest Background Gag
It's a tie between the cute snow bunny and The Killer Bee Murder Spree
Strongest episode
Episode 9
Weakest episode
Episode 1, Because of the way the events throughout the show are framed, the first episodes are never great in Bojack in that they're all a fresh start and serious drama never happens in them which is the meat of the show.

The humor isn't bad but it's, you know what I mean.

Overall an incredible season, I was really scared it wouldn't live up to my expectations but it way beyond them.

Why would Asexuals need a meet-up?
>I sure don't want to get fucked
>I share this sentiment
>hmm, yes- I'd rather be birdwatching
>I do not share that hobby but I also find other non-sexual activities more rewarding than sex
It's like if there was an atheist church where they wasted their Sunday mornings by talking about how little they believe in a god.

there that really good comic page where bojack fucks penny

Wowee, look at Mister Non-degenerate here, must be pretty good fapping to normal shit, huh?

Send help, I've gone too far down the rabbit hole of fucked up fetishes

Yeah, well why are you asking for anthro incest porn then, bitch?

Damn, episode 9 has some real layers on a second watch.

>Ruthie tells the whole fake story about the origin of PC's necklace because PC hasn't learned that it's fake yet.

Think of it as dating without the sex. That's what it is. Find a friend service.

That's what all the young cool hip kids are doing.

That's touched on later when one of them explains that Asexual aren't necessarily Aromantic, they still get in relationships with the people in the meet-up it just doesn't involve sex.

Stop the porn.

That's it. For as long as you can, stop viewing the electric jew.

That episode fucked me up
>PC is pregnant
>fuck they are going to kill the baby aren't they?
>episode 9 starts and its about a kid whose PC descendant giving a presentation about her
>Oh well, she looks like her. I guess I was wrong
>they reveal it was all in PC's head

I want Todd and the mouse to get together

The kid is given "Future Adderall", showing that it's just what PC thinks the future would be like

I saw it coming because it reminded me too much of How I Met Your Mother and all the other comments about her age and potential infertility. Especially from the same albino rhino that's also PC's gyno.

>I know you watch foreign movies
>I watch foreign films
the Sup Forums in me had a gentle kek

I felt like they were setting it up when she was asking about herself

PB is not perfect and neither deserve each other.

>albino rhino that's also PC's gyno
please stop
tongue twisters make me orgasm a little

>That Gun Control episode

Going to die

>"We banned all guns in California"
>"Congrats Diane you passed Sensible gun control"


PC's tongue twisters almost got old, then one of them didn't exist and it was just a really stupid trick.

Then it became funny again.

I take it that you enjoyed the Courtney Portnoy episodes as much as I did.

>thoughts and prayers
really subtle. i thought that was quite funny. a weird show

>>Congrats Diane you passed Sensible gun control"
I really hate Diane and that fucking gun control bullshit


My mommy is upstairs

>afraid people are going to overhear you watching a cartoon involving bestiality sex
>afraid that people are going to think you like that
user, they probably already think that.

Just tell her you're watching an asian woman have sex with a dog.

She'll understand.


It's really a toss up between that and episode 11 for most affecting for me.

>Corben Creamerman looks like a total loser at first, but when he makes that heartfelt speech about his dad not respecting his interests and Beatrice starts to connect with him emotionally, he suddenly becomes handsome. It's both sweet and it reinforces that everything is in Bea's head and can't be trusted.

Well, he's the closest to it of any of the main cast.

Granted, it comes at a price that I don't think any of them want to pay, but he's also the only one who's persistently happy.

Well when you put it like that

Jesus she was a selfish bitch this time. Becoming a drunkard wreck just because you tried to prove that willpower overrides biological realities you don't want to accept, at the expense of everything including the best lover she ever had? Goddamn.

Does Bojack have an anxiety disorder?

Why did e v e r y episode have something "progressive" in it? From Tod's asexuality, to a woman having a man's voice, to that girl's 8 dads that they very much elaborated they were gay, and the transgender movie PC was talking about? I don't care if you're gay or support it, but it was pretty overwhelmingly blunt that they kept on and on with it.

Also, I don't hate the gun control episode because of gun control shit, I hate it because it was genuine SJW bullshit with women being sensible and the guys being written like dumbshits at random and saying nail on the head lines to boost up the women. Plus, it was getting old with the grandpa horse bullshit about women needed to be dumb and taking it to an extreme.

Probably won't watch S5, I don't know. I laughed some, a few times even rewatched a scene, but this season was grating as fuck more than it was rewarding. I get Diane not wanting a big gesture happening, but then she went as said "this fantasy belong to ME"

like jesus fucking christ, that's an entirely different subject- and they never dwell on the secondary lines that have a specific retort lined up, just the situation at hand.

I haven't gotten to the episode yet, but that sounds like a good quality joke

So is this season not depression core?

It didn't come off a juxtaposition joke to me (not either of those posters btw), but rather her saying it genuinely

Diane is a liberal juxtaposition in herself though, the fact that she would even say this is a good joke

It's political shit on a scale of 8/10. Not just Mr Peanutbutter running, but they really focused on progressive stuff over other things. There were a few depressing things, as expected, but Bojack rarely fucked up and when he did it was a warped situation or one where it was iffy but seemed right but everyone saw it as negative.

giggled at this

I liked the Bullet Magnet

PC said it to her