Is higher education redpilled? If so, what is the most redpilled?
Is higher education redpilled? If so, what is the most redpilled?
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I'm doing an applied math and philosophy double major, feels breddy gud XD
Electrical Engineer. Voting Trump.
Music, Mathematics, Tertiary teaching.
r8 me Sup Forums
Electrical Engineer here also voting for Trump.
Why is transportation so low
Computer Engineer
Cs/Ce for trump
>he isn't a pre-pharmacy microbiology major
enjoy having a boring job
Would vote for trump
Software Engineer for Trump
The best thing about EE professors they don't give a shit about being PC and speak their minds. They are constantly making fun of liberal art majors etc. It's awesome!
Art major, not voting due to ignorance. Engineers are great but fuck the meme that everyone should become one. Was going for mechanical, but I buckled down on being productive with my drawing and I'm happy now. Only do engineering if you actually enjoy tinkering with shit, I sure as hell didn't.
was looking for this, econ being great always made me happy, everybody talks shit but what I really want is to be a businessman, Trump has only bolstered that dream in me
2 bad can't afford
Moments like these I feel like im suffering from an overdose of red pills as a cognitive neuroscientist
>Is higher education redpilled
Not anymore. Most universities are littered with marxist staff who influence students.
>shit tier
Studying computer engineering.
Not going to bother to vote, because I don't really see the point.
Am making it a point to convince others to vote Trump though.
>Am making it a point to convince others to vote Trump though.
That's all we can hope for
>foreign language
Meh tier. Studied Japanese and now I'm living the dream
Criminal Law and Foreign Language, since I'm a court interpreter for now. Trying to get a gov't job where I can just read Chinese or Japanese boards and get paid for it, instead of just as a hobby.
Great tier here, would vote for Trump. I think humanities are important though, just not to the exclusion of hard science.
What test did you take?
Here's the most redpilled majors:
>Top tier
A major that aligns with your passions + you can make a living on.
>Mid Tier
A major that aligns with your passion + bad prospects of making a living on.
>Shit tier
A major that you don't enjoy, but you chose it anyway because of either money or it was what your parents wanted for you.
that chart is garbage. pure garbage.
Dude your list is fucking trash. Do better.
Haven't even taken the JLPT yet desu. I'd guess I'm about a level 3
Did you read the disclaimer in red on the bottom?
Have you tasted a lot of asian pussy?
Foreign Language and Military. Being a cryptologic linguist makes me shit tier, or does the two combined make me meh tier?
The free degree feels pretty fucking unbelievable tier.
Cool man. I took The N2 while in Japan. Studying for the N1 now and then Kanji Kentei. What do you plan to do with the language?
What branch? I was thinking of joining the military if I don't get this DHS job.
Where does post secondary technical school fall in on that chart?
>be me
>be 26
>work at a uranium mine
>work 5.5 months of the year
>make almost $200,000
>liberals think of me as "uneducated" and socially below a arts student
Construction should at least be in good or great. Look at any building. someone had to build it. if there were no builders literally nothing would get done.
Historian here, shit tier job? Really...
By the way don't rob museums. We have safes for our cooler shit.
>college education
>good tier
That means no roads, schools, laboratories, airports, casinos. the list goes on...forever.
Yeah, the wmaf is real. I was a fucking degenerate my first few months here. Now I'm just trying to find a waifu that genuinely likes me and not just because I'm tall and white
No idea famalam, I've hit a plateau and I'm burnt out of the language tbqh. I'm probably just going to teach for a few years and save up for grad school and become a professor hopefully
What about people who don't have any passions? What is the redpill for us? Honestly if I could be a night security guard for 11.50 an hour I would do it but I don't know how to find this kind of job.
I forgot to ask, what are you doing with the language? What kind of paths do we have in this field that don't involve ESL?
>L i t e r a l l y Jewology
>aerospace engineer
good luck finding a job with no industry
Me as well
Incidentally, I'm a night security guard while I'm going to school.
>I'm at work right now
>I'm getting paid $10 an hour to browse the memes on Sup Forums
Try finding something you like doing. I focused on legal shit but I also like manga, history and literature so that kept motivated to learn. I also got out of teaching as fast as I could and got a Jo job, definitely gave me more incentive to study harder as I had to use it everyday. Good luck man, whatever you do.
>We /sci/ now
Feels good to be highest tier.
I'm working in the courts in NYC doing legal translations for clients and interpreting for them in courts. I also do interpreting as a part time, freelance, going to the doctor and shit with people, mostly housewives and college kids. It's alright but I want to do something else that makes better money. I mean I make about 60K a year but still is like more. Having a degree in something else definitely helps. If it's only Japanese you should look into translation or teaching those are your best bets. Or get a MA for something you cause use the language for and make decent bread.
>Meh tier
>drink bleach
"Grads with majors like Latin American Studies and Gender Studies are seeing big gains in full-time employment and pay, per the NACE’s First-Destination Survey: Class of 2015. Average starting salaries for these two majors are up 26 percent to $43,524 for the Class of 2015, compared with the previous year’s graduates."
Something is going seriously wrong... are the SJW extortion tactics working?
I've seen as many unemployed lawyers as I have seen unemployed psychologists.
If you haven't found your life purpose yet, keep looking. Dabble in different shit in your spare time. With the Internet, there's a lot of information out there to help you figure it out.
How is it to study history and how many years did you do to become a historian?
Pice very related to this thread.
I study Politics, Philosophy and Economics
>Something is going seriously wrong... are the SJW extortion tactics working?
Seems like with all the political correctness going on they need to hire people that understand the quagmire of rules.
I don't know if i should be asking this here, but do i need to have a degree in programming to be successful in that field?
Maths is a god-tier foundation for any solid academic career. If you have a BA in maths and then a PhD in anything else even slightly relevant you have won at that particular branch of things to do with your life.
Sooo... the extortion tactics are working.
Double majored in Finance and Econ.
Trump's my daddy
Stem is meme tier and for unambitious people
Enjoy those decent graduate salaries because you'll hit the middle management £50k a year glass ceiling pretty rapidly.
Nope, IT is an industry in which no-one gives a fuck about your qualifications, only your skills.
I majored in Pharmacy. Now I'm giving redpills left and right. Would have gone for a minor in ethnic cleansing but they were all gone.
You mean Edjewcation?
> math, physics, biology, geology, astronomy
> not suicide tier
The only STEM fields that make money are the engineering ones and computer science.
Fuckin-A Right!
Computer engineer
Also picked up masters in CompSci during my four years
Now going into PHD for Neuroscience
Read philosophy in my off-time
Voting Trump
In my experience:
> Physics/CompE/EE all openly love Trump
> A lot of other engineers love Trump but they hide behind "I-I just don't want to vote for Hillary" because they think it will get them pussy
> Computer Science is 100 percent shill for Hill
> Indians and Asians love Trump
>Stem is meme tier and for unambitious people
t. brainlet
I'm doing a triple major in Economics, History, and Computer Science
Econ and History are very easy for me, and I'd have a load of free time if not for Compsci. Should I just settle for a double major, or is computer science really worth it that much in the end?
Business Information Technology (Computer science with minors in Business systems analysis)
Where do I fit
>trying to outmachine machines
Joke's on you, fag, I use dollars, not pounds. That means I get, like, $80K to every £50K one of you guys make. Yall are suckers.
>a PHILOSOPHY major is the person in charge of the project veritas leaks
>literally saves western civilization
>just like Socrates
From Trump university?
>tfw studied shit tier subject but life is comfy
can't complain at all. honestly i think it's totally possibly to have a good/satisfying job that works for you regardless of what you majored in, it's all about what you do with your degree
If you had a brain you wouldn't use it to make money for someone else who'll cap your salary before you've even noticed
honestly, 99% of you will be disillusioned with it by the time you are 40
>Good tier.
You're computer science with the hard stuff taken out.
>literally every major I want to do is Shit Tier
>thinking the actual subject of your degree matters.
>most jobs are just looking for "a degree"
so just do whatever you want so long as it isn't some meme tier degree like gender studies or something even arts degrees are fine so long as you get some internships in college.
this coming from a maths student.
Yeah and he's going to get suicided because he didn't go STEM and get a good job.
go back to tumblr
> Computer Science is 100 percent shill for Hill
> Indians and Asians love Trump
Now this is weird news. Sup Forums had me believing American compsci is overwhelmingly saturated with Indians
Speaking as someone who did STEM he's not wrong
Engineering schools are full of people who are clever, but don't necessarily have a passion for the subject, and are taking the classes because they want a steady paycheck to support a family
Nothing at all wrong with that, it's even admirable, but it leaves a lot of them miserable. Hell I like what I'm learning, and even I was pretty burnt out after four years and stopped giving a shit in a lot of classes, I had to catch myself a couple times to make sure I didn't fuck up my GPA.
It also means that a lot of classes are composed mostly of people who are just doing it to get by and aren't really excited for the subject. That rubs off on other students and brings the teacher down, too. And it's unnecessary, because the stark fact is a lot of "STEM" jobs don't require these intelligent people to force themselves through school for four years learning a bunch of shit they don't care about - a lot of them could be trained to do these jobs in 6 months or less.
Astronomy, physics and math I agree with
Bio, Chen and geology are good though, especially if you do the right post grad study. (Ie any chemistry related to petrol and gas is instant goldmine)
It's only worth it if you use it
PPE is a meme to scam poor people. You only get into politics if you're born rich.
Maybe in some schools? I do have experience with mostly the grad program, possibly undergrad is different. But the grad program is like 80% faggy little white boys and girls with gross colored hair.
4 years but SJW propoganda is rampant.
I'm double majoring in chemistry and religious history, I already do a bit of archeological work, and intend to become an archeologist specializing in artifact preservation (I have some geological/earth sciences background as well).
It's not a glamorous or well paying job, but I feel it's important.
How exactly transportation is suicide tier? Please respond.
Bus drivers don't make that much. But if your that Autistic about it, go right ahead.
I don't think they are talking about pilots there.
I've had similar experiences in CE
mathematics + physics + theology
Electrical and Computer engineer here...
Voting Trump
Can someone explain about this "feminism\transgender\etc studies". From my perspective - i think this is a fucking joke, and i cant take this retarded propaganda seriously, and i cant belive that is real and somebody is paying for that.
Literal suicide tier
Go back to /sci/ you filthy kike