Jokes on you /pol, your puny email scandal has just made Hillary stronger hahahahaha!!
Drumpf BTFO.
Jokes on you /pol, your puny email scandal has just made Hillary stronger hahahahaha!!
Drumpf BTFO.
Shut up drumpfkin
Comey knew it would "backfire", he's actually trying to help her
Serious reaction thread though, this was a show stopper for over 12 hours for the campaign, they were in damage control trying to figure out what to do.
It seems they are 'all in' today, trying to control the narrative.
Media will help them no doubt.
Is this just gonna go away?
how deluded is this meme (((journalist)))
Ron Brown (Chinagate Clinton Scandal):
He has told the president that if he is going down, he is not going down alone. After grand jury subpoena is issued, Ron Brown dies (along with nearly three dozen other Americans) when his plane crashes in Croatia. Number of anomalies including inconsistencies over the purported state of the weather, crash location, what happened to the plane's black boxes, etc. Even though the crash site is about a mile from the runway, the first rescuers do not arrive for 4 hours.
Shelly Kelly is the flight attendant on the plane. Approx. 4 hours after the crash, Croatian Special Forces arrives on the scene and finds only Kelly survived. They call for a helicopter to evacuate her to the hospital. When it arrives, she is able to get aboard without assistance from the medics. She dies enroute An autopsy later reveals a neat three-inch incision over her main femoral artery. Incision came at least three hours after her other cuts and bruises.
Chief Niko Jerkuic, technician in charge of the radio beacons used during the fatal Ron Brown flight commits suicide. Christopher Ruddy and Hugh Sprunt write, "Brown's plane was probably relying on Croatian ground beacons for navigation. In the minutes before Brown's plane crashed, five other planes landed at Dubrovnik without difficulty, and none experienced problems with the beacons. But additional questions about the beacons and the crash will remain unanswered because airport maintenance chief Niko Junic died by gunshot just 3 days after the crash and before he could be interviewed by investigators. Within one day, officials ruled it a suicide.
Medical examiners confirm R. Brown had a perfectly circular hole in his head that looked like a gun wound. No autopsy or investigation.
Shillbot has crashed
love me Australia, pls bb
Prosecuter on Whitewater in 90's - Help Clintons, pick one?
Truck frump drumpf xddd
Why the hell would this inspire her supporters?
What the fuck. This is a fucking scandal and it somehow helps her, incredible.
What the actual fuck.
You Drumpftards thought this was over? Not by a long shot. We've only just begun.
oh I'm having a giggle.
>her supporters
Problem is it's the independents that are starting to notice her massive problems.
>Is this just gonna go away?
No, they can only control the narrative until the information starts to seep out.
The headline in the OP is stupid.
>Comey letter backfires
The letter's purpose was not to tank her poll numbers. The purpose was Comey fulfilling his legal obligation to inform Congress he was about to Clinton once and for all. No amount of Clinton rallies can keep her out of jail.
Getting paid overtime I see op
wtf i hate emails now
>independents that are starting to notice her massive problems.
I hope so. I've been long opposed to Hillary's candidacy because I figured she would be a worsening of the status quo, but in these last couple days I am starting to get legitimately concerned about what will happen globally if Hillary wins and the hammer comes down on her while she's in the oval office.
Her supporters won't do dick even if they were somehow energized.
At the most they might actually go out to vote at a slightly higher rate.
It's the independents that matter at this point.
no fucking way
loool you guys so right :)))) xxDDD GREETINGS FROM GERMANY LOL
A fucking white male (who is not Trump) will become president
Women will get their "we wuz president" moment courtesy of white men and immediately replace her with a white man before she has time to period out and start a nuclear holocaust
> energizes Hillary's supporters
The whole three of them ?
Ths narrative they are building (and Politico is helping) is that Comey is partisan.
Do we have the Podesta emails where Politico are outed as being hacks for HRC?
Sureeeee it does.
Bring dich um, du Raßenschande.
how do this many Sup Forumsacks reply to blatantly obvious b8 like this in a serious way
better be double layered b8 or ill cut off my hand
Just google "Ron Brown."
Also, his personal attorney was allegedly gunned down in a drive-by shooting the next day (after Brown's plane crashed).
Are you describing Hillary winning, getting arrested, and Kaine just peacefully taking over? That is doubtful. If they can prove Clinton Foundation criminality, her being POTUS will destabilize our position on the world stage dramatically.
It will be like everything else
It will go away in the 'media' (for a good day they were caught off guard) and they will spin it as much as they can to help her
Among the general population which ranges from "Distrusts the media" to "actively hates the media" it's not going to go away
Fuck Australia, they're like that bitch that took advantage of you in high school and ignored you after.
It's not. There's a lot of genuine white tra... Appalachian Whites posting here (Which is odd, because you'd expect them to be on 8-chan.). I expect it to return to normal after the election.
>Are you describing Hillary winning, getting arrested, and Kaine just peacefully taking over?
Yes, pretty much exactly what happened with Dick Nixon.
I'm impressed with the way her campaign has dealt with this. First I thought attacking the FBI director might have been a step too far, but unless they find anything really significant she's comes up looking like the victim of an 11th hour october surprise attempt.
The fact the DOJ told them no, they don't have a warrant and they;ve had huma's emails since April is going to sink comey.
Anybody who is in a position to testify against the Clintons will die. It's inevitable. The only thing that seems to protect them is when the victims make claims that are public and are surrounded by the media. Then, the Clintons have to follow the law. They're pretty much stuck with discrediting the person and fighting via the legal channels.
Anybody with enough evidence to put them away definitely dies...or they know not to talk. Back in the 90s, 65 people either left the country or plead the fifth amendment when subpoenaed to testify against the Clintons.
The FBI director at the time said he's seen that type of behavior before in organized crime.
Nope, former assistant director to the FBI on CNN said this could be critical information for an ONGOING investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
It's possible Clinton is about to go down with a whole other whirlpool of people.
Check this thead; CNN video is in it:
It's not even bait, just drawing attention to the narrative being bushed by HRC so it can be understood and combatted.
Gee better do what he says guys. Xd
>6 anti-trump articles in a row
At some point you're getting diminishing returns on the desired effect.
Trust me. The Clintons will NOT go down. They will get away with everything. They always do.
Count the plane crashes. Count the "suicides." Count the mysterious accidents like death by barbell before testifying. Sure. It's all a coincidence that anybody who is in a position to harm the Clintons dies.
>fbi has an ongoing investigation into the clinton foundation
>even the fucking nro can connect the dots of corruption and influence peddling to warrant a rico investigation, so the fbi can too
>they have ammo on her but comey suppressed it
>comey comes out with it 11 days before the election
>clearly his hand was forced
>palantir user come on pol and tells us him and his buddies forced comey's hand, Hilldog going down on tuesday
>who is a peculiar and suspicious character supporting Trump without any clear motive to do it
>Peter Theil
>Clinton BTFO and her corrupt foundation taken down, with or without the ties to high level players
>Trump gets into office
>Thiel, shadowy power player and master of big data spy corp comes in with him
>We've exchanged a crony network of boomer influence peddling for a shadowy high tech spymaster with some extreme political views
>America BTFO
Well, Clinton supporters are so low energy, won't change anything. I bet most of them won't even vote because they think they won already.
hillary is expendable
Just like she "went down" over
>muh benghazi
>muh arkanicide
>muh bimbo eruptions
>muh 12yo rape victim
>muh emails ver. 1.0
>muh corruption
>muh parkinsons
Its cute watching you all get your panties in a bunch over the fact these "scandals" never seem to stick. Its almost like you're just a bunch of retaded kooks yammering on in your little safe space hugbox.
Do you not understand who found the emails?
The whole foundation is already fucked. This will be big.
You should learn german before you pretend to be one of us, roach.
Feel free to screenshot my words.
The Clintons cannot be touched. They're like fucking Wilson Fisk from Daredevil. Or Lex Luther. They always get away with it.
Thanks britfag CTR shill. Do you not trust CNN? I thought that was HRC's safespace and that's what I linked to. CNN essentially broke the story that the Clinton Foundation has been under longterm investigation and its ongoing. This new evidence is potentially important to that investigation.
Everything points to being fucked.
Who is that? Dude, it doesn't even fucking matter. There have been Clinton Cabinet members that have died when things got dicy. When fired all of the White House attorneys and continued to replace attorneys when any of them showed backbone. The only one who stuck around was Cheryl Mills. And she's been rewarded by being given a steady paycheck for the past 25+ years. She also will never talk. She always gets immunity agreements or pleads the fifth.
What's so significant about Preet here?
Does Hillary wear a wig sometimes? She doesn't seem to have enough real hair for it to be styled so boofy.
>you think we'll get Capone for tax evasion after everything he's done?
What supporters?
He busts the fuck out of anyone nobody who no questions asked.
He found the evidence.
>all written today
Fuckers are in full panic mode.
He'd better be fucking careful. If he doesn't die, the evidence will go missing.
Or the people in charge of the investigation will be compromised. They'll be bribed with an appointment in the next administration or offered money. Or they'll be threatened.
If you arrest her, she wins.
I don't trust anyone. American media companies are about ratings, selling ad space and promoting americanism/globalism. Ours are no better. If its shekels or hillary it'll be shekels, tho they'll try and have their cake and eat it too if there is a real danger of the story affecting her pending election.
Al jazeera and RT are far more "honest" in that their biases aren't hidden. Fuck, I even read Free Republic regularly just to take the pulse of the loony wing.
Damage.... wait for it...
Hillary will can't be touched, she is above the law. People should be angry but they aren't.
Ah, that's why Hillary is now using photoshop to "enhance" the energy present during her rallies.
>your puny email scandal
You do realize we are not the FBI right? James Comey doesn't browse here.
It's not us who is investigating the corruption of your incompetent, criminal, unqualified, candidate - it's the FBI.
>energizes Clinton supporters
She had 20 people at her rally in Ohio, and is now pulling out of crucial states. The media is starting to turn. Obama backed out of his appearances with her crooked ass, and CNN has been running stories about Biden saying he would've easily beaten this insufferable cunt.
And she even lost her Huma...
With all of that, here you are linking that bullshit shill website. Are you fucking kidding me? You may as well just link her campaigns website you faggo t.
Now kindly, fuck off back to cuckit with this bullshit you pathetic piece of shit.
how does that work?
Hilary is our only hope
sure I guess if the media tells you it has to be gospel.
When Trump attacked Khans he knew he's dealing with Muslim establishment therefore likely sharia shills. And guess what.
"Khan" in surname generally suggest high status. The media is so corrupt that they've never noticed it.
Wikipedia tells me Brown died of blunt force trauma. Explain that.
Well put!
Hillary Huma Weiner 15-year old girl use yahoo and gmail to conduct business and pleasure.
Access Hollywood 11 years ago cannot compete.
More fodder for the election night victory collage I'm going to BTFO you all with.
Wow and they reckon North Korea are the masters of propaganda. Kim's got nothing on this based machine...
That shopped photo was made on Sup Forums as a joke.
Read it. It also mentioned that they found a hole in the head but still ruled it as blunt trauma. Or that guy with shot to the chest as a suicide. Lol
This is why Comey had to go public.
It the Clintons found out he was allowing the investigation to continue, he'd be dead.
Or maybe he's just an incompetent idiot
you could say, that the backlash energy from this scandal will literally ...
raise the dead
>her biggest of the month
>less than half of Trump's average attendance
His personal wiki page has the info on the hole of his head
According to who?
Vielleicht ist das ja der witz, du mongo
I read your post, but what's your source? Considering the revelation that South Korea is run by a cult I'm willing to believe pretty much anything today provided you have a good source.
>this happened the same day as a leaked tape of her saying to rig the Palestine election
>the news can say "its fucking nothing" over and over again all weekend
>pure coincidence
>these email scandals are actually a good thing for her campaign
This is getting sad imo t b h f a m
Clinton can't ignore it, unless she doesn't take questions from the media. Though she did that already.
Plus, since she already called the FBI out to release what they have, it will get her "strong" base to continue that cry.
shit man her campaign has gone full weekend at bernies.
this thread needs some "this is fine" images
Her supporters were energized to vote for her anyway... Her bench is running thin... She needs to convince the moderates, the independents, and the pissed off democrats, and this doesn't help with them...