>film with death, gore, stabbings, decapitations and violence in general.
>"haha so funny, violence is so fun xD"

>film with a rape scene
>"now it's crossing the line. that's distasteful. it's disgusting and offensive. this film shouldn't even exist"

Who ever decided that rape is worse than murder?

Other urls found in this thread:


I mean, in a way it is.

It has lasting effects. At least with murder you're dead. Plus, within the context of movies, sexual assault is just kind of distasteful. Does anyone really enjoy those scenes unless they're getting off on them? They have such an 'impact' that it means the entire movie is gonna have to focus on that rape scene from then on

"Hey Mike.. I just realized that I have zero marketable job skills, and have completely relied upon you - the man who slept with my first love - for virtually my entire adult life!

My most recent attempt at solo comedy fell flat on its face and fizzled out after being deadpanned by my most loyal fans! I'm nothing more than a polyp sucking on the colon of Red Letter Media, satiated with my lack of ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry I so bitterly critique!

With the exception of a cute haircut and a sycophantic, ingratiating nature, I offer virtually nothing to you! It's become clear that I have absolutely no future in film making, outside of making "ironically bad" YouTube videos as I obediently wait at your side to collect my earnings (mere pennies on the dollar) as they fall off the table into my food dish!"

"That's right, Jay!"

Getting boners with your buddies is awkward AF bruh

Well rape is a cheap trick to use to make the watcher uncomfortable.
However. Gore is much harder. It can either be very effective and stomach wrenching like that scene in Bone tomahawk. Or its just silly and laugh worthy.

>rape is worse than murder
This is in fact a deeply patriarchal, traditionalist attitude.

They're Americans.
You can't show a nipple on American TV but you can show torture and dismemberment.
They're desensitized to violence, whereas sexuality remains taboo

Also, our brains can easily distinguish the real violence from the fake one, rewarding itself with a dopamine boost - "wew, it's not real, it's a game". Fictional sexual violence almost always percieved as somewhat real, therefore stressful and uncomfortable to watch (unless you're a literal sadist).

>Boy RLM sure are pathetic. Better go to Sup Forums and post the exact same RLM pastas over and over for the next six years to prove how pathetic they are!

Jay has to toe the line now to keep his tranny whore happy. A wiff of sex makes you progressive.

Space Cop was Mike's movie

>Fictional sexual violence almost always percieved as somewhat real
Citation needed for your bullshit.

*slide whistle*

When a death scene is filmed, you can obviously tell its fake because the rubbery looking prosthetics or bad cgi

when a rape scene is filmed, especially the kind of rape scenes in movies they review, its usually a bunch of dudes actually on top of a squirming, uncomfortable actress with actual thrusting, nudity etc.


>this thread again

There are millions of different ways you can film a death scene. That's why people watch Final Destination and Saw movies, to see all the creative new deaths they've come up with.

How many different ways can you do a rape scene? Is there any way to make it fun and light-hearted?

>Who ever decided that rape is worse than murder?
People who haven't been murdered (unfortunately).

Ugly neurotic women who've never had sex.

Lots of women have rape fetishes. It's just power and control.

Rape in our society is just an ever moving yard stick to gain more power to threaten men. The wider the definition of rape, the easier for women to get what they want when they regret things. Pretty simple.

Is violent street crime and rape a terrible thing? yes. Is seeing it in a movie a bad thing? No.


Not in the West.See: How We Used To Punish Criminals.

Do Amerimutts really believe this?

The joke might be funny, if Mike had ever invested a full day's worth of genuinely hard work into a project, in his life. The fact that these guys are still posted here amazes me. There's really no avoiding it, I've grown up, and Sup Forums simply remains infancy. Look, RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos. What do I mean by this?

Well, I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.

They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.

They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.

Please, Sup Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.

I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.

>inb4 some retard (incorrectly) goes hurrr reddit spacing, as though RLM threads weren't as reddit as they come

trivia: Mike had plastic surgery done on his ears to look more like a Vulcan.

Murder: one moment of pain and then nothingness

Rape: one moment of pain, and then an entire lifetime of pain, shame, guilt, fear, and anger, and THEN nothingness

Gee, I wonder which victim suffers more in the aggregate?

But of course men have to make this about themselves, and since more men get murdered or killed by their own devices we should pity them more than rape victims (which so happen to be majority women).

Really makes one jog the old noggin'.

I think you mean
>autistic fanfic

It's because in the movies they watch rape is just used as a cheap plot point to try to make you care, usually with zero artistic integrity and in poor taste, fucking morons, I know the OP is bait but people responding don't even realize the actual reason rlm complains about it

>murdering someone doesn't have lasting effects
a rape victim is still capable of new experiense. taking away that from a person is the longest lasting effect there is

Anything can be funny or bad depending on the execution. You're generalizing their opinions on individual movies. (You) are worse than rape.

People tend to enjoy horrific mass murder scenes in Kill Bill, Rambo, etc. and tend to be very much distressed with any, even "tame", depiction of rape.

Would you rather be raped or murdered?



I guess that's why the Saw movies are so well liked :^)

Would you rather be murdered or not murdered?
Would you rather be raped or not raped?

Almost everyone here would pick rape if it came down to it. Your self-preservation instinct would kick in.

I will always, always be utterly fucking baffled by people that say rape is worse than murder, let alone aggrevated assault.

It's the height of hyperbole. The dead will never be able to communicate the suffering they went through, meanwhile Nancy insists her life is constant agony because someone touched her vagina without asking at a frat party.

The way these people exaggerate their """hardships""" makes me WISH they were dead. Sexual assault is heinous, but don't fucking compare it to murder you retard.

>Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.

Well most of us can't do worse than where we are right now

Might as well advocate suicide the second something bad happens in your life. Youdon't happen to be a tranny do you?

Posts like this serve more to just piss everyone else off.

If you don't want to give out (You)'s, then don't respond in the first place.

>in a way it is
A trauma that you can overcome is worse than the permanent state of death?

>and then nothingness
Don't speak on behalf of the dead, user.

> At least with murder you're dead
Death is a lasting effect, user.

meant for

Back to your crypt, calcium deposit.

You sound like the kind of fag that whines about anxiety on facebook, then shares some inspirational quote moments later.

more bait


It's the same reason why prostitution is illegal in so many states, but you still can buy an assault rifle to shoot up the nearest school.

>Who ever decided that rape is worse than murder?
better dead than having your anus penetrated against your will, op.


Is Jay the only RLM member who can achieve full erection reliably?

>Is there any way to make it fun and light-hearted?
Skydiving, maybe?

>rape victims are better off dead


do you even porn?

Rape is inherently more wrong than murder as it creates possibility of the propagation of incel genes, murder is just the end of one organism (one very likely to be of low value) while rape is potentially a crime against humanity if perpetuated by an undesirable male and resulting in pregnancy.

> while rape is potentially a crime against humanity if perpetuated
Your birth was a crime against humanity.

How would you know?

Yes, it very well might have been.

Your girth is a crime against humanity, you fat fuck.

Where did everything go so wrong?

>self employed
>runs his own business
>makes a living hanging out with his friends and goofing around

Yeah what a horrible fate

Did anyone save Jay's old shit?

>morbidly obese manchild
>always wears comic shirts, but cant answer ANY comic question Jay or Mike have
>has a video game show, but says stupid things like 3D mario games shouldn't have controllable cameras and is blatantly bad at video games in general
>thinks being a cynical, nitpicking autist is the same as intelligence
>flat out didn't understand basic character motivations for Civil War despite being a huge MCU fan
>starts REEEEEEing when chat constantly BTFOs him
>nostalgiafag who only likes shit from his youth
>has an obnoxious "I fucking love science" attitude
>can't pronounce words
>forced catchphrases
>meme laugh
>actual plebbitor
>confused by Sup Forums
>has a tranny fiance
>allows Mike to bully him on a daily basis
>only ever funny by accident when he fucks up and gets made fun for it, his real sense of humor is "lel so randumb XD" tier
>claps at the end of films
>has never had actual fruit in his life and is convinced he'll hate it because he doesn't like sodas with fruit flavors

When did you realize Rich was actually worse RLM and is the embodiment of amerifat retard? He's endlessly entertaining as the meme version of himself but turns to pure cringe after you realize he's a real person with non-ironic opinions and not just le laughing screaming funny fat man. Finding out that he's the biggest fedoralord in the universe ruins the magic.

Hey Gilcrest. What have you been up to these days? Does it suck to be left behind and discarded like yesterdays trash?

Gilchrist is a better filmmaker than these hacks.

>Not understanding that they're tired of seeing the "You know that the bad guys are bad because they rape women" trope for the four-billionth time.
>Not understanding that they hate the laziness and lack of creativity more than anything else.

I'll remember this next time I rape a girl. I'll just murder her when I'm done.

You don't really "overcome" it, you just learn to live with it. That being said I don't think you can really determine which is worse. The trauma can be so great that you would wish for death. But at least you have the privilege of life. It's kind of abstract and a bit of a pointless discussion honestly

>This guy again

Because a death scene isn't exploiting a woman for sexual reasons? Unless you're going for you movie to come off as legitimately uncomfortable and unsettling it can work, but it you're just trying to make some dumb action movie then don't because it always, ALWAYS kill the mood of the viewer.

They surely can overlook alot of other lazy tropes

shittiest bait yet

Is that what they are saying in your mind? That's cute.

These faggots are no talent hacks

Gilcrest never said anything bad about Rich. He thought Rich was a really nice human bean, actually

Is Jay capable of rape? How about Mike?

When was the last time you saw a b-movie with rape that was funny or well done?

I'm sure he's salty as fuck though and has nothing better to do than make threads like this. Who else would be this butt mad?

>rape victims (which so happen to be majority women).
I'll take things that are blatant and factual lies for $1000, Alex.

just abort the rapebaby you retard

aids moby is a liberal white knight who has to virtue signal whenever possible, bitch evans is an autistic manchild whos essentially the same as the simpsons comic book guy

I'm so tired of how these faggots shill their shit here every single day.

rape is always funny

jay would rape a passed out drunk woman sure. mike wouldn't need to

He also made a short where Mike gets raped by a retard (off-screen).

wow nice thread to show off how fucking stupid the average Sup Forums poster is


So is Mike or Jay the bottom?

Do you really have to ask?


>the RLM crew are a bunch of virtue signaling faggots

More news at 11.

Jack does seem like personally offended if a woman is topless

They've made explicitly clear that they dislike the rape scenes because it's just a cheap way for the directors to get tits into their movies.


Murder can be justified, rape can't

Hi, Jay!

What the fuck are you talking about, you imbecile.

Where's the photoshop of this that turns him into some kind of caveman?

Sweet, merciful Allah, this thread