A hero has fallen
Obi Wan gets "dumped" by MEW
Meanwhile based Riley is plowing Poots.
MEW forever a roastie homewrecker, Ewan forever a scumbag father and husband.
it's a fake breakup
what do you mean
they're still together? or they were never together in the first place.
>throw marriage and children to the curb to get with some roastie
>she dumps you
When will men learn that women that are attracted to you while you are in a relationship are attracted because they see you as loyal and trustworthy, and will instantly lose that if you break up or cheat just to be with them.
It's the equivalent of a guy getting the hots for a woman who looks flawless who then rips off a 2 inch thick layer of makeup where she looks just average at best.
This. Riley is a virile young man in prime seed-planting age, and based on his social media has some exciting prospects like his new movie.
MEW is a washed up spinster who's going to wish she had Riley's kids. And Ewan had responsibility to his wife and children(his one daughter is really hot and only slightly younger than MEW) which he forsook for young puss
Poots a CUTE!
She's 33 and almost a geriatric in Hollywood. She's close to her expiration date.