>my nigga
Just few terms that I regularly see on this board since a year.
Why more and more burgers are talking like negroes on Sup Forums ?
>my nigga
Just few terms that I regularly see on this board since a year.
Why more and more burgers are talking like negroes on Sup Forums ?
It's all written satirically.
they are negroes
Because niggers and redditors actually post on Sup Forums. Sup Forums is normieville
bro isn't nigger tier. It's chad tier.
BRUH is nigger tier.
Because they are the master race, It's subtely implied all over the board
Because niggers are some of the greatest people I know.
>search op picture in google
>gangster disciples
Only negros call each other "brother" and "sister" in english despit not being siblings, the fact that douchebags adopted it does not change its inherent stupidy, just like "twerking".
arabs do too, muh 2pac 4 life inshallah
it's because they don't know who their fathers are. they could all be siblings for all they know.
ain't is southern, not ebonics
just as "y'all" is southern, not ebonics, and vastly superior to "yous guys" etc.
Nigger is also southern
Get the fuck out, French faggot, you have no say in the lexicon we use.
I have 2 theories:
1- It's a clear simptom of a post cultural marxist socity in which the good, the correct is culturally replaced by the hideous and morally abject. If you want to know how this happens just google cultural marxism or read the sword and the shield by vassili mitrohkin
2- There is a small number of non spoiled, smart people that are fighting fire with fire by using their language in a way to make them look like apes.
Both of my theories are applicable here on pol/ and on society as a whole.
Smdh really bruh? Get with the times nigga. Fr tho
Latin teacher here, I teach my students the 2nd person plural as y'all. Y'all is grammatically superior
If you don't use those words, you're an autist
I teach my second grade students
Sorry guys, i misspelled. Posting from my phone now
What are trying to say?
You mean an actually civilized person who don't speak a dumbed down version of his own language ?
Two years ago I went in Louisiana with an english friend, there was a mutt waitress that we simply couldn't understand half of the time, it wasn't because of the accent, it was because of the negro slang.
"Could you repeat please ?" was my signature sentence.
The worst part is they look at you like if you were slightly retarded when they spew baboon gibberish.
Waiting on the subject in this sentence...
Excuse me, I have been drinking. The subject was (You).
nothing wrong with bro, mate
Doesn't matter, you fucking moron.
The majority of people don't know what satire is.
They think you're being serious, they think you speak like that. Therefore it normalises it and makes it okay.
My nigga OP u gay as shit dawg
Ain't was never a black thing and bro I always assumed was something born out of jock culture.
The "my bad", fuck I can actually remember a point in time when people still said "MY FAULT".
The "my nigga" is basically an internet phenomenon among whites who perpetually need to use relatable memes. Hardly any white people would be dumb enough to say the word casually around blacks and not expect a backlash.
Thanks, can finally go to bed now.
"ain't" isn't nigga at all. They just start to use it and now fells like it is more or less.
>my nigga
is literally a stale meme
is a dead meme
is popular slang for all uneducated americans
Just because your shadow is black doesn't mean you should shoot it. Save your ammo frogger.
>Why more and more
you smell like you ARE a nigger
>The newfags have no idea about our board culture
Must suck to suck.
In Norway the term is not used like in the US, but it's common to refer to you group as "Your brother/our brothers" (or/and sisters).
And I have heard that in Slavic countries it's pretty common to call close friends brothers.
I don't think you know what does the word "culture" mean.
>Newsfags LITERALLY have no idea about our board culture or what it even is.
Must really suck to suck.
>The majority of people don't know what satire is.
The majority of people aren't autistic.
w-what if they ARE negroes?