Its been 44 years since Minnesota has voted republican
Why is this?
Its been 44 years since Minnesota has voted republican
our collective white guilt
Wherever the Scandinavian goes, the Somali must follow.
Faggot Swedes.
stupid answer
weve only had those fuckers here for like 10-15 years
With republicans you lose
Excellent school standards.
Blue collar demographics and nigger voting blocs in large metropolitan area.
Why no niggers?
not even joking, they have the most swedes of anywhere in the US
Maybe Hitler was wrong about nordcucks.
Minnesota isn't blue collar at all they're a "knowledge based industry" economy that's home to the Mayo Clinic (consistently ranked best hospital in the WORLD)
Brain freeze.
Swedes are Aliens for us other Nordic countries
cold snowy icy place desu
Leftists are attracted to large bodies of freshwater. Like algae blooms.
Hitler was wrong about race entirely
Nietzsche was right in saying Jews are the real ubermenschen
Persecuted for millenia and yet still managed to not just survive but thrive
Because republicans have been shitty corporate dicksucking whores and the democrats at least mouthed platitudes about helping the working man
I would have thought this election cycle would have taught you that
of course the burgers go to a mayo clinic...
The only reason it didn't go red in 1984 is because Mondale was from the state.
MN's never really been a solid Blue state. Its more of a state that leans blue which the republicans have never been bothered to go after.
This as well, fucking Scandifags are race traitors.
Minnesota hasn't changed much since the 40s.
There is alot more niggers their now
They do have niggers, Minnesota imports tons of Somalians. It's not a coincidence that they also have the highest Swedish population in America.
It's more effective than your witch doctor Pablo.
If nothing else, there are lessons to be learned from the Jews, even if Sup Forums considers them an enemy.
Seriously? Fuck me. So when they remake Fargo again they should cast a nog in the place of Steve Buscemi
Fargo was North Dakota you fucking stupid math
The ironic thing is that Israel is the closet thing to a NatSoc society anywhere in the world
A state based upon ethnonationalism where Jews have special status over other groups living in Israel
You fucking Australiacucks are terrible with the English language.
Blue collar democrats in a, up until recently, fairly white state.
Are you seriously denying that the Jews have been persecuted essentially nonstop since the days of ancient Egypt?
Even today they face state sanctioned persecution in Hungary and throughout Eastern Europe are intentionally marginalized
fuck you
Most of the movie takes place in Minnesota.
It still is almost entirely white outside certain neighborhoods in Minneapolis
>Faggot Swedes.
Literally the fucking Sweden Yes! factor applies here OP, even made a GIF of this phenomenon
Suck my asshole, idiot. If you haven't watched the movie, why even make the comment? Nearly the whole movie takes place in Minnesota. They chose the name Fargo, because "Brainerd" just didn't sound good as the title of a movie.
>made a GIF of this phenomenon
I may be wrong (because there are so many fuckng dumb tiny irrelevant states) but isn't Minnesota that state that is 60% Swedish? If so there's your explanation
Also have they built any new buildings in that town since 1904?
>why do you persecute me so? Oh, all the gold from your coffers went missing under my watch? No you anti-semite that wasn't me, what? Are you taking my assets and kicking me out? Oy vey annudah shoah!
KYS kike
>they even infected part of my state
As someone with partial Danish ancestry, it's clear that the Swedes have always been the enemy.
You know what must be done with them.
has there been serious studies done on the cuck gene?
Behind every Swede there is a Jew.
>it's not a coincidence they have the highest Swedish population in the country
>even outside Sweden swedes are naturally cucks
What makes swedes such cucks?
It's wrong to persecute people over things they have no control over and ethnicity is one such thing
Rather than kick out the big bankers and corporate fat cats Hitler chose to round up the average Jew who was really no different than the average German they were just people trying to live and let live
Free yourself from the idea of the Jewish boogeyman and you'll be able to identify the real problems with society
I am doing independent research atm.
>t. neighbor with a totally alien dialect
>ctrl-f "DFL"
>0 results
Gas yourself
Look into r / k theory
It's like a competition for the most punchable faces
but...but... Brock Lesnar is from there and he is redneck as fuck
They LOVE black cock in Minnesota, and the only way to get shitloads of stinky, AIDS infested black cocks, is to vote Democrat. The Democrats import tons of Somalians to flood St. Paul so that cowardly white men can watch their wives receive double-vaginal penetration from immigrant men. All while the husbands sit in the corner crying and masturbating furiously.
No bantz. I'm serious.
Highest % of Scandinavians in any state is in Minnesota.
Also they are the #1 state in Somalian immigrants.
Ahh yes
Wise words from an egomaniacal drug addict
I want to line them all up and shoot them in the head with a pistol one by one.
Ooowww doncha knuw up iere in Minnesoeta
We already do. How do you think we turned Pepe of all things into the focus of an election news cycle?
A small part of the issue is our whites hate themselves. Like, they actually believe their existence has contributed to opressing darkies.
Another issue we have, at least in St. Cloud is Chicago niggers coming up here to escape violent crime, not realizing they are the reason Chicago is shitty.
Fucking the Swedes who immigrated to the USA and went to Minnesota are probably WORSE than actual Swedes
>portland cement pavement rather than asphalt
I wonder if/ who he is for voting this election. his post ufc speech was pretty red pilled
MN while having the largest concentration of ethnic Swedes, they do not make up the majority of the population.
I think ethnic Germans are the majority.
I think the reason the state is so cucked is some pathological need to appear nice and accepting, mostly formed from the education system.
Notice how MN is highly ranked in education while being the most cucked state.
In curious cases, one seeks for similarities and exceptions
>Only state with a very large Scandinavian heritage
>Only state not to vote republican when Reagan was running
>Only state with a significant Somalian presence
Hmmm this is a tough nut to crack
well, he changed his residing town from Minnesota to Calgary so idk
yeah, thats it. all whites collectively decided on importing hateful negroes. how bluepilled can you get
Nice Sup Forums screengrab citing a HuffPo article featuring one man's opinion
Convinced me!
All aboard the Adolf Express!
Nah, bullshitting is a very Jewish trait.
Miniafrica is the largest city between Chicago and the west coast, plus like Dr. Evil it gets a Mini-Me city in St Paul that also goes blue. These votes negate the entirety of real Minnesooootans.
t. Minnesootan dontcha know pass me the tapioca puddin
>b-but muh Swedes meme
Sometimes I wonder how many under-aged faggots and meme spouting newfags are on this board, then I see threads like these.
>Minneapolis 1960 - 99.5% white
>Minneapolis 2016 - 49.2% white
Sure thing, not changed at all.
I don't really see how any of those traits are unique to Israelis
I didn't say anything about Swedes? Lots of cultural enrichment in MSP. They vote blue.
As a doctor of internal memetics, I advise you to kys immediately.
influx of niggers exploiting muh benefits
You missed my point, I was agreeing with you.
The Swedes are my best allies
>85% white
No fucking idea.
Democrats still give them their tax cuts, but without the racism and without driving up the deficit.
My bad senpai
> Scandahovian bureaucratic socialism
> Governor Floyd Olson
> history of farmer radicalism
> Hubert Humphrey merges Minnesota's two biggest parties: Farmer-Labor and Democratic
> Iron Range labor unions
> Jesse Ventura wins with 32.8% of vote
> Norm Coleman kicked out of DFL because he's pro-life
Watch Minnesota's 8th congressional district: if Stewart Mills wins then the state falls to Trump.
>Wellstone was born in Washington, D.C., the second son of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants Leon and Minnie Wellstone. His father changed the family name from Wexelstein after encountering antisemitism during the 1930s.
>Wellstone gained national attention after his upset victory over Republican incumbent Rudy Boschwitz in the 1990 US Senate election.
>Norm Coleman: Coleman was born in New York, a son of Norman Bertram Coleman, Sr., and his wife, Beverly (Behrman).[3] His family was Jewish, his paternal grandfather having changed the surname from Goldman to Coleman.
>Floyd Olson: The North Side neighborhood where Olson grew up was the home of a sizable Orthodox Jewish community, and Olson's friendships with some of the local Jewish families led him to serve as a shabbos goy, assisting Jews on the Sabbath by performing actions they were not permitted to do. Olson picked up Yiddish from his childhood associations with his Jewish neighbors and years later spoke the language fluently while campaigning in Jewish communities, in addition to having several Jews serve him in advisory roles while in elected office.
Why are there so many Jews and good goys from Minnesota?
As a Minnesotain, fucking this.
We had a fucking terrorists attack in St Cloud from one of them, this year! And the forsaken governor STILL wants to force more of them on us, all while insisting its OUR fault for being fucking "intolerant"
If this shit keeps up, he'll hang soon.
>Are you seriously denying that the Jews have been persecuted essentially nonstop since the days of ancient Egypt?
I'm sure it wasn't their own fault
>I don't really see how any of those traits are unique to Israelis
You would know schlomo
sensible kek
nordic cucks. just look at scandinavia. they're cucks by nature
Moving to Minnesota. I really hope this shit stops.
Says the Italian sub-human