prove me wrong
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I don't see New York or New Jersey going red no matter what desu.
>Oregan. Illinois
whose side are you really on
NJ is going red. Some user up that way said the trump support there was phenomenal.
NY is Trumps home state and they love him there. I'm only skeptical about Minnesota.
NY gonna red.
I already bet it, my source tell it.
It's also hilldog's
>New York
>New jersey
>New Mexico
>New Hampshire
This is hilarious, in your dreams buddy.
If NY goes red I'll fuck a trap.
You will when Clinton is indicted.
>red New York
>red Minnesota
When will these memes die?
New Jersey will go red.
t. New jersian
MN, NJ, NY, VA, and CT aren't going red.
Everything else is in the realm of possibility. WI and NM probably staying blue though.
> california
> blue
are you being paid by Hillary? go ahead you can tell us
>it was possible in the 80's
>it's not possible now.
You also forgot Idaho shill.
Someone cap this.
I'm from NJ. If NJ goes red I will fuck a trap too and post the vid here.
I knew it. We now have proof they you are being paid to demoralize up but here is a big fuck you: its not working and Trump the God Emperor will win.
Can I be your trap? Two birds with one stone
Are you fucking retarded?
If ny went I would shit
(Fuck the safe act)
You're kinda far from me m8
pick one you ignorant nigger
> Utah
> red
Everything else I can believe, but that state is so cucked they were the only holdout in Reagan's landslide so I can't see them going red anytime soon
fucking CTR SHILLS get off my board you filthy shabbos goy soros stooges puppets of the zog machine one day you will pay for the lies you've spread to the sons and daughters of evropa
You would've done that anyways though.
If Pennsylvania goes red you can just go to bed and not stay up for election results. If NY and Pennsylvania both go red you won't be able to go to sleep due to the huge landslide shocking all pundits and causing mass hysteria.
They're tied in New Mexico
sadly this
Fuck that, I'm counting my money on every call. PA MI WI CO VA FL, even NJ, MN, OH IO NV and NH. Trumplandslide
You forgot to make California red
Fl user here , Baynews 9 just said 900k new voters in FL .
ONLY 95k is Demoshits , 300k is Repub and 500k is Ind.
Please bring my father a new guinea pig.
My dad is the elections commissioner and he says Hillary will win in a landslide no matter how people vote.
without nyc would NY vote red?
Trump is doing well with all of those demographics
all independents will vote trump. some democrats will vote trump, some will vote for stein some for johnson some for hillary
>MA is perma-blue
Why even vote here?
I don't know American politics and I know CA is impossible to go red but what would your genuine reaction be if California went red? Bonus point: It happens very early
johnson cancels out mexicans in the west
otherwise it's the white working class bro
>The Demographics are still the same 30 years later
This is what Drumpftards actually believe.
>should have betted on Trump when the odds were 9/2
>now they're 11/4
>effectively lost £100 on a £50 bet
If i put £100 now I still get £375, which is nearly enough for the cell phone I want. Is it worth, or should I wait?
Short the Dow Jones.
If you short it with a 1 to 300 leverage CFD and it falls by 10% you'll make 3000 bucks if you put in 100 bucks
>Short the Dow Jones.
I don't quite know what that means
Screencap this.
cell phones will just get you killed bro
Also why the fuck does Texas have 38 electoral votes when California has 55?
different sized populations.
>his map has a red florida
dude are u really from papua new guinea
KEK amateur trader detected
enjoy that premium
ur opinion doesn't mean shit cunt
stop making threads over your shitty predilections or make a general
Shorting basically means you bet the stock rate is gonna fall
Well, I am an amateur. What would you recommend?
Jersy will go red
New york is lost forever to dems though
Washington is going red
>Well, I am an amateur. What would you recommend?
oil and get the hell out of germany
Real projection reporting.
michigan is going red this year.
CA will go red
Although I may flip NM and Oregan to give Trump God doubles.
J-jokes on you I already bought that meme
Hillary is beating trump by a massive margin in New Mexico. Source
Contrary to popular belief on Sup Forums, Trump is not going to flip any dark blue states. Who would of thought?
Californias got more people in it you fucktard
The difference is like 9 million,
CA will never go red, Trump will be lucky to win a few counties. Most people live in the urban Democratic areas.
I mean if we're just going to shitpost why not just red the whole country?
Michigan isn't even competitive this year.
Considering the average state has a population of 6 million thats a lot of goddamn people.
And its more like 12 million
yeah but it's balanced out by the states with a population of 12 cows and 5 hicks
I don't know why trump supporters set them selves up for disappointment. Who the fuck thought trump was going to win Michigan? He was never going to win it.
Still shouldn't be a difference of 17 electoral votes you dumb fucker.
More Republicans than Democrats have voted by mail so far. Combine this with the fact that independents favor Trump and it's clear that Trump is in a very good position in Michigan.
>tfw the whole country goes red
Not quite but close enough
Yeah it's actually pretty likely he'll take michigan, what a world
hah this is way too optimistic
the demographics have changed. NV will go blue, along with AZ, NM, and OH.
Hillary Clinton will never be indicted.
-another new Jerseyian
after the election, Huma and Weiner are going to be at the bottom of the Patomac.
Ban all weeaboos.
I don't know if anyone on your Subreddit told you but no one is gonna take you seriously if you use fucking RCP polls as a legitimate addendum to your viewpoint
thanks for the flag, friendo
>tfw got £100 on trump and gonna win £435+stake if he wins
cap it.
Use the betfair exchange the odds are better.
I'm from jersey city. I'm voting for Trump.
Hey , I really hope NY does go red. Every person I've talked to about politics in NYC is in fact a closet Trump supporter. I have never seen anyone that says they will vote for Clinton and if I did they were illegal immigrants who I know can't vote anyways. A lot of old people say they will vote Trump and a lot of really young people want Trump too.
I never seen a Clinton bumper sticker either I've seen many with Trump stickers. I don't know which way NYC will swing but most likely can say the rest of NYS will go red , hopefully all of Staten Island , pockets of Queens/Brooklyn, half of Manhattan will be enough to make the whole state go red. I can't see Bronx having any red districts.
I have a feeling Trump will win NYS
My families votes for Trump don't count in Washington state.
I do have to say as someone that lives in north jersey i have seen a lot more trump than hillary in the swing areas of the state