Be Sikh

>Be Sikh
>hate Muslims with a passion
>everyone in the West mistakes you for your dire enemy

Do they have it the worst out of everyone?

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You're all just loo pooers, who cares?

They're still violent brown people with savage ways who will refuse to properly assimilate into White nations and will vote as a tribe, rather than as individuals, meaning they will favor Leftist parties. Fuck em, they should stay in India.

Go back to India, Pajeet, and then maybe you won't have that problem

I'm actually abo believe it or not.

Their toadally bro-tier senpai!

>abo using a computer

I don't believe you, unless you are applying for centrelink and got lost and ended up on Sup Forums

>>everyone in the West mistakes you for your dire enemy

Only the sweet summer edgelords make this mistake


just shave your shit and take off that towel off your head retard

>hurr durr

Not even close to a real abo, but it's in my blood somewhere.

Ive actually had to explain to several people, that these guys arnt muslim.
Its funny cause i see sikhs all the time in my area.

Oddly enough, Sikhs are statistically the most patriotic community of people in the U.K.

Sikhs are bro: openly bare arms; faith commands they defend the destitute.
> fuck off Australia you're full

Not surprising, given how militant they are, their relations with Britain being grounded in warfare and recruitment into the Empire's military, and how cucked and self-loathing much of the UK is.

American edewkayshin

gee maybe it's because of that fucking towel on their heads

They're allowed to carry muslim-stabbing daggers

>what are ya buyin?

not everyone.

Sup Forums fucking loves sikhs.

we must spread the truth about sikhs being bro-tier.

i have a sikh story if anybody cares for one

Let's hear it Ameribro

>Sup Forums fucking loves sikhs.
>we must spread the truth about sikhs being bro-tier.
No, that's bullshit propagated by filthy sikhs, like you.

you look like muslims

Is it pronounced "sick" or "seek"

They're Sikh cunts

It's pronounced like "sick".

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Not surprising as they keep detailed historical records of what India was like before the British.

Ok. I'll try to give context so you can feel the feels.

I grew up a poor white kid in mixed HUD apartments that had earned a bad reputation, with even amounts of whites and hispanics and a sprinkling of blacks and others. Next to the apartments was a low-middle/working class subdivision. Even still, there was a class divide. For instance, a friend I knew from my advanced/gifted classes at school lived in a small house in that nothing-special neighborhood. He invited me to his birthday party, and afterwards everybody else was picked up because they lived in wealthier neighborhoods, but I just walked home since I lived nearby. His parents inquired and found out I lived where I lived, and thus banned me from their house and him from hanging out with me at all.

Well a couple Sikh brothers, one almost my age 11 and the other 8, moved into my apartments. Me being open-minded, curious about other cultures, and friendly -- I invited them to play our improvised games of baseball and football. These kids were sweethearts, wore turbans and very bad kmart clothes, so it was only a matter of time before someone started some shit with them.

So we were playing flag football in an empty lot on the border of our apartments and the neighborhood I mentioned, apartment kids vs. house kids. Sure enough one of the house kids started bullying the younger, smaller Sikh brother (of course).

Now the two Sikh brothers were told by their father to try to get along, and were not mentally prepared for these asshole house kids. So the douche ridicules and shoves the Sikh 4 years younger than him, making him cry.

So the older brother steps in, and I witnessed the Sikh spirit awakened. Noble and righteous anger he goes toe to toe with this bigger ~1 yr older kid, busts out a flurry of moves that leaves the douche stunned and dropped to his knees. Then the older Sikh bro FINISHES jerk with a flying knee to the face.

It was some kung fu shit... 1/2 TO BE CONTINUED

No it isn't.
It's pronounced more like 'seek'.

I've always wanted to see the running of the jew

Nothing to do with being a Sikh. You should focus on your skin colour instead

2/2 continued

Did the Sikh brothers gloat? Did they talk shit? Did they kick him after he was done and down on the ground? Nope. They fucking cried. After ~10 kids witnessed the most badass fight of our short lives and we were in a moment of awe, the Sikhs immediately start full on bawling.

I told them "relax guys, that was awesome!"

And the older brother replies "We must tell our father what happened, and he will be ashamed of us".

That is why Sikhs are fucking bro-tier. Badass + Honor. It comes from being raised right. Something about their religion encourages strong families and fathers that raise their sons to be both tough and have character.

No, it isn't.
Nobody cares about the stupid story you made up about yourself, you dirty Indian.

>everyone in the West mistakes you for your dire enemy

Friendly reminder that this is because the jews portray the turban as being worn by terrorists in media.

>only non-whites engage in group think

shouldn't you be selling some crack, Tyrone?

No, sikhs are civilized, they poo like humans
They assimilate better than all other brown people. Even Podesta agrees on this.

I look like the guy SJWs want to hate. White, male, tall, blue eyes, shaved head. Here is why I like Sikhs. I was a drug addict for years. Right after I decided to cleaned up (sort of, I smoked a lot of weed instead of shooting up for five years) I needed a job, obviously. No one would hire my druggie looking ass. Applied everywhere. Guess who finally gave me a shot at the straight and arrow? An Indian restaurant and it's Sikh manager.

Most sikhs voted for Brexit

sikhs are ok but apparently sikhism is against ascetic practices and as such i cant count them as a serious religion

>No, sikhs are civilized
yet they use towels as hats

'Sick' is pronounced fast.
While 'Sikh' can be dragged out.
The 'i' sounds in 'Sikh' and 'Sick' are completely different.
Like seeeekh.
It also ends differently.
Sikh only sounds like sick when you say it fast.
But I've never heard any Siikh say 'Sikh' abruptly. They always drag out the sssikh. Which changes the 'i' sound to more like 'e'.

>is against ascetic practices and as such i cant count them as a serious religion

asceticism is what legitimizes a religion, the ascetics are the true practitioners of the religion the mainstream face is just the charity portion that drags normies along to ascension with them

Fucking stupid nigger doesn't even know how to pronouce Sikh.

Fun fact: The Canadian government knew and let it happen.

Too intelligent for be a muslim

this. fuck off back to india ragheads, and fuck the muslims from there. fuck outta australia

this is the truth
I have found the most spiritual comfort in Daoist/Hermetic asceticism
Jesus and Buddha said some nice things too

They had people in CSIS, it wasn't the government. They literally released the bastards who built the bomb this year.

>They had people in CSIS
You mean this Babbar Khalsa movement managed to infiltrate a first world intelligence service? I've never heard this angle.

>hates sikhs
>he has the definitive way to pronounce sikh

Is there something you are not telling us Jagroop

pee pee lol get it?

Ask yourself: Of all the pics/videos you've seen of pooinloos shitting in their designated streets, were any of them wearing a Sikh turban?

I have never seen this.

Where do Sikhs in India poop?

In mosques.



>asceticism is what legitimizes a religion
No, it isn't. Asceticism drags a movement down. Makes people say "wow, look at those losers."

>you know I have abo blood out numbered 1:48.95
>therefore I'm abo

poo in loo

funny thing is i tell people they carry swords around to kill muslims but if your going to bitch and moan ill lump you in with the muslims

Can someone poo out some Muslim/Sikh: know the difference memes? People ought to know what brown people to go after when the time comes

>Be sikh
>Drive taxi
>use special gps program to take longest route possible at breakneck speed, so it looks like I'm not scamming customer while maximizing profit
>work at 7/11
>chip in with family of 7000 and buy local pizzahut franchise
>refuse to wash hands after going to toilet even though dealing with food
>buy unit and all 7000 family members move in and cook curry from 7am till 11pm. Every day.
>put rupiah together and continue to buy up all local business and real estate
>get on Sup Forums and bitch about muslims.

I like sikhi, and this is from a cradle atheist. I would never be accepted at a gurdwara as a white person and that's fine. I can read and learn on my own. MAGA

It's a pretty shitty spot to be in. Feel bad for them.

The TSA has a whole training on it.

Your average American still knows nothing about it. Then again it's only the weebs who know what Shinto is. Common fucking core.

Skihs r bro tier 1111

Opposite the road to me I have a based Sikh mechanic. Over the summer when I was 12-17 he taught me everything I need to know to fix cars.

nah bro, they're crafty cunts with those daggers.

more like blow-tier what a lame-o

head rags are so September 11th 2001
long free flowing hair and perms are back in, hats are for fags and edgelords

>be a religious piece of shit
>whining about it


Do muslims even wear turbans?

How can you tell them apart. Do they have to announce they're Sikh and take another chance of receiving annoyance like the vegans and people who work out and need to work that into everything?

We're talking about the real world, not the internet.

After 9/11, Sikhs were getting attacked all over the place because ignorant yanks took them for Muslims.

>How can you tell them apart
It's not that hard once you know what to look for

Thanks. But then the Danish Mohammed drawing were of Sikhs?

Danes are just shit cartoonists

>look like a muds
>because they wear completely different turbans
>...which most muds don't wear

>Every idiot in the West mistakes you for your dire enemy



At least they weren't just bending over and opening their mouth for Mohammad to use.

>west mistakes you for your enemy
>don't fall into hatred
Sikhs are bro tier t b h

you cant trust the federal cuckadian government for anything

My former business partner was Sikh. He sold his interest to a Muslim. I feel like the new guy is more trustworthy. Neither of them were religious.

>Neither of them were religious.

So they were neither sikh or muslim?

>not carrying a towel around with you everywhere you go in an incredibly convenient way

Get a load of this savage.

I have literally never met a sikh in my entire life, or anyone else that has. I wonder if the star wars movie is to blame? Sith sounds a lot like Sikh after all. Damn phonetics messing with peoples heads.

sikhs have killed more canadians in terrorist attacks than all other groups combined.. im not making this up google it

They are awesome people. They are respectful, hard working, family oriented and fierce warriors. Everything the jew-led lefties hate. And they despise muslims. The West can use allies like this wherever we can find them.

killed leafs? DEFINATLY bro tier