Here is what's going on

>huma testifed under oath in '13 in return for immunity that she had turned over all devices and was not retaining any classified info
>huma logged into her AND hillary's outlook on weiner's computer and unwittingly archived .ost images of her and some of hillary's e-mails, this was not turned over, this technically can violate her immunity deal
>special agents are now aware that obama used a private e-mail address to conduct classified discussions, they are assuming that the domain name was simply a spoof of his sanctioned e-mail, this is unlikely however but pressing this issue leads down an ugly road
>special agents are now well acquainted with the dates and times with which hillary clinton wiped her server thanks to wkileaks, as well as a number of major players who were not previously under investigation and may be caught completely off guard
>hillary would be in jail right now if it weren't for the fact that the NSA and FBI are in a behind the scenes battle that started with snowden and has escalated since then.
>cold blooded preet bharara wanted clintons blood after comey reccomended no charges, it was he who got the subpoena to go after weiner's devices

as it stands right now

the bureau has five major problems right now

1) the election is in 1 week, a constitutional crisis is coming
2) wikileaks/kimdotcom and everyone else is hinting at the fact that they have the e-mails and that they are forthcoming
3) preet and NYPD have had access to the evidence, to what capacity is unknown, and there is no way to verify that a copy hasn't been illegally retained
4) the intelligence agencies are refusing to help (presumably under orders from POTUS)
5) the DOJ will not issue a warrant for the fbi to look at the emails (presumably angry about comey's defiance and also under orders from POTUS)

Other urls found in this thread:

Weiner sexted a 15 year old and ended up fucking a 70 year old

Fucking leaf. Unoriginal faggot.

Go back to le/reddit

Suck my dick ive voted for Hillary 5 times already your voting security is a joke

>preet bharara
Where were you when a poo in loo turned American took down H-Rod?

>huma testifed under oath in '13
it's been three fucking years.....


k-mart has more security

Sure ya did, moose fucker

>cold blooded preet bharara wanted clintons blood after comey reccomended no charges
I love Paladins

based poo in loo is coming to WRECK her fucking ass and her bitch cunt boss, too.

There is 1 solution to those 5 problems.

Leak the fucking emails.

are you fbi user?


>5) the DOJ will not issue a warrant for the fbi to look at the emails (presumably angry about comey's defiance and also under orders from POTUS)
They don't need one. The investigation was never formerly closed their existing warrants cover the content on the laptop.

>Trump loses

>Refuses to concede

>FBI and Rogue Elements of the military and mercenaries run by McCrystal and Erik Prince refuse to compy with the government

>Defect to Trump

Oh boy.

Hello [insert Podunk, inbred state]
*pauses for cacophony of chattering chimp cretins*

My name is Donny-J[ew] ̶D̶r̶u̶m̶p̶f̶ Trump and I love every, single one of you great, great ̶f̶a̶t̶ ̶p̶l̶e̶b̶e̶s̶ people. All of you are absolutely amazing Americans, who fruitfully spend every second of your ̶i̶n̶u̶t̶i̶l̶e̶ days posting very, very truthful memes of me. You's everything that will make America great again (M.A.G.A.™)!

Honestly, you must all be of top tier, Jewish inbreeding... just like me! I mean, I know it's enjoyable making fun of the 'Sarlacc pit' incarnate, HIVillary, and her many, many e-mail security lapses ― my 10-year-old knows the cyber and would hack her yugley! But, holy hell ― do you guys take this great greatness to a whole new level of greatitude! This is even better than jacking off to Ivanka's toddler nudes!

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best non―NON!―policy related questions. I'm literally perfect... and very, VERY rich! ―
I was top in my 'Screwing the Simpleton Tax-Payer By Using Bankruptcy' class at Trump University™, and have the record for most Polish slave labourers underpaid on a single, domestic U.$. construction project using cheap, chink steel! What financial frauds has HIVillary committed?... other than establishing a charitable foundation for poorfags and retards ― kek!
*gesticulates like a cerebral palsy sufferer*

Why do the even need a warrant to look at emails on an accused pedophiles laptop? If they were able to legally seize the laptop doesn't that mean they can look at all the files?

I also bankrupted four(4) straight, stripper-filled, Triad patronised casinos; used my silver spoon to dodge five(5) drafts (no loser P.O.W. here!); I have my stage name festooned, nigger-like, all over my buildings... AND I've grabbed more pussies than a chef in a chink take-away!
(NB: I just had "DRUMPF 4 IVANKA" inked along my dry, numb, Jew-butchered micro penis... shit was so ca$h!)

Y'all totally awesome Americans and I want you to vote yugely for me come election time. We're gonna win BIGLY!

Thanks for making ̶m̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶l̶t̶h̶y̶ ̶r̶i̶c̶h̶ America great again!

why are leaves general fags?

normally i dont trust these flags but with an out of touch comment like that im willing to believe you are a bonafide island dweller


just stop responding to trump attacks and pro hillary posts, that easy, spread this message and they'll be powerless.

A search warrant has to specify what is being searched for. If he was busted for the sexting then the warrant that they got in that case to seize his devices wouldn't cover anything else that they find that is unrelated.

>fruit of the poisonous tree

What you state is simply not true friend.

>Trump lets creditors burn, hires foreigners for his resorts and makes his shit in china

Pfff, its ok, perfectly normal american attitude

>Some cunt used a private server for sending classified intel out of ignorance and no one of his retinue made shure it didnt happened

OMG, burn her at the stake! What a crook!




She's been there for 30 years and she's ignorant about security? I think you mean complacent.

>The files were saved in a folder labeled "Life Insurance"
If that doesn't say what kind of person Hillary is I don't know what does. He closest ally has to keep dirt on her to keep her from killing her.

How ya do that strike thru text?

Hail the coming of the trump times!

Anyone else noticed this:

Released FBI document of Hillary's investigation document 4 page 56:

>FBI has gained intel on a shadow government called the '7th floor group'

7th floor has always been used as reference inside CIA as the officer / command area. Pic related.

Hillary's office as Secretary of State was 7th floor

Soros open society foundation has it's HQ in London and DC on the 7th floor, in their adress.

Has the CIA been a rogue agency with a shitload of power and secrecy taken control of the US government?

Keep in mind they officially conducted an illegal mind control program from 53' to 73'. Imagine all the shit that never comes out.

Is this investigation actually the FBI vs the CIA? Will they be able to get far if the CIA wants them out?


No, that's the whole point right now. They know the emails are on there (and let's be honest, they've read them), but they can't legally have read them without a warrant, and the attorney general Loretta "I'll take the 5th" Lynch is obstructing the investigation.

No fruit of the poisonous tree issues here, inevitable discovery would apply.


Yes and no. Remember this was a referral to the FBI from the NYPD, so state law's in the mess too.
Also remember that the "poisonous tree" stuff *only applies at trial* - during an investigation it's fine to use, as long as the same evidence can be independently sourced in a legal manner.

Not going to happen.

>preet bharara

Oh my fucking god, read this:

>During his first year in office, Bharara charged 17 managers and employees of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims for defrauding Germany 42.5 million dollars by creating thousands of false benefit applications for people who have not suffered in the Holocaust. The fraud which has been going on for 16 years was related to the 400 million dollars which Germany pays out each year to Holocaust survivors.[42][43]

how bored and desperate are you to filled whatever empty void you have in life with such elaborate role play are ya son? Like i am not trying to imply anything but just try to keep your mind in check you so don't get too out of hand with your pretend play okay?

Get your proxy out of my cuntry you cunt.

If you're an ozzy cunt you can fucking go to Christmas Island like the nigger you are.

Indians hate Muslims.

>Is this investigation actually the FBI vs the CIA?

also fascinating how we have the military versus CIA in Syria
we had high ranking military officials feeding the Russians info about the CIA rebels

Sounds plausible with the military fighting ISIS and Clinton Foundation receiving millions from Saudis and Qatar.

Got any links or refs to the military giving Russians info on CIA rebels?

Good point.

excellent bait post crocodile dundee

kek this is such a bad post.

Get rid of your Australian proxy, we all know you're a Canadian.

If it really did start with nypd...makes me wonder about that random Facebook post about the child trafficking...probably just roleplay...

>our voting security is a joke
Kind of like your prime minister?

How can one poo in loo be so based

>Trump lets creditors burn, hires foreigners for his resorts and makes his shit in china
how braindead do you have to be to keep parroting this point. He can't not do those things, his competitors would destroy him. His entire point is that all these globalist trade deals make conducting business purely domestically impossible