What does Sup Forums think of Third Positionism, Social-Fascism, Yellow Socialism, Strasserism, National Syndicalism, National Bolshevism, etc.. etc...?
Third Positionism
They are all pretty interesing but i will stay with traditional nationalism.
quite interesting, dont know much about it, but it would have been interesting to see the strasser brothers vision of Germany.
Statist scum
National-syndicalism is pretty cool.
What about globalist capitalism?
No. Fuck off.
>Not even once.
that's a good pole
the trad workers party has some good music
The middle of the road policy always leads to socialism.
Voluntaryism is the only way forward for humanity.
>Being one of the few people to know about national syndicalism.
Based Spain.
Noam Chompsky is for teenage girls who wanna fuck their 25 year old teacher.
Chumpsky is an anarchist who would probably call National-Syndicalists fascists.
I am a gay Jewish woman and I approve of Strasserism
These are Jew creations all along... some of them are typical Jooish alt-right creations... some other are Jooish "Eurasian" fake-pro-Russian shit made by kikes like Dugin.
I accused them of being lame not guilty
My own real concern with the "theoretical" systems of anarchists is defense. But your nightmare-mode police states are cringe.
Honestly this. It's not really beneficial to limit your state to one economic ideology. I would call it a socialist state if I were in change, but only because I think the government should be due the right/authority to control industry or the means of distribution (for stability, total war, or whatever). As far as governing goes, a close link between millitary and government is advisable. Millitary officers tend to be based and competent on foreign affairs.
Requesting food donations for a protest is lame. Got it.
Not the person you're responding to but honestly, as a militia they should have been better prepared. Especially since most militia members are essentially preppers.
t. Former militia member.
It was a spontaneous protest. All of them were there for a different protest, then some decided to continue the protest in a more aggressive fashion.
Ammon isn't a prepper or a militia man.
It's pointless to worship a leader other than Jesus Christ and Holy Spriti
Anarchist scum.
Why worship your imaginary friends? At least I can prove that the State exists.
Death in June pls go