Does pol agree that we should abort things with down syndrome. The amount of money it costs and the stares that they get from people.
Does pol agree that we should abort things with down syndrome...
All mental retards should be aborted from the womb without exception.
All people with deformities which would cause them severe pain to the point where they could not function or an impossible life to live on their own should be aborted from the womb without exception.
All males and females who have hereditary diseases should be incentivized to become sterilized.
Yes, parents who knowingly birth children with debilitating conditions also deserve to be hanged.
Yes, I agree. Retards should not be brought to term. They serve no purpose.
Im from buenos ares & I say kill em all!
How early in can they tell if it has downs?
B-but muh downie culture
I know that I will get trolled hard for saying this, but there are some legit dangers about that.
When I was born, I had some physical abnormalities, and doctors were saying that I won't ever walk or support myself on my own. My parents didn't give up on me, I was under intense hospital care for the first 2 years of my life.
Everything turned out to be fine. I do not have any major health issues now whatsoever.
And here I am, shitposting on chans and playing for a local basketball team.
Point is, sometimes fighting for a life is worth it, and even handicapped people can be very valuable members of our society.
As for people with mental disabilities that cannot be cured, it's only merciful to prevent them from a potatoe life.
Pretty much this. It's shouldn't be that controversial really. Only hardcore pro-lifers are going to be against it. This type of abortion doesn't really qualify as degenerate or hurtful to society.
I would never abort a kid with physical abnormalities.
With our tech and in the near future, I'll make them build you some robot legs or arms if you need em.
this is fucking torture
>bedshitters anonymous
> Allow most of society to become retarded
> Rise up as part of a small non-retarded ruling class exploiting the downies as unskilled wage slaves
I don't really see the problem
>Everything turned out to be fine
>posts on Sup Forums
>fear that genetic manipulation could spell the end of the disorder
All newborns should be dipped in wine like in sparta. The only way a democracy can work.
Your problem was physical though.
We're talking mental. You can't fix stupid.
Retards do serve a purpose doing small, but essential jobs though. They can put groceries in a bag and push shopping carts.
Nobody deserves a life where that's all they can aspire to do.
They're too stupid to desire more and that makes them happier than you or me. Who the fuck is going to bag my groceries?
Do it yourself instead of condemning our fellow man to a life a servitude where the nature of their being limits them from ever hoping to achieve more.
In fact just do everything yourself so you don't need to rely on literal retards for things.
>not wanting a perfect world devoid of minorities starting shit and having a subservient subhuman class of retards doing all the grunt work for everyone
That's how societies become weak and hedonistic.
Those who rely on others in turn become slaves themselves.
New problems would just arise. You guys dont see to understand that. Look at liberals these days, the majority if people in every race are fucking retarded and have the iq of niggers
Let's kill all lower animals while we're at it. Their lives are meaningless because they can't function in the slavery matrix, and they make you feel awkward, right?
This is why I'm in favor of a falange. Franco's Spain is a model of what a first world country should be.
>we should abort things with down syndrome
Well there goes Trump's voter base.
Stop with the genocide hanz
Its 2016
>All males and females who have hereditary diseases should be incentivized to become sterilized.
you cant get rid of recessive inherited diseases by sterilizing homocygotes. you would have to sterilize the healthy heterocygote carriers of the disease as well, which may be millions or even billions if you want to eradicate every known recessive inherited diesease.
To be honest I can think of many people without down syndrome that I wish were aborted, and a few people with down syndrome that I'm happy weren't.
And I say only a few down syndrome because I only know a few.
We should not shy away from tasks just because they seem daunting.
We are not animals OP. A few millions per year to take care of the most unfortunate ones is civic duty, especially considering the fact that states spend billions more in useless crap and the parents of the down syndrome kids work and have paid taxes
Down syndrome kids are also much more independent and capable of learning and contributing than most people think (pic related)
>We are not animals
...said the negroid pastanigger.
You are trying a little too hard Hans, now everybody will know you're 13 ;^)
I enjoy a warm hand on my opening.
You only call them things so you don't have to feel guilty, you pussy. But yes, people with down syndrome should be aborted.
as far as i know downies get aborted like crazy right now because ultrasound imagery has gotten a lot better in the last 2 decades and parents largely dont want a baby with down syndrome.
>Wants to have retards aborted.
>Posts on Sup Forums
Are you sure about that user? if the last generation thought that way most of the users here would not exist.
>if you want to eradicate every known recessive inherited disease.
What have you got to lose by doing it only for a few and not all? Even if it eradicated only a few hereditary diseases it would be worth it.
All boys should be aborted.
t. feminist