Whats more pouplar in your cunt? Satellite or Cable

Whats more pouplar in your cunt? Satellite or Cable
>pic related

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I'm going to have to see your TV license sir.
Oh and also let me search your kitchen for any weapons such as butter knives and forks.

are you an Aussie with a proxy

nice politically incorrect thread

over the air tv

The only people who use satellite are sandniggers



At least you get propaganda shoved down your throad, ad-free! ;^)

This is a meme board.

I don't watch TV friendo


What is the difference between Sup Forums and Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is full of cancerous general threads

at least Sup Forums only has like 2 or 3 generals which is better even if the rest of the threads are cancer

I owe the cable company money, so its satellite for me...

IP TV fucking noobs

What is cable?

Satellite wasn't always an affordable option, only when it became more cheaper to use is when it began getting popular.

Kodi fire stick

Sometimes I think cable companies were a mistake. There's something charming about any random Joe with a receiver being able to pick up radio and television signals for free from all over the world, without a proprietary DTV shillware box to log what he watches and report back to the company or the need to build infrastructure.


Obviously with the bandwidth required by the modern Internet, we're a bit beyond that era now, and there's no way meshnets could ever compete with fiber lines and ISPs. Still, it's interesting to think about what used to be.

Both but I don't watch much TV. Maybe some Netflix or Usenet when I feel like it