We can all agree that Heloise was far better than Mandy, right? I miss this show

We can all agree that Heloise was far better than Mandy, right? I miss this show.

Watched this show on teletoons while I was staying with a Canadian family in a foster program. 8/10 good show.

>We can all agree that Heloise was far better than Mandy, right?
Dunno about that, but ya gotta love this little psychopath.

I agree.



Seems interesting, but I don't know for sure.

Aside from sadistic qt, its a funny show, just started watching it. Shes a MC too so its not total waifubait where she appears for 2 episodes the entire series.
Iirc the origional premise was for an adult level show where a good hearted boy gets sent to Hell, some of the humor carrys over and the entire setting (Miseryville) is Not!hell af, characters are actually pretty cool too.
She is and always will remain absolute best girl


Actually it's her swimsuit.