What the fuck is wrong with these people?
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Other urls found in this thread:
cmon bro they just want a war with russia there's nothing wrong with that
They're doing mental gymnastic. Same as Sup Forums when Trump does something stupid.
>Same as Sup Forums when Trump does something stupid.
Such as?
suporting israel?
Go ahead and try to get elected as POTUS without supporting Israel. Even Onigger gave them 38 billion bucks and he hates Bibi.
sure but pol hates dem kikes so it does take some mental gymnastics to justify it
They're not even doing gymnastics. Ayantu Oluma can barely fucking spell, let alone coherently reason.
> Same as Sup Forums when Trump does something stupid.
I'll freely admit that Trump says bombastic, pompous, and downright stupid shit at times, but there's a significant difference between the shit he does and the shit Hillary does.
ew. please Australia, destroy her
>Says he'll pay in USD
>Clearly only has Emu Shekels
Oh god, you're literally retarded. So Sup Forums should support a globalist cunt because Trump pays lip service to Israel?
there is literally nothing wrong with supporting israel
I don't like it. I believe David Duke is one of the few elected politicians that is against Israel. Even then, he was just a state senator.
>comey is a republican out to get hillary
Just how fucking retarded are women/niggers?
You're suggesting the willingness to give up some ideological purity in exchange for real results is on par with holding two directly contradictory opinions
never said that though, the topic is complaints about how a group can agree with a suggestion that's opposite to their views as long as the party proposing it mostly supports their views, liberals obviously wouldn't want war but since they agree on racial and sexual issues with democrats they support their ideas even if it ultimately leads to war, similarly pol hates jews more than anything but since they agree with trump on most topics they'll agree with supporting israel too
that's just semantics, when it comes down to it you're supporting something that you wouldn't otherwise want to, leftists do it, right wing does it too
That theory would be valid if everyone here didn't know Trump's just paying lip service to Israel to get the """True Conservatives(TM)""" on board.
Fuck off, smelly kike.
I cannot believe we live in a society which lets emotions determine truth rather than reason and evidence. We are seeing how a Republic dies... I don't know if even Trump can save us at this point when our culture is so saturated in Cultural Marxism. These people will throw themselves at the feet of their captors and lick their boots up until the moment they're lined up against the wall and shot.
women shouldnt be allowed to vote
>Hillary is partially invisible
Those damn green screens
still when it comes down to it they'd go to war for israel if trump said so and they couldn't say "well I elected you but I won't do what you say because reasons"
They're legitimately mentally ill.
American people are not intelligent
That's what fucking Hillary is!
>up until the moment they're lined up against the wall and shot
Now you're getting it!
Wow, can I borrow that crystal ball of yours, faggot? You seem to have a great deal of insight into the future.
They're women
it's not forecasting it's a matter of ideology
By the time Ayantu figures that out, he'll be long gone m80.
Extremely. They'll believe anything that supports their world view, and because of their short attention spans, have no real concept of history or politics. They don't understand that Comey was appointed by our two term Democrat President because as far as they're concerned this entire election boils down to a culture war between ZOMGZ THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT SO PROGRESSIVE and Literally Hitler. The only thing that matters to them is that Hillary wins. Anything that runs counter to that, no matter how true it may be, is racist/sexist/Republican/Russian.
>not supporting our greatest ally
Congrats on the biggest non-argument I've seen in a while.
> Nigger and deranged woman
Great sample
This sort of childish chimpout is what happend after brexit and it will be the same if trump is elected , only worse because americans are known for being more retarded , especially the left in america
well your argument was that "we don't agree with israel but we support them anyways" which mental gymnastics fiesta
>we have to blame the racist
What is with left-wingers and their obsession with calling others racist? It's their go-to buzzword
>, similarly pol hates jews more than anything but since they agree with trump on most topics they'll agree with supporting israel too
One battle at a time man. The jews are too big an apparatus to completely disentangle ourselves from in this election. Hell, I'd wager that going through daily life as an American without doing anything that aids a Jew and/or Israel is virtually impossible.
The first steps toward getting away from the Jews have already been taken. Trump named the huge international banking concerns, and didn't even mention Jews, but his statements made them so nervous that the fuckers named themselves. Another user mention in this thread that Trump was obligated to declare loyalty to Israel and he was right. Both the DNC and the RNC have loyalty and allegiance to Israel in their party's charter.
Justifying a position isn't always mental gymnastics.
My argument was "we don't like Israel but understand that Trump needs to pay lip service to them to get votes from True Conservatives(TM)", you dump gypo. Do you even know the meaning of the phrase "mental gymnastics" or did you just hear it from someone while begging on the street and decided to start throwing it around?
>Justifying a position isn't always mental gymnastics.
matter of perspective
just rephrasing it won't make it any different you know
Illiterate gypo confirmed, thanks for playing.
>all these Drumpfkins fans
Fuck off you all are on a sinking ship. She's not the perfect candidate by any means, but she's a fuckton better than Drumpf
running blindly into a wall because someone somewhere said so doesn't make you much different from the leftists you make fun of you know
>f-f-fascists, h-h-hitler m-m-my safe space
That feel when Transmetropolitan was right about everything.
It's how the left operates. They know they can't win an actual argument because the facts are usually stacked against them. So instead of actually arguing, lefties try to win based on emotion or by using non-arguments/fallacies to convince people. They shout racist, and the average person cringes because a racist or a sexist is supposedly one of the worst things you can ever be. Then they get their opponent to back down because he doesn't want people to think he's a bigot, or claim their argument is morally superior.
Check out this video if you have the time. It's long but really good. I find myself leaving Molyneux's shit on as background noise a lot lately because it's great for sharpening rhetorical skills and learning how to deal with people like this.
What does my argument look like from your perspective then?
He's a fuckwit, maybe if you have your own daughter you'd know what it's like, it's not funny when some guy jokes about going up to a woman and grabbing her pussy, but what would you know virgin? Glad you can't vote.
boogeyman they can blame all their problems on
I don't have a perspective I'm just saying, leftists will believe that all of their reasoning is perfectly justified and the right wing are morons and right wingers believe that their arguments are perfectly justified and leftists are morons
Spamming the exact same non-argument over and over again doesn't make you any less of an illiterate gypo, you know.
>Pretentious: The Text
>somewhere sometime a man touches a vagina and I am outraged
well it's like you're sitting in a dark pit without realising it so you just get mad at anyone who tells you you're sitting in a dark pit
Well it's like you barely grasp the basics of the English language so you get butthurt when someone calls you out for the illiterate gypo you are.
It's fine if it's consensual. When he said it he said it as if it isn't consensual. There's a difference.
again you're spewing insults because you can't come to terms with your congitive dissonance
Cultist loyalty. You right wing tards never realize you aren't arguing with an opponent playing by the same rules. You are playing chess with a rampaging chimp.
Again, you're just using phrases you don't even know the meaning of.
> I'm just saying, leftists will believe that all of their reasoning is perfectly justified and the right wing are morons and right wingers believe that their arguments are perfectly justified and leftists are morons
Oh sure, they will. It's an endless waltz. I'm secure in position because I know I'm smarter than the average lefty and can back up my reasons for why Trump makes a better candidate than Hillary with facts not just name calling.
Just look at the shit in the OP:
Mea Smith
>Trump has no balls
Ayantu Oluma
>Comey is a Republican
3 ad hominems each and not a single cogent argument between the two of them.
>Liberals falling for the Russia meme
Didn't Rmoney get shit on because of his rhetoric on Russia? How the times change...
nah but this sort of deflective arguing is also typical of people in denial
>Didn't Rmoney get shit on because of his rhetoric on Russia?
Just another thing Hillary can get away with because she's Hillary.
There are plenty of people here that are just as bad or worse than them. There is a very popular thread at the moment about how Hillary is probably a gay pedophile.
>going on goybook
what did he mean by this?
leftists are more prone to logical fallacies, I've noticed that too, but that doesn't mean that there's no massive mental gymnastics going on on the right as well
It's like you just took a dictionary, plucked a few random words/phrases from it and started using them in arbitrary sequences. Not a single one of your posts resembles anything remotely close to a coherent argument.
"they let you" implies consent
>that flag
>that post
although, i agree. the jews should have a place of their own. they should keep their fucking interests contained in that place though.
Thats some bot/CTR-account. Other "top-posts" about the subject had almost identical message, with the same "directer" typo.
why are you so scared of "big words", or well I guess you don't like words that describe your behavior
Oh good i need 26.95 USDs so I can boy mincreft.
Oh look, it's that living in hungary that shouldn't even be on this board.
> but that doesn't mean that there's no massive mental gymnastics going on on the right as well
Oh sure there is. There are retards who don't completely understand what's going on on both sides. It's politics after all. But, and you said it yourself, the leftists are the ones more prone to making shitty arguments.
They're women.
heh heh you'll never catch me eternal anglo
>why are you so scared of "big words"
Because you don't know their meaning. When you're an illiterate simpleton like yourself, it's best to stick with small words to try and not expose yourself as an idiot. When you use phrases like "cognitive dissonance" or "mental gymnastics" in contexts that are totally unrelated to their meaning against someone who does know their meaning, you just sound like a dumb high-school dropout gypo that you are.
Did you get people mixed up
getting involved in politics is always dumb if you're not in it to gain power, just remember Meiji and Tokugawa Yoshinobu, they kept switching their stances on ideology and foreign relations completely every few years because when it came down to it it was just a power struggle, like politics always are
just saying "no ur wrong abloo abloobooo" isn't really an argument you know
>What the fuck is wrong with these people?
the same level of idolatry that many trump supporters have?
Like it exists everywhere really even with the third party candidates if one focuses on politics.
I really envy your naive look at the world since seeing it so simply would be a god send.
Using phrases that you don't know the meaning of isn't really an argument, you know.
>I'm not even interested in insulting someone as stupid and ugly as you are
why are you so obsessed with this, I'm really curious, I'm pretty sure everyone knows what cognitive dissonance and deflection is and I use them to describe your behavior but somehow you want to make them into mystical abstract terms because uncomfortable to your arguments, it's like hearing leftists complain about "magic words" when you point out logical fallacies in their arguments
trump has his problems, multitudes, but he is lightyears behind hillary in the jew puppet department. in elections, the more enthusiasm the better but dont worry, as soon as he gets elected we will be laying into him for his kike ties
that's how hillary voters argue too though, "she's bad but she's not as bad as trump", again perspectives
> I'm pretty sure everyone knows what cognitive dissonance and deflection is
Everyone except you, apparently.
I explained to you, in clear terms, why giving Trump a pass on the whole "supports Israel" thing is not mental gymnastics or cognitive dissonance, yet you keep insisting that it is, ergo, you do not know the meanings of the phrases you keep using, ergo you're exposing yourself further and further as a dumbass.
whats your point? hillary voters have different priorities
leftists can bring excuses to justify everything too, doesn't mean they don't suffer from cognitive dissonance and doesn't mean you're not suffering from it
my point is that you should always take a step back and look at what you're doing when you think "my opinion severly outweighs this person's opinion" because then most likely you're both stuck in a dark pit
oh okay so you just wanted to spout platitudes
"if you're not with me you're against me" stances are for plebs, do you consider yourself a pleb?
I'll explain to you one more time, in hopes you're not legally considered mentally retarded.
Trump pandering to Israel is recognized here to be just that, pandering, something that is very much disliked by most Sup Forumsacks, but they're willing to give him a pass because him winning is considered too important. That is NOT cognitive dissonance, it's just accepting an ugly reality of the two-party system where both are pretty much legally obligated to show loyalty to Israel.
Meanwhile, Hillary supporters actually, legitimately, genuinely think that she's 100% innocent and the only reason these scandals are going down is because "it's a witch-hunt by sexists who don't want a first womyn POTUS!", despite all the evidence claiming otherwise. That IS cognitive dissonance, you shit-smeared illiterate cum-guzzling mongoloid.
there are only two choices senpai, i dont really see what your getting at. not sure why im responding to you at this point
This is the correct answer.
So. You'd rather having Jews outside of Israel?
>i dont really see what your getting at
He's getting at nothing, he's just a borderline-mad, raving idiot.