Sup Forums is always right
Aboriginal Australians, Pacific Islanders carry DNA of unknown human species
Other urls found in this thread:
> are LITERALLY subhuman
Damn Sup Forums, you was right again.
I have been saying Abos are archaic sub-species of homo sapien sapiens. Or possibly homo sapien/archaic hybrids.
Unknown monkey species you mean.
Damn it are the Aussies all sleeping?
This is common knowledge
Still in mourning about our 9/11
What now?
Blacks evolved from bonobos/chimps
Caucasians evolved from Bigfoot
Asians evolved from Yeti
Abbos evolved from Orangutans
It seems like there was a common ancestor c. 75,000 years ago which slowly migrated from East Africa into the southern Arabian peninsula, then down into South/Southeast Asia, and from there to Melanesia/Australia.
Abos are one branch of this migration, and apparently the most isolated over time. The others include the various Papuans, the Melanesians themselves, the "Negritos" of the regions currently inhabited by the Malays (which includes Indonesians and Filipinos), and the weird islander people in the Andamans (which belong to India, but which are geographically closer to Thailand).
Jews evolved from money trees.
>itt: retards who all carry non-human dna (neanderthal) call others subhuman
why is Sup Forums so fucking retarded
"The Denisovan species was only discovered in 2008 when paleoanthropologists discovered a 40,0000-year-old tooth and pinkie bone from a young girl in a Siberian cave."
How's Thailand?
Neanderthals appear to have been superhumans in some ways.
Hello humans!
>science says fertile offspring means both are the same species.
>Some humans carry neardenthal dna
>Nearthendals not humans
I think they will slowly be forced to admit that the 'out of africa' model for homo-sapien evolution is bogus. It was pushed hard by leftist with an ideology to destroy the concept of 'race' and mostly based on mitochondrial dna which has been proven fundamentally flawed.
While the homo genus likely originated in Africa. Homo sapien sapiens evolved globally, with gene flow between major evolution centres.
Denisovan genetic drift, basically the Neanderthal/Denisovan subspecies drifted across Asia and then southward, but was then out competed by a newer subspecies of human when the new species left Africa around 70,000 years ago. The earliest fossil in Australia is the mungo man at around 42,000, although earlier estimates put it at 70,000 years ago.
It doesn't seem like it, because there was a lot of genetic drift and so it seems like aboriginal Australians have 30% max Denisovan DNA, but, again, that's just genetic drift.
This isn't common knowledge by design because it honestly and understandably could fuel racism, dissent, aboriginal distrust in science and a whole bunch of other shit. I'm pretty sure most studies into aboriginal DNA are blocked by ethics committees.
no shit sherlock, but some lefties will find this racism...but but we all are the same......lets start the purge and demoting of the research and researchers.
Am I an ayy lmao?
>"Human subspecies"
Please tell me that you're all just joking and not actually stupid enough to believe that there are subspecies among humans.
I know the whole "we hate niggers" yada yada memes.
But honestly, you cannot possibly have a grasp of science--namely biology--and claim that there is any significant, non-superficial difference among any specimen of human.
You are all far too fixated on trying to justify your myopic, racist views towards people of color. Just revel in your ignorance and be done with it. No need to misread, misinterpret, and misconstrue data in the name of "science".
Egads, lads.
so suddenly you believe in science when it suits your needs? you guys are a bunch of gigantic faglords
I think there's going to be a revised OOA theory which will incorporate multiple OOA migrations in addition to poly-site humanoid development beyond the African continent.
Archaic HSX species and these other humanoids will have interbred in various ways over time.
The real question is when the archaic non-HSS species actually vanished. The Indonesian hobbits were around until at least the past 12,000 years.
rapebaby from 200 years ago
Kia orana
M alo e lelei
Fakatalofa atu
How's it going brother.
>The Indonesian hobbits were around until at least the past 12,000 years.
Not to mention the 'red deer cave people' in 10,000 year range.
They have major problems in the time-line with DNA evidence. The alleged date for sapiens leaving africa, the date Denisovan existed and the date abos arrived in Australia, all conflict with their model.
But there are. Do the slightest bit of research before you type.
a raging egalitarian appears
What happened?
You talking about the Indian that got burnt alive by the muzzie?
Ook ook!
Not sure if related to thread but I remember an article/video years ago talking about aboriginals and how they used to live the majority of their lives in the imagination, eyes closed.
There is more to it but that's the general idea.
I think this is why the western world is so psychologically damaged. We abandoned the imagination and our relationship with nature for material possessions and ego. I believe the imagination is far more powerful than we give it credit for. I've also had the idea that sound, particularly the voice, had untapped potential on a huge scale.
Sorry for rambling but I think there are still mysteries in this world that we are completely ignorant to
Maybe they raped all the Homo Erectus living in East Asia.
As a Molecular Biologist, P.h.D., active Board Member of a top-50 pharmaceutical, and co-author of dozens of both academic and practical scientific publications, I think I have a pretty decent grasp on the subject at-hand.
More like deeply concerned for the human condition.
Doubt it
Invented a throwing stick, and a stick you can blow into to make noise. Bulla gotta spare durry
why would there not be subspecies of humans?
I believe you.
They had super human strength. We have super neanderthalian intelligence.
This one was close but you made it a little to obvious. Just word this bait a little better and it will work great.
Yeah I'm a navy seal too m8, I bench 220 with my dick and have 200 lamborghinis
funny story about that, neanderthal-human hybrids weren't very healthy, or rather, only the male children survived, which is why we're only 3% neanderthal instead of 30% neanderthal.
Oh well, then. Your doubt completely nullifies all of my qualifications and credentials!
I suppose I'll just retire and take that holiday to the Bahamas my wife and I have been planning for.
I mean...who's ever real on the internet, anyway? I guess none of you are actual racists, for example. For all we know, you may be a dog...
Because that's not how human taxonomy works. ALL HUMANS belong to the same species: Homo.
Normally I think you guys are retarded when you say x nigger looks like a monkey but god damn she looks like an ape
Right here you fat cunt
>As a Molecular Biologist, P.h.D.
You can pull that shit on reddit, but it doesn't fly here. On Sup Forums no one gives a fuck about credentials or ethos. The key word is "anonymous."
We're a logos and pathos community, thank you very much.
After the white man invaded Australia, he took away their imagination powers. But by some miracle, through the huffing of petrol, Abos are able to live their whole life in their minds.
for all intensive purposes we are dogs by another name as far as the universe is concerned.
do some breeds of dogs have better eyesight than other breeds?
yes or no.
subspecies isn't the same thing as species. Are dogs, coyotes, and wolves all the same species, or subspecies of canis? what about the Coywolf?
i'm not surprised to hear that the first girl is carrying unknown dna
Sure you are.
I'm the best anthropologist in the world and I say otherwise.
>ALL HUMANS belong to the same species: Homo
Wow. Here you are pretending to be all high and mighty and you're going to call him a homo? That's fucked up, man.
look at my dick. my dick is sooo big and strong. look at it. and because my dick is sooo big I must be right!
-t. you
I'm a geneticist and taxonomist, so don't play semantics with me.
All those definition are arbitrary...
You just can't bring wikipedia here...really..
Dan, we all know you got kicked out of BUDS
>intensive purposes
You're extracting some deep-seeded revenge, but I bet he could care less
wikipedia, no that nullifies ALL your credentials you double thinking im good but your evil twat.
we already know this
Then I suppose it's easier for any of you to think of Bill Nye as a brainwashed cuck who serves the Jewish elite than the fact that he presents.
>t. every user in this thread with delusions of racial superiority
You have a supercomputer in your pocket and Google at your voice command. Please use them adequately.
hey at least you have no African ancestry
>already forgetting about Dreamworld
4 people died when those two rafts came crashing down.
>You have a supercomputer in your pocket and Google at your voice command.
Thanks to white engineers
As a taxonomist I work in the very definition of concepts like species, subpecies, genera, etc.
I'm working on PhyloCode in spanish right now. That's why I laugh at your pathetic attempt of trolling...
Do you look any different from europeans, skin tone, face structure etc?
Just wondering if 2% is enough to make any noticable difference, visually.
Polar Bears, Black Bears and Pandas are all Ursae.
Just like humans they evolved differently in response to different environments.
Bill Nye IS a Jew, redditor.
Environment drives evolution and animals evolve for different traits in response.
It's a fantasy that humans did not undergo this same process, or that if it did that only skin color was affected...
i am reticent to a delayed awareness that whether with or without souls we are all animals of sorts,
I just want to hear from the expert, how, as animals or breeds, if you will, that we all share exactly the same characteristics,
that a poodle and a st. bernard ( animals that can breed together ) have exactly the same cognitive traits and behaviours.
I don't believe, nor is our self awareness elevated beyond our limited senses. ( taste, sight, touch, smell )
And if this expert views himself as more than an bipedal animal, then what, we are grounded by the flesh of our ancestors.
Wtf hav u even met her? H,m didnt TN ink so lel
>Discredit the CEO of the Planetary Society
Every time I come to Sup Forums, I am genuinely surprised at how predictable racist narcissists are.
>inb4 FBI crime statistics charts
Then you of all people here should know full-well the bullshit that's being spewed about "human subspecies". Unless you're really a dog...
If Abos and Caucasian were snails, all zoologists would affirm unanimously that they constitute different species based on anatomical characteristics alone.
This is old news m8.
>forgot pic
The grizzly bear and polar bear are different species and can inter -breed.
Sorry. I thought the article was interesting
>automatically discredits crime statistics
It's just cause whitey be oppressin them n shit, right?
Pretty sure we've been saying this since the first fleet
There are only two Human races:
- Humans over 130 IQ
- Subhumans under 130 IQ.
>Only the members of the inferior race think that color of the skin is somehow relevant.
Soon, we, the super humans, we will make a huge genetic refactoring of human race, destroying the retards under 130IQ, and creating thousands of new ethnic groups.
T-thanks, I just wanted to see if I had any kike in me tbhfam.
I'm not sure what point you're even trying to make here. Or more precisely, which thesis you think you're contradicting.
What do you actually mean by the claim that there are no "human subspecies"? In other words, what import is that claim intended to carry?
Do you mean to say that there is no way in which we could group sub-components of the HSS pool in such a way that we would emerge with recognizable population groups? It would all be a random jumble?
Because I don't think anyone in science would defend THAT thesis.
The general recognition is that differences certainly exist on a biophysical level. The debates concern the significance of the groupings that result from these differences.
>inb4 Lewontin's fallacy
That argument is just a damp squid
>when you're a nigger that always loses arguments to whites over the internet and you make a meme implying that sometimes it's the opposite but really it doesn't because you would that ever happen you're only a nigger
Abos do have some weird vibe of spirituality about them, but I think that's just cause they're from the bush so they know the land.
But then you remember they can't compete with an average retarded 14 yo WoW nerd in anything except in how to survive in the bush and the mystique kinda evaporates.
I talk for myself.
The whole concept of the linnaean taxonomy that you are bringing here is outdated. You are a joke. A pathetic attempt of a troll...
muh africa meme
>The general recognition is that differences certainly exist on a biophysical level. The debates concern the significance of the groupings that result from these differences.
Two groups:
- First group: Humans over 130IQ
- Second group: Human under 130IQ
First group will erase second group, will refactore human genetic, and create thousands of new ethics groups.
>this entire thread
This is why our planet if fucked.
A bunch of plebs who believe they are intelligent but don't have the slightest grasp of science or the scientific method.
We are doomed to pollute and rape our planet for its resources. We are doomed to fight each other over plots of land in the name of a race of ancestors.
We're all mutts. We all have viral DNA in our genetic makeup. Do we owe our allegiance to Ebola and Zika as well?
Thank you, Sup Forums, for once again destroying any faith I may have had in humanity overcoming its collective batshit stupidity.
>using a nation's crime statistics as an indicator of human taxonomy
Oy vey!
>What do you actually mean by the claim that there are no "human subspecies"?
It is not a claim. More's not a position of my own. It's a well-established scientific fact.
Then point me to a modern publication of yours that revolutionizes hundreds of years of human taxonomy. I'll wait.
Read our work and then cry for racism
>no african ancestry
>still a nigger
Linnaean taxonomy as an argument..
>a triggered frenchie
Get off Sup Forums you beta cunt
>When you're an undergifted, under 130IQ, and you need the color of your skin to convince yourself you're not of the inferior race.
>We're all mutts. We all have viral DNA in our genetic makeup
>We are doomed to pollute and rape our planet for its resources. We are doomed to fight each other over plots of land
>literally what the Aboriginals did
>A bunch of plebs who believe they are intelligent but don't have the slightest grasp of science or the scientific method.
>We are doomed to pollute and rape our planet for its resources. We are doomed to fight each other over plots of land in the name of a race of ancestors.
>Thank you, Sup Forums, for once again destroying any faith I may have had in humanity overcoming its collective batshit stupidity.
You should not/.
Soon, we'll refactore the human genomic, and we'll get rid off all thos under clever white boys.
>a triggered abo
You're not even a nigger, you're just a different species.
>a triggered mohammed
Mashallah brother.
>bill nye
>the guy who hasn't even earned a doctorate
Why don't you explain to us why race is a better indicator of IQ than class, country or upbringing?