How is Lara Trump not the new queen of Sup Forums?
New Queen of Sup Forums
She is my favorite Trump girl. I like her more than Ivanka desu
shes too pure for this board
I love her so much!!!!
I can't believe Sup Forums let me down. How the hell could you assholes not let me know the golry of Lara Trump!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
she is jewish
really makes me think...
I don't care if I'm the only one that loves her, have more....
I don't give a shit, she's fucking gorgeous.
No! I'm not gonna let this thread die!!!!
Lara is my new politifu.
I demand you assholes pay tribute!!!!!
Personally I'm stiff for Tiff
She a qt
>queen of Sup Forums
>not Maria Katasonova
Yes she is....
Quick Sup Forums name one you'd shag, one you'd shoot, one you'd marry. You can only shoot one, marry one, shag one.
You mean king.
Shoot you one in the middle, shag the one on the right, marry the one on the right, I love Lara, but Ivanka is a goddess
> (You)
>but Ivanka is a goddess
But nothing beats fetal alcohol syndrome Tiff. She'd probably give a good blow.
In that order.
I'll allow it.
She's only the 3rd most attractive woman in this photo.
Hey since you're a big fan.
Do you think Eric has mommy issues ? Seems like he does choosing Lareala
I don't get it, why does he have mommy issues?
Who is this sexy transvestite? I thought Mann Coulter was pol's based tranny
My goodness I want to facefuck Tiffany's stupid alcohol fetus syndrome face. good thing those lips are nice and full enough
Flag checks out
Romania is a 3rd world communist shithole. where the fuck do you get off comparing countries?
My God. I mean just wow.
Look at that horrible fucking backswing.
Uuu, maybe because we don't suck mad jew dick 24/7
He looks like a Man
>communist fag
>not jewish
Ooookay. enjoy your shit country and being poor
>Not posting her nudes...
>calls us communists
>has mf Obama as president
>when we literally changed more than 3 govs in few years through people protesting for months on the streets
Gee, i guess your learn politics with a touch of common core or some similar bullshit as well.
Jews were almost completely purged out of comintern in 1940's.
she can't hold a candle to Ivanka trump
>has mf Obama as president
Are you retarded? The stock market is at an all time high. How is obama a crony capitalist in bed with wall street and a communist at the same time? You have no argument.
My mistake, Romania is a glorious shithole. A first world shithole that everyone is dying to come to.
>Are you retarded? The stock market is at an all time high.
Bubble. Once Trump wins they'll pop it as an act of revenge.
I must admit that it's a pretty impressive performance to double the national debt in 8 years.
And gtfo with your wall street jewish bollocks, keep brainwashing yourself with cnn bro
Her face is masculine and chisselled as hell. I'm sure she's the perfect conservative wife but aesthetically - yea not the most feminine.
Ivanka is light years ahead
Sup Forums already has a queen and her name is emily youcis
Ivanka all the way
You are retarded.
It hasn't doubled you idiot. Enjoy your 3rd world cement home.
Faggot eurocucks think they know shit about the economy
>How is obama a crony capitalist in bed with wall street and a communist
Crony capitalism is the slow way of undermining capitalism. Have you ever seen a marxist claim that Marx was right about how capitalism was going to decline? The left is great at systematically eroding society and claiming that it's capitalism's fault.
This is absolutely wrong. First off, I was being sarcastic, the only thing Obama has done that is close to cronyism is letting wall street run free without any bindings. Markets hate instablility above anything else. Hillary will be the stable candidate compared to trump. I would expect the market to increase.
Whether or not it is artificial and you want to debate if it is a bubble is totally subjective. As long as unemployment stays down, wages go up, and major retailers are making profits, the market will climb regardless.
Eric really needs to ditch that haircut. It works for Don jr but makes Eric look like a slimy car car salesman
Why 'they'll'?
This doesn't make any damn sense. I see no Jew features. Only Aryan.
Because that user is saying that "they'll" pop it. I can only assume he is implying Jews are going to destroy the market for trump because thats what i hear on pol
If the markets crash with a trump presidency it would because he is an unpredictable buffoon who has no filter and might say something offhand that could turn the entire economy off balance because the leader of the free world has that power
You're fucking retarded.
good refute fag. I resond to a question and you reply with a dumbass response. Jesus I hate stupid people like you
that's a man
Because she's not Ivanka.
>Because that user is saying that "they'll" pop it. I can only assume he is implying Jews are going to destroy the market for trump because thats what i hear on pol
The market already went down when FBI started investigation again.