Was this the most desperate shark jump in animated history?


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It jumped the shark long before that.
It could have been blood blending, retconing the Avatar mythos with Raava, DARK AVATAR, or anything with Jinora.
This was just pathetic attempt to divert criticism.

>This will always be the image I use when these threads happen


It was dumb but no. Throwing something in literally at the last episode can't be jumping the shark.

That's a series finale user.
It jumped the shark the moment Korra showed up.
Anyway, enjoy the pic

>retconing the Avatar mythos with Raava

Technically it didn't retcon anything. Bending before the nations learned it from the elemental animals was awful, so you can still count bending as being learnt from them. It's like the difference between a pyrotechnic flamethrower squad, and 14 year old stoners chucking matches wrapped in toilet paper.

Besides, the Wan episodes were the best part of season 2, they were absolutely brilliant. Korra's not even the best Avatar in her show because of them.

The word you're looking for is 'lipstick lesbians'. These characters aren't 'queer coded', they aren't flamboyant or resilient (meaning they don't fit in with traditional views of lesbians) and yet making them a couple physically changes their character traits, as they've had no interactions other than outright dislike for the first two seasons, dull fucking up together in season 3, and a letter explaining how awful being crippled is in season 4, as it implies there must have been some prior bonding, or attraction, or any interaction off screen that could spark a romance. They were lesbians made to service a ship so frigid, the Wild Hunt is chucking albinos at it, left right and centre, so that it doesn't cause the apocalypse.

Would it have killed the character writers to actually write a character interaction?

That being said, all ships were shit. Bolin is set for life with Opal, Mako can't do shit except when he can suddenly trounce people with his amazing lightning skills that he uses once a season, and Asami is still attempting a human revolution playthrough with just the taser.

no it was more a "we wasted 3 years on a shitty show no one will remember in a good light, what can we do to make everyone forget about how bad it was"

That's still not jumping the shark. It's simply an attempt at distraction.

The moment Finn met his dad. enough said.