Bojack Season 4 Talkback 3

PB is best boy, yes he is yes he is.


This season really uped the drama and bat shit craziness by eleven in a lot of the episodes.

Like normally I'd get depressed around episode 11 every season, but holy shit there was so much going on.

Lizard dad is best dad

up to eleven I meant, shit

>yfw episode 2

Shut up you dumb piece of shit you can't do anything right

Who dropped the F bomb on Bojack this season? Diane?

>The scratched-out face
Bea has been shown to be incredibly jealous of even the chance that Butterscotch might sleep around (Remember all those snarky remarks in previous flashbacks) only to find out not only did he in fact do so but it was also with the hired help who wants to keep the child and to top it all off, Butterscotch didn't have the stones to deal with it himself; he begged her to clean up the 'mess' he made.

But hey, it turns out his comment about her Diamond mark wasn't complete bullshit like she always thought

Bojack. He said "Fuck you, Mom," in episode 5.

Oh shit

Since when was Bojack's mom suddenly the star of the show?

So... this is filler, the season? Like, god was 11 an amazing episode. In general, 7 and up were pretty good. Everything before was kind of... not good.

Specially episode 1 and 3.

>I won't binge this episode, nope, not this time

>Okay maybe one more

>Yeah that one was weird okay maybe ooone moreokayfuckjustWATCHALLOFIT

Bojack's relationship with his mother has been the driving force of the show since the beginning. Show has made no secret everything wrong with Bojack begins with his inability to deal with how his mother treated him.

The fuck is up with the cuck jokes

>Whoa what a season
>time to go to sleep

There are just so many things I want to have sex with on this show. And so little time to ask for rule 34 drawn of them.

Get better at art and draw them yourself.

Worst season except for episode 11.

Idk man
Episode 2, 6 and 9 hit me pretty hard

>That mallard clown
>Honey Sugarman

I liked this season alot. I was worried they would make Mr.PB like Trump, but thank god the election shit was just a catalyst instead for Diane and PB to get a divorce next season. Also, I don't know why, but I cried at the end of episode 11. That scene reminded me of the ending of Big Fish, the fucking goddamn feels man.

I thought episode 1 was good "fun" episode

Anyone got any high quality screenshots from episode 6 and 12 where there's the artstyle shift?

Those were my favorites, and I can't get good quality shots from netflix pausing.

It was a nonsensical garbage which couldn't keep track neither of previous things shown in the show (Peanut Butter show, pasta saving, and dozen other shenanigans which makes people always ask for autographs and be happy he's around) or the joke it was trying to make itself.

If the episode didn't exist, nothing would have changed whatsoever with the episodes that followed except for three jokes which ultimately went nowhere. Episode 1 is the worse of the bunch of the episodes of this season.

Also, i'm really sad that Judah got fired. He was one of my favorite characters and a real fucking bro.

I am disappointed that was the best conclusion they could come up with for that specific storyline they clearly forgot about, for the shallow "resolution" it was given.

Me too. Judah was too good for this world and it's sad Princess never really appreciated him for all the things he did

I agree. Plus Judah was trying to really protect her, he was too pure. And also, I love Diedrich Bader's voice

I appreciate Diane's NPR ringtones

Todd death for season 5 please.


I just finished the season

>yfw it's never going to be alright

I was worried Mr. PB was gonna turn into the bad guy this season or be shown as some selfish prick. But in the end, he's still a good boy and best friend.

Granted, he still gets easily manipulated. That's still his biggest drawback and his exes all loved abusing that.

>Diane sex noises

It had to set the pace, every first episode is family guy quality to lock your expectations in, because its a fucking cartoon after all.

Are you a masochist?

Whoa another season ends with Diane being a huge bitch, what a surprise!

>tfw you realize cats' paws look like beans
>tfw you realize what PC's special method of keeping time is

Jesus Christ I'm watching it now and I just finished episode 6, and I poke my head into Sup Forums with all the skill of avoiding spoilerage as a guy used to doing this shit...

But I am so far very, very, very pensive about the 11th episode. It's been brought up every fuck where. Quick, without spoilers, what should I expect?

You're gonna be fucked up. But this time it's not Bojack's fault

To cry. Every single E11 so far has been brutal.

This episode was honestly too much for me man. She did not deserve to suffer like this.

So then is Bojack going to Nguyen the Dianebowl after all? How would PB react to this, provided they had seperated first?

That's bullshit and you know it. Every single first episode up to now has been a solid if unremarkable, serving as a proper bridge between seasons and setting up the overrall conflict that is to come.

This first episode did none of that.

Cry for the Devil.


Bojack and his mom have always been a big point in the show. It was never explored up until and I think that was intentional. It made for a great chunk of buildup.

Time's Arrow was hands down the best of the season.

Dude, after episode 11, I want to feel and cry more. This season was fucking fantastic for Bojack.
Fucking feels's been awhile since a show made me cry like this.

A deeply depressing backstory from one of the character's pasts.

Same as he deals with every issue. Mope a little bit then distract himself with something else, then find another abusive wife that sucks all his joy out if him

>episode 11
This show has made me depressed in the past, but I was on the verge of tearing up by the end.
Like fuck man, I hate Bojack's dad so much and I'm glad Bojack didn't tell off his mom even tho she was a cunt to him most of his life.
Even though everything nearly comes together by episode 12, it seems only Bojack & Todd have the better end of the stick while everyone else is miserable.
I was hoping for the series to end this season, but now I wouldn't mind a season or two more before it finishes.

>BoJack tells Beatrice that "her whole family" is beside her telling her everything is going to be okay
>tfw he's actually right about that one

>Every single E11 so far has been brutal.
>I've never really paid attention to episode counts
>Checks to see what all the other E11s have been

Judah was a piece of shit who thought he could make the decisions because he was the assistant of the owner. Well it bit him in the ass and PC was absolutely right to fire his ass because you can't trust someone like that.

I'm not sure I can sit through that episode again, not without the illusion everything turns out alright.

Is Diane the most insufferable cunt of all time?

PC pls go, you're depressed and taking it out on someone who was looking out for you

user pls stop, my heart can't take it

It's ironic the one time Judah showed his emotions and did his best to protect PC, he got bit in the ass for that decision.

I still can't figure out if the creators actually think they are making people feel sympathy for her. I can't even begin to fathom any other purpose in framing her narrative like they do, but they must be aware that "oh woe me, I have everything to be happy but I still can't be, and it's not my fault" isn't really compelling or sensical.

if by appreciate you mean desperate want so do I.

How THE FUCK Hollyhock ended up with Bea's diamond mark on her face if she isn't Bojack's daughter? They put so much thought on details on this season, I doubt this isn't the equivalent of having your parents characteristics for a horse.

Bojack has Bea's diamond mark and Butterscotch's stripped mark on his nose, well, the nose end of it at least.

The one time PC backstabbed a friend/coworker it bit her in the ass.
They'd actually be ok for each other.

I can't watch this. My grandmother has dementia, she's in a nursing home and all she does is lie there all day playing with a doll. I don't need to be reminded of it.

I'm always a sucker for the whole senile character is told a beautiful lie so they don't know how shitty their addle brained existence really is thing, so I was wondering if the conclusion of episode 11 had hit home for anyone else the way it had for me. Good to see it did.

Butterscotch told Bea her diamond reminded him of his mom's.
Just because it's a pickup line doesn't make it automatically a lie

I don't want to sound autistic but I actually can't figure out the last scene between them, am I retarded?

It's with great hope and dreams of self-aware well meaning, intelligent, and wise creators that Diane is actually designed to seem, on the surface, the straightman and the standard woman archetype that's sensible and is liberal, but in actuallity is SUPPOSED to come across as a straight up cunt in personality to discern who actually pays attention to the show and who just goes around listing their favorite characters on Youtube for clicks.

Yolanda is best girl

I really like how in the opening theme song when bojack drinks the coffee it becomes a colorful kaleidoscope. I thought that was a nice detail.

Butterscotch straight up says Beatrice's diamond is just like his own dead mother's. Bea later thinks he was lying about it to charm her, but it turns out he wasn't.

>yfw in ep 2 when the flashback/realtime duet starts up

>Waiting the entire season for that moment of lucidity to tear her a new one
>He's realized it wouldn't change anything by the time it finally rolls around
>Instead he lets the past go and chooses to comfort her one last time
>"You're in Michigan, at the lake house..."

It's a pity it was wasted such a pointless episode. It's like they came up with the idea of the duet first, then the story for the episode second.

Bojacks dad mentioned her mother, hollyhocks grandmother, had the same diamond.

I work at a retirement home, where we also have a memory care unit. I saw one of the residents feeding and taking care of a "baby" like Beatrice was, it got me this an good representation of what happens to people with Dementia? If it is...kill me now, I don't ever want to end up like that.

oh yeah, shit, now thats make sense. I skipped that line, too much going on this season desu, but probably (?) the best season so far. I was looking at Butterscotch white line on his nose and Bojack's thinking "well, wtf?". For a couple of episodes I was sure Hollyhock was PC's daughter for a twist, but the Henrieta twist was so much better.

Damn, that season was brutal. I barely laughed, just felt.

>yfw episode 6 uses a "time travel" plot device similar to season 2's and the presence of it being correct and canon in season 2 lulls you into believing it's also correct in season 6 and not just in someone's head- until it is.

Think of the end of season 3 where Diane goes rigid when her new boss starts asking what she'd do if no matter how nice and supportive her man is, he just doesn't get it and will never get it.
This is her realizing that. She describes her Belle-room and he thinks it means book props and painted smiley faces on the furniture, not a room for a bookworm. He is a big dopey extroverted dog and while he may bring her joy he will remain completely oblivious throughout.
For someone who wants to be appreciated for her depth, this kills her inside.
I'm not saying she's the hero or she's right, just trying to explain the scene.

Nurse here. I do hospice now and I've done dementia care in the past. There is very much a good representation of dementia. It's sad to watch and it's even worse to see it progress.

>when the kino kicks in and you cant deal

Which is the first sign of true growth we have ever seen from bojack in all this time. With a bit of luck, the writers will realize character status quo being god doesn't make sense if you want to keep making seasons.

Well it set up Bojack's mother's past and showed Bojack's first steps to improvement. The trust fall and slowly resorting the house.

She also has the same hair as Henrietta. Beatrice implies that it was all a big lie.

The deepest lore

Episode 11 is a bit dramatic but yeah. It's like you are dreaming but instead of your subconscious picking up that werid thing at lunch you forgot about later its all your younger memories. The whole refering to some random guy as your son thing is basically you sleep walking through life.

No you're not autistic or retarded, user. The writers are. Mister Peanutbutter is nothing but loyal, loving, and supportive of Diane.
>You kissed Bojack? Oh well, these things happen!
>You want to go to Cordovia? Sure thing, love you honey, stay safe!
>You have actually been home this whole time and were lying to me? It's okay, I know you just needed some space!
>You went to a party and took a bunch of drugs? Well I hope you had fun!
>You said you wanted a ballroom? Well here's a room full of balls!
>This isn't the kind of ballroom you wanted? I'm sorry, I was just trying to surprise you!
>You want to take on a big celebrity and their sexual harassment allegations? I'll support you and defend you!
>You're pregnant and want an abortion? Alright, that works for me!
>You wanted a room like Belle from Beauty and the Beast? Well I made you a room just like it while we were away!
And how does Diane repay him? She gets mad at him for having different political opinions and writes smear articles on him. She gets mad at him for doing nice things for her. She doesn't support him or his ideas. She constantly bemoans how loyal he is and how loving he is towards her and lusts after an abusive shitty broken asshole like Bojack.
She has no redeeming qualities, she is a terrible person and one of the worst characters in any piece of media.
She has a loving, rich husband that would go to the ends of the earth for her, she has had multiple jobs that all are exactly what she wants to do, she has a great house, she lives in the lap of luxury - and she hates it all. She's just a piece of shit. With how "progressive" this show is I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that Diane is genuinely an autist.

Which one of you was this?

I don't think Diane was pissed the books were fake. I don't think she even realized they weren't real books at the short glance we saw her have before throwing her fit. She's pissed PB did it at all, not that he did it wrong.

>Leaning tower picture is crooked

So? It's a recessive gene. Its how bojack got his fur color.

Dementia isn't loud and dramatic. Dementia is quiet and sad, weak and frail, scared and alone. Beatrice is a pretty good representation of dementia. It is one of the most cruel diseases in existence.

It's a tough scene but I can understand Diane. Just because you fantasized about something as a child, doesn't mean you truly want it. Even if, maybe the sole idea itself was just what made it so fascinating.
Kinda like I always thought about what life wouls be like if I just gave everything up and became like a sheep herder. It's a nice little happy place for yourself but if I had a billionaire friend who bought me a sheep farm because I shared this thought with him and he thought that's what I truly want it would also freak me out. It would be too much, I would lose my fantasy and instead if becoming my own little escape it would be a huge burden.

I dunno that's my take on it anyway, but I can understand with Diane

Jesus, she's still a cunt even in this state.

is that bar tender just Diane's model with a different hair style?

The way Bojack treated his mother this whole season made it all much more tragic. What a trainwreck of sad emotions.

The writer probably has too much family issues, man.

When she called Bojack "a waste of my husband's jism", the answer was right in front of us

>Well it set up Bojack's mother's past
Episode 11 does it much better even in a vaccum and there's actual advancement

>showed Bojack's first steps to improvement
What first step? Bojack rebuilt the house as a way to ignore his life back in California, and he didn't even do it purposefully, his neighbor was the one who actually got it started; and then proceed to destroy it all because reasons.

There was literally nothing in that episode which is relevant to the overall story, and nothing which advances aanything.

>Beatrice implies that it was all a big lie.
Beatrice believed it to be a lie, which doesn't mean it's actually a lie. We won't know until we get to see Hollyhock's paternal grandmother

And the worse part is the show doesn't seem to want to call a spade a spade and point out she's a massive ungrateful cunt who has provide nothing to the relationship.