I am fucking sick and tired of all the hate TLJ gets here. The film while not perfect was still excellent.I liked the overall theme, I liked the cinematography, and I liked the fact that Luke didn't return to being a Jedi by flipping out and killing 50 dudes with a lightsaber, but rather using the Force for defense: buying time for his comrades to escape. I loved the character arcs, especialy Kylo's and Rey's. I loved Luke taking a page out of Yoda's book in being a bit of a trickster during training, and I liked the explanation of why his Jedi academy failed. The revelation of Rey's parentage was exactly what I hoped for, not every main force user character needs to be from the same bloodline. Oh, and the effects were nice. Snoke's end both started and delighted me, because it's the first time we've seen an apprentice surpass the master on the silver screen.
I didn't like everything, though. Canto Bight could have been great, but Rose's actor was weak and one of her lines ("There's only one way to get this rich:") really rubbed me the wrong way. It made it sound like they were evil BECAUSE they were rich, instead of just evil AND rich. It would have been like if Ben had said "Mos Eisley, a wretched hive of the scum and poverty of the lower classes." I also think it missed a lot of Holdo beats. She should have been Leia's civilian advisor, explaining her dress and Poe's lack of willingness t o trust her. And with the theme of the film being failure, her own inability to stabilize the situation with Poe (leading up to the mutiny) should have been highlighted during her conversation with Leia. It could even serve as her reason for staying behind: she wanted to allu-ackbar the Raddus from the get-go. Also, I would have liked a throwaway line to explain why hyperspace ramming isn't the norm.
Overall, I liked Awakens more, but it's still pretty good. It's above the PT, not as good as the OT for me (whereas Awakens was on par with Return of the Jedi).
Oliver Cook
The Last Jedi was shit and you should feel shit for having such a shit opinion, shithead.
Cameron Long
Mice get iced.
Owen Reed
Star Wars was never good
I don't need to see TLJ to know it must be shit
Hunter Roberts
What a compelling argument faggot. I agree TLJ was fucking kino Star Wars. The only people who disliked it or Legends Luke fanboys and Theoryfags.
Henry Baker
The Last Jedi is the first Star Wars feature since Empire to feel like a genuinely great, classic in the making, game-changing film in addition to being a great continuation of the mythos, and the fact that fans have had so much to argue about in the details of that is proof not only of its artistic success and but just how brave Rian Johnson was to take the risks he took. It’s a bold film that dared not only to be political and of the moment within the universal pop-mythos, but to actively interrogate, challenge, and recontextualize the very foundations of that mythos. And as a result, Star Wars feels like it has more chance for change, growth, and genuinely culture endurance since at any point since the prequels.
Do not compare Lucas to Rian's subversion fest. If Lucas subverts your expectation you get something in return. People didn't think Yoda could fight. Lucas subverts it with a bad ass fight scene. In the Clone Wars people expected the Clones to be evil and what the republic fought against. Lucas subverts it by having the Clones fight alongside the Jedi against a droid army. When Rian subverts your expectations you get nothing in return. You thought Poe and his squadron would get a bad ass fight scene against Kylo and the FO. Nope you get a shitty chase instead. You think Luke is gonna teach Rey. Nope she doesn't need any teaching she can already do everything. You think Snoke is going to get a backstory. Nope he dies a mystery. You think Luke is gonna get a cool fanservice seen. Lol think again if was a hologram. Rian tried to one up Lucas and failed completely at every turn.
Ian Ortiz
Noah Brown
>I loved the character arcs, especialy Kylo's and Rey's Those were not character arcs. Kylo ends exactly the same as he started. Rey ends exactly the same as she started. >it's the first time we've seen an apprentice surpass the master on the silver screen You're forgetting Darth Vader, also the fact that Rey surpasses Luke with raw strength that scares him >I liked the explanation of why his Jedi academy failed What explanation? That Luke tried to commit premeditated murder and that made Kylo commit mass murder? >Awakens was on par with Return of the Jedi No comment
Thomas Cooper
I think you know TLJ was garbage. You're just in too much in shock to admit because if you did your heart would break.
It's okay, this is Sup Forums, this is a safe place.
Nathaniel Roberts
You are too intelligent for this board, the average level of discussion is 'hurr forced diversity huurr', if you actually consider a film on its visual and storytelling merits and form your own opinion you are in the minority
I'd agree that I really liked how they did Luke, subverting everyone's expectations of him being the ultimate badass master, and I think it was a perfect end to his story. The Snoke throne room fight was also sick
I'd disagree about your criticism of Canto Bight, while I agree the line you mentioned was a bit awkward, it and the whole sequence was essential for the whole film's overall message