It's up
It's up
Matthew Long
Ethan Carter
Not giving you clickbucks, gimme a quick rundown
Samuel Gray
He cant keep getting away with this
Matthew Wood
>Paul Joseph Watson
Tyler Robinson
the definition of the alt-right virgin
Aiden Adams
The left can't meme
Michael Russell
>watching some retard tier youtube videos about stupid memes
>seeing ads
>phone poster
all falls into place doesn't it
Nolan Bell
>Impersonating a black tripfag
Leo Morales
So he's just admitting at this point that he has Sup Forums do all his homework, meme images, and research for him, right? Literally all this shit is ripped from Sup Forums threads.
Jack Miller
He literally looks like the definitive soyboy on the fucking OP's screenshot, is that some sort of postmodern satire?