Is this worth watching?

Is this worth watching?

It drags forever, so no, if it was shorter it wouldn't be bad

Don't watch the directors cut. This is one of those movies where the studio needed to come in and make cuts

It didn't need to be that long. Sometimes less really is more

its good but Sup Forums hates it

I liked it a lot but I'm not sure if I'd enjoy it as much sober
Not as good as Irreversible

Yeah definetly. It's better tripping of course or even DUDE.
But it's well made enough that you will probably enjoy it without.

Yes, it's a very interesting movie in the way it's shot and it's visually amazing. Be prepared to sit down for a while though, as it's long and pretty slow at times.
From what I've read on Sup Forums most people hate it though, and many seem to think the movie is about drugs and completely misses the actual plot.

brilliant movie, very unique in atmosphere and imagery, but i wouldn't watch it sober

>>Be me
>>College student, 2nd year
>>Have made a small group of friends
>>The token Mexican
>>The guy with cerebral palsy
>>The stoner

>>Cerebral Palsy suggests we watch this, so we all get drunk and turn it on in the dorms
>>Slowly, the Mexican and stoner begin getting frustrated with one another
>>Start fucking with eachother like apes poking one another and laughing
>>Get tot he scene with the family car crash
>>Cerebral palsy and myself are super-invested

>>A fight breaks out between Stoner and Mexican, but I'm so focused in that I only see it out of the corner of my eye and barely register it
>>Cerebral palsy tries to break it up, spills booze everywhere
>>I'm still super-invested and ignoring it

>>Stoner leaves with a black eye and Mexican goes into his room. I finally register what happened and clean up the place a little, then leave with the movie still on.
>>Go to sleep wondering if the stuff in the movie actually happened to me or if the stuff that was happening around me during the movie was part of the movie.


Great movie, sober or not. Truly unique.