Black Panther's tremendous success will make Hollywood double down on social justice in cinema

>Black Panther's tremendous success will make Hollywood double down on social justice in cinema

we're fucked.

I feel like Black Panther could've been mildly successful yet forgettable on its own if Disney and the marketing team hadn't shoved all this social justice warrior stuff into it before the movie's release.

you're right frogposter, history won't remember you. see ya

>There will be non-white in my movies despite my country by a 56% muttland REEEEEEEE
Grow up, manchild.

>half the threads on BP on Sup Forums are about Sup Forumstards complaining about the movie's success

I literally don't see the dichotomy between you and your so called enemies (aka leftists) anymore. You're all the same.

You both complain about the 'other,' you both disbelieve facts when it doesn't suit your goals/purposes, you both wallow in hatred against others and yourselves, you both don't recognize reality, et cetera.

In another thread, a Sup Forumstard was literally denying that BP was successful and that 'NO ONE WAS TALKING ABOUT IT,' despite it being sold out in a variety of theaters. An user made a thread the other day, complaining about how he can't even go see BP without the place being crowded.

I mean, come on lol. You're reaching levels of delusion that's unparalleled.

I too base my politics on children movies user, and then tell others to grow up.

>social justice controversies drive away moviegoers, which is why Star Wars will fail
>movies steeped in social justice controversy can shatter records and outperform all box office expectations
Pick one, Sup Forums.

all of them will fail though, only Disney have the financial power to pull propaganda off

>You're all the same
t. le radical centerist

continue being a corporatist bootlicker

And that's a good thing!