When did you realise that money is literally the only thing worth having in this world, and that all quantifiable levels of happiness and power can be traced directly to it?

Reading, physically training, creative expression are all wasted time and resources in comparison to the pursuit of money. You'd sacrifice them all for 10x your current savings, and you know it.

You can't play the game if you don't know the rules.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Jews control the West
>'Golly gee, I wonder how they managed to do that!'

Because you were asleep at the wheel caring about art and sports and dumb shit like that, they got to the point.

If money is really the source of happiness as you say, then why do so many millionaires and billionaires suffer from depression?

I would argue that health is literally the only thing worth having.

You can be rich and dead at the same time, what would your wealth be worth then?

Would you rather be a depressed billionaire who can afford round-the-clock treatment, or poor but happy all the time?

Literally every person I know who is extremely wealthy is either depressed, alcoholic, or both. As a lawyer, most of my clients are fairly well off, and they're some of the unhappiest people in the world.


Key word there, is happy.

10x zero is still zero

Money is a tool, and so is OP.

>try to buy happiness

>it eventually goes away

>try again

> have to turn to degenerate summy things for the same feelings

>now you're fucking and killing children

is this what you want, user?!

Trump is going to get America back on the Gold Standard.

yes, actually it is


>be me
>literally never work
>live off dividends of plebs

i can't decide anons, should i come how to make cast iron salmon after the gym or go to the sushi bar, ill probably come home since ill be all sweaty. I take like 4 showers a day, basically after every time i shit. why not right?

You sound like anime

I have plenty of money but I spend it on reading, training, and creative expression because money in itself is not an end. It is a means.

Money puts life into easy mode, I grant you that.

Thanks Mr Shekelberg.

Poor happy

money can't fix your autism though

Power comes from the barrel of a gun.

Poor people aren't happy. I'm poor

>10x your current savings, and you know it.

So, 200 bucks. Doesn't sound like much.

Not money. Control of resources is the real gold pill. Money is just a medium that communicates the real power.

The problem is that nowadays wealth and power are not allocated to the objectively best and strongest individuals, as it happened in the distant evolutionary past or not so distant warrior-leader tribal societies.

You have recessive inheritors, underhanded manipulators or just scum fortunate enough to be born in a privileged country/society where they earn far more than they actually deserve (this is a lengthy discussion far outside of the scope of this board).

Parasitic "careers" and "professions", "lobbysts", bankers, brokers, "social" "sciences" and other non-productive life forms will meet their end in the future, for a multitude of reasons.

However, there is a cut-off point for money - power or money - hapiness correlation. Once tycoons run into deep state, underground/mafia; their wealth means nothing. Likewise, degenerate and inferior people who have never received quality and proper upbringing will never be truly happy and live a fulfilled existence.

>double dubs
>absolute truth

Because, after fulfilling their desire for money, they finally realise how pointless and empty the world truly is. Everyone else is too busy achieving to discover this reality.

But when they do, oh they fail hard. Or find religion.

You're close to the point. Existence is the only thing worth having. Although that itself has proven to be less preferable without being qualified by health/wealth/whatever.

Honestly I won't mind the adventure. It will be worth it in the end.

No. WEALTH and POWER. And it's even more meaningless if you can't pass it on successfully to your offspring, and train your offspring to pass it on to their offspring, etc...

However immortality is coming soon and that'll take precedence.





Yeah the only problem is that being fit, socializing and developing skills are all under our control, you can't simply decide to get rich and you get it, its not a choice, and anyone who believes this is either a bullshit spreader motivational speaker or a delusional idiot giving them money.