At one point, he said he wondered if his getting hired as a writer on 30 Rock had anything to do with race. Tina Fey...

>At one point, he said he wondered if his getting hired as a writer on 30 Rock had anything to do with race. Tina Fey, the creator and star of 30 Rock, said that while Glover’s talent impressed her, she hired him largely because funds from NBC’s Diversity Initiative “made him free.”

Wow Chevy I understand but he's throwing Tina under the bus now?

Other urls found in this thread:

Donald Glover acts like he's falling asleep in everything he does now.

isn't that what they were asking for?

By racist insults from Chevy Chase on set, he means racist insults from Chase's character, right?

Tina did nothing wrong.

>spending money from a "Diversity Initiative" wallet to hire blacks is now itself racist
I mean it kind of is but isn't this the snake eating it's tail? Are liberals turning into ouroboros?

based Tina
But in reality she was probably just joking around, that's her job. And the interview with Glover probably wasn't accusatory in nature anyway and this is just clickbait.

>Want more diversity in workplace
>Don't want to be hired to fill a quota

He wants you to "gibmedats" but he also wants to be told that he earned what he was given.

You can never give them enough, giving them enough to feed themselves is already giving them far too much.

>Chevy Chase, one of Glover’s co-stars, often tried to disrupt his scenes and made racial cracks between takes. (“People think you’re funnier because you’re black.”) Harmon said, “Chevy was the first to realize how immensely gifted Donald was, and the way he expressed his jealousy was to try to throw Donald off. I remember apologizing to Donald after a particularly rough night of Chevy’s non-P.C. verbiage, and Donald said, ‘I don’t even worry about it.’ ” Glover told me, “I just saw Chevy as fighting time—a true artist has to be O.K. with his reign being over. I can’t help him if he’s thrashing in the water. But I know there’s a human in there somewhere—he’s almost too human.” (Chase said, “I am saddened to hear that Donald perceived me in that light.”)

I'm not aware if he personally complained about lack of diversity in the past or what not. But not all blacks are double digit iq, some of them are outliers that have enough self awareness to realize how condescending and patronizing things like affirmative action, forced diversity quotas and black history month really are.

>his reign being over
What did Dong Lover mean by this?

haha epic case of can't handle the bantz

>get hired
>find out it's partly because of affirmative action
>assert that you're a good writer

So basically we should give minorities all the jobs and them tell them how fantastic they are without any effort.

>Donald Glover acts like he's falling asleep in everything he does now.

You can tell if he's being serious or not by how sleepy he looks.

Comedy Donald Glover is wide eyed and awake.

Super serious Donald Glover looks like he just woke up from a nap.

Yes, they want special treatment, but they don't want you to acknowledge it because then the whole "white privilege" narrative falls flat

well white guys have had the privilege for years

Tina, one of the only funny women in the world.
Blasting her ass off stage just gives people more reason to believe that womyn aren't funny.

Man I miss goofy ass Derrick Comedy and Community era Donald, he’s kinda up his own ass now even though I liked Atlanta

>it's my turn whitey?
That's not how equal rights work, I haven't personally lynched anyone. Nor have most people for 100 years.

It wasn't exactly a secret, they even did an episode based on this when it was revealed Twofer was hired for the same reason.

He's not throwing Tina under the bus, he's being honest about it, just like Tina was being honest with him.

>hey, guys, i'm donald glover. pay attention to me lol racism

>spends the better part of 4 years calling him a nigger basically every day during shooting
>“I am saddened to hear that Donald perceived me in that light.”

forced reinventions are the worst


No, this is what SJWs were asking for. Black people with self-respect, like white people, want to be recognised for actual talent. Not just patronisingly given credits for the sake of "diversity".
>inb4 random twitter screencap from a literal who that somehow represents the entire black community

Based, very mature from Donald

>I haven't personally lynched anyone

How's your soy diet?

Atlanta was based, so I assume he is actually a pretty good writer

Jesus, that quote from Glover is painfully accurate lmao. Chase fucking despised Community yet stayed on because it was his only way to star in something where people would see him. And that pussy ass “W-Well it makes me sad Donald thinks of me that way” at the end lmao

Watch the Chevy Chase Roast if you want to see something truly pathetic

truly /ourguy/

That's just Chevy being Chevy. You don't bring an alligator to tea party and ot expect some spilled sugar.

How is this him throwing Tina Fey under the bus? If anything it sounds like he’s saying race got him in the door but stuff like Atlanta has been on merit

Chevy has been a shithead for forty years. It's part of the charm, knowing he's a complete dickhole to every other human being off set. Like Michael Richards.

>I haven't personally lynched anyone.
The absolute state of white ppl defending their position of privilege

can't handle the bant

Why don't blacks act more like whites, stop shooting up your communities and blaming it on some non specific white privilege. People will take you seriously then.

As usual none of you fucktard bother to read the article. Glover never complains about Tina Fey, he just acknowledge that he never would have gotten the opportunity to write for 30 rock, if not for affirmative action. She opened the doors for him.
Same thing about Chevy, he didn't give a singe fuck about him due to him being an asshole to everyone on set. He aslo thought that he was an old man jealous and past his prime so who cares ?

The article is long but quite interesting. Glover comes off as extremly cynical towards the industry and how it functions.

This is a Sup Forums bait thread, so the nig is always wrong


Ironically enough it’s probably for the exact same reason as people bitching in this thread

He’s probably tired of being actually good at shit but having pretentious Hollywood types imply all his success is because he’s black

i wish i could buy a free negro

it fits in with my previous dislike of donald memer though, that he thinks he's a multitalented genius that everyone must be jealous of

Fun fact: people aren't a hivemind, so while some might think diversity hires are good, others might see it as racist

>Be an asshole
>Everyone hates you
>Ughh I am not the problem, it's them! they just can't handle the bantz

>unable to handle banter
>better call him an asshole and pretend everyone hates him

Everyone does hate Chevy Chase though
Everyone’s hated him for decades

Literally all stoners are like this.


He didn’t call him an asshole, if anything Chevy can’t handle the bantz
>make a shit tier joke
>say something about it
>later someone comes to you and apologizes on Chevy’s behalf
>tell them it’s fine and it’s just Chevy being upset of being past his prime
If anything Chevy couldn’t handle the bantz to give a pussy retort that he’s sad Donald sees him that way

people that get him like him a lot. stand up comedians that aren't babbies and can handle shit stirring.

He's just like, too deep for you, man.

>in the past
Pretty sure he did.

he recently had a road rage incident where he attacked some guy

How old are you? Pretty much everyone Chevy has ever worked with hates him.
You need to go watch his Comedy Central roast, it’s literally proof of this. It’s all youngfags he barely knew roasting him because he literally had no friends or even anyone who remotely liked him enough to come roast him. It’s one of the saddest things I’ve ever watched.

Well, at least it's just one thread at a time about him.

>Be in work place
>Be an asshole to people
>Ughhh they are just babbies, they are the problem, not me
This is the logic all assholes use, because they refuse to look at their own behaviour and instead shift the blame to everyone else.

It is the same as the bully who tries to justify things with "it was just a joke, pfft can't you take a joke?"

Sounded like they were jealous of him being a charismatic asshole born into wealth and he was funny

Don't lump me in with that narcissistic nigger you fucking teenbro

So, is Tina /ourgal/?

Cute that Donald Glover thinks he'll be more successful than Chevy Chase, already writing his obituary.

How is Atlanta? I haven't watched it but it looks pretty decent.

>Act like an asshole
>Everyone hates you
>Ughh it can't be me, the problem is them, they are just jealous

Hey, Chevy.

kino show

he's not bussing tables at olive garden he's a comedian

Is this the actual Chevy Chase I’m talking to? That’s quite a bit of mental gymnastics to shill him this hard

>she hired him largely because funds from NBC’s Diversity Initiative “made him free.”

This is obviously Tina Fey joking and Glover is scum for fucking her over on this. She made him.

>clean yo goddam crib manigga

This. Chevy is a notorious dick.

That New Yorker article made it seem like Glover has been going to the Jaden Smith school of philosophy.

It's good

>He's a comedian that means he is allowed to be a cunt to his co-workers
You sound like an asshole who is trying to justify your behaviour by normalising it, and using other peoples behaviour as justification for your own.

>Blacks demand affirmative action to make industry more 'diverse'
>Complain when they find out they were just diversity hires

>Why don't blacks act more like whites
Sure, thing. Which country should we colonize and subjugate next. Then after hundreds of years of occupation we'll "give" them back their freedom and laugh at how poor their economy's are relative to ours.

We all do

Fuck off you racist piece of shit. You should be locked away for lynching black people.

get aload of this soypost

nigger kino

Oh look. A melennial self hating white person.

>stating a fact is fucking her over
It’s not like he said “Fuck Tina Fey that racist bitch only hired me because I’m black”

Is there a more Reddit nigger than Donald Glover?

Ignoring the facts of how whites have invested millions for rejuvenation efforts in black communities that never does a damn thing because they would rather maintain some thug lifestyle.

>I'll just use the latest buzzword that'll show them
It's sad that this is the level of intelligence on Sup Forums these days.

as a stoner i kind of agree desu

remember when he used to say nigger faggot?

He's right though. Him being black makes him funnier. In fact if he wasn't black he wouldn't have been cast at all.

Look I hate niggers too but you’re really reaching if you think he’s throwing anyone under the bus
Of course this thread will get 300 posts full of strawmen about how he’s complaining about whitey regardless

Meanwhile in reality, the poorest counties Africa are the ones that were colonized least.

Thought this was Raimiposting for a second.

shit they wish they were colonized for hundreds of years

This reply oozes with sodium.

Every sufficiently advanced society has sought to conquer others. The only mistake europeans ever made was apologizing for it

The Rock

big nigger dicks desu

Found the nigger

Every society have sought to conquer others, be they advanced or not. Both Africans and Americans were already warring tribes before any white man made contact.

I wonder why a new york woman would see a guy saying stuff like "love is a trip, fucking is a sport, are there asian girls here minority report?" and not take him completely seriously? He needs to get real.

>Realize how immensely gifted Donald was

Who keeps writing this in every quote? Is it Donald?

Donald is owned by the Mouse™ now. Any clickbait article will worship the ground we walks on.