

kys capeshitter

Literally fake news
The only person who can do it (as far girls go) is bigelow

I didn't drop out after Suicide Squad or Wonder Woman, but Justice League was the final nail.
Fuck WB.
I'm done with the DCEU.

YES SO MUCH YES. She should direct, write and be cast as Batgirl.

>Should Lena Direct Batgirl?

I sure hope so. Lena is a class act

What the hell? I guess cyborg and gl are dead.

The only choice for this film is Refn.

This. Looking back I don't know what I was thinking. I still like MoS and BvS, but WW was weak and SS and JL are actually unbelievably horrible. Like I genuinely don't know how such incompetent films can even get made on that kind of budget.