ITT: TV-shows everyone was excited about

But people got bored of it after 2 episodes, when they realized it was a fraud.

Holy fucking shit Fuller is a hack. Is there a single good series he hasn't ruined?
Literally "meaingless pretty pictures and leftist ideology: the series"

>got bored of it after 2 episodes
Speak for yourself, Iʻm patiently waiting for S2

People on Sup Forums don't actually count as real people when it comes to these sorts of things.

Me too. The only people that dropped it are the ones too dumb to have enjoyed the book and were expecting a Thor type series of battling gods. A capeshitter made this thread btw

He's TV poison

I lasted until the Muslim gay bareback anal sex scene, what were they thinking?

People on Sup Forums don't count as real people when it comes to anything

I also enjoyed the whole season. I am really sad that Anderson won't be back for S2. She was amazing as Media.

I expected the opposite (gods living quiet lives in modern America). I just didn't like how pretentious it all felt. It's 90% style over substance and the story moves at a glacial pace. Then again I have a hate boner for Fuller so maybe I just wasn't destined to enjoy it.